# ROCK, PAPER, SCISSOR This is a simple game on terminal made with Rust. ## INSTALL To install this on your computer, You will need Rust installed in your computer. Then you can build with `cargo build release`. Then go to `./target/release` and add this to you PATH. Now you can use `rock-paper-scissor` commande on you terminal. Have fun an enjoy ;) ## CONTRIBUTE Fork the repository and make your change. Satisfy ? Create a PR, I'll review you code an merge it as good as well. ## GLOBALIZATION To add new language, there is a few step to do: - Go to `src/lang/` and create the json file translation. - Try to copy the structure of the existing translation file. - Open `src/models/lang.rs` and add inside the enum `AvalaibleLang` the key code for the new language, it must unique and for the convention, it should be in uppercase. - Then, go to the implementation for the `Lang` struct, in the `new` function you must provide the json file. - Finaly, insert to the `main` the ability to choose this language. **Note**: - For adding new text in translation file, the key must be in english format and uppercase. - After that, you must insert into `Lang` struct the key with `String` type for the value. ## SCREENSHOTS ![Screen one 'FR'](./assets/img_1.png "'FR' Screem one of the Game") ![Screen two 'FR'](./assets/img_2.png "'FR' Screem two of the Game") ![Screen three 'MG'](./assets/img_3.png "'MG' Screem three of the Game") ![Screen four 'MG'](./assets/img_4.png "'MG' Screem four of the Game") ## CONTRIBUTORS - [Chrys Rakotonimanana](https://github.com/chrys-elrak) *Copyright 2022 - Chrys Rakotonimanana*