Multipart Form Data for Rocket Framework ==================== [![CI](]( This crate provides a multipart parser for the Rocket framework. ## Example ```rust #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; use rocket::Data; use rocket::http::ContentType; use rocket_multipart_form_data::{mime, MultipartFormDataOptions, MultipartFormData, MultipartFormDataField, Repetition}; #[post("/", data = "")] async fn index(content_type: &ContentType, data: Data<'_>) -> &'static str { let mut options = MultipartFormDataOptions::with_multipart_form_data_fields( vec! [ MultipartFormDataField::file("photo").content_type_by_string(Some(mime::IMAGE_STAR)).unwrap(), MultipartFormDataField::raw("fingerprint").size_limit(4096), MultipartFormDataField::text("name"), MultipartFormDataField::text("email").repetition(Repetition::fixed(3)), MultipartFormDataField::text("email"), ] ); let mut multipart_form_data = MultipartFormData::parse(content_type, data, options).await.unwrap(); let photo = multipart_form_data.files.get("photo"); // Use the get method to preserve file fields from moving out of the MultipartFormData instance in order to delete them automatically when the MultipartFormData instance is being dropped let fingerprint = multipart_form_data.raw.remove("fingerprint"); // Use the remove method to move raw fields out of the MultipartFormData instance (recommended) let name = multipart_form_data.texts.remove("name"); // Use the remove method to move text fields out of the MultipartFormData instance (recommended) let email = multipart_form_data.texts.remove("email"); if let Some(file_fields) = photo { let file_field = &file_fields[0]; // Because we only put one "photo" field to the allowed_fields, the max length of this file_fields is 1. let _content_type = &file_field.content_type; let _file_name = &file_field.file_name; let _path = &file_field.path; // You can now deal with the uploaded file. } if let Some(mut raw_fields) = fingerprint { let raw_field = raw_fields.remove(0); // Because we only put one "fingerprint" field to the allowed_fields, the max length of this raw_fields is 1. let _content_type = raw_field.content_type; let _file_name = raw_field.file_name; let _raw = raw_field.raw; // You can now deal with the raw data. } if let Some(mut text_fields) = name { let text_field = text_fields.remove(0); // Because we only put one "text" field to the allowed_fields, the max length of this text_fields is 1. let _content_type = text_field.content_type; let _file_name = text_field.file_name; let _text = text_field.text; // You can now deal with the text data. } if let Some(text_fields) = email { for text_field in text_fields { // We put "email" field to the allowed_fields for two times and let the first time repeat for 3 times, so the max length of this text_fields is 4. let _content_type = text_field.content_type; let _file_name = text_field.file_name; let _text = text_field.text; // You can now deal with the text data. } } "ok" } ``` Also see `examples`. ## ## Documentation ## License [MIT](LICENSE)