wannabe ros2 command replacer
#### robot operations command - roc
[SUPER EARLY STAGE] at the moment it calls ros2 commands externally, but the goal is to have a single binary that can be used to replace the ros2 command line tool.
## Usage
## Installation
cargo install rocc
## Features
- [ ] usual ros2 commands
- [ ] workspace creation and build commands
- [ ] coordinate frame commands
- [ ] bridge commands (foxglove & rosbridge)
- [ ] ros bag utilities
- [ ] daemon tools
## Commands
Usage: roc
Monotor Commands:
action [a] Various action subcommands
topic [t] Various topic subcommands
service [s] Various service subcommands
param [p] Various param subcommands
node [n] Various node subcommands
interface [i] Various interface subcommands
frame [f] Various transforms subcommands [WIP]
Workspace Commands:
run [r] Run an executable
launch [l] Launch a launch file
work [w] Various workspace subcommands
Utilities Commands:
bag [b] Various rosbag subcommands
daemon [d] Deamon and bridge subcommands [WIP]
middleware [m] Various middleware subcommands [WIP]
## Why?
Why not? Rust is fun and I wanted to learn more how to interact with the ros2 api.
## Roadmap
- [ ] make every command call the ros2 api directly
- [ ] use https://github.com/ros2-rust/ros2_rust as a library
- [ ] add more commands (e.g. ros2 doctor)
- [ ] add more tests