IS_TARPAULIN:=$(shell cargo list | grep tarpaulin) IS_CI:=$(CI) IS_SCCACHE:="" .DEFAULT_GOAL := help help: ## Show available options with this Makefile @grep -F -h "##" $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | grep -v grep | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":.*?##" }; { printf "%-18s %s\n", $$1,$$2 }' .PHONY: install_sccache install_sccache: ## Check if sccache is installed, else install it. ifdef IS_CI @IS_SCCACHE=$(shell ls $(CI_PROJECT_DIR)/.cargo/bin/ | grep sccache) else @IS_SCCACHE=$(shell sh -c 'type -P sccache') endif ifndef IS_SCCACHE @echo "*********** Installing sccache since its not found in the path ***********" @cargo install sccache else @echo "*********** Found sccache in the path. Expect faster builds/tests ***********" endif .PHONY: install_tarpaulin install_tarpaulin: ## Check if tarpaulin is installed, else install it. ifndef IS_TARPAULIN @echo "*************** Installing tarpaulin as its not found in the path ***********" @RUSTFLAGS="--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt" cargo +nightly install cargo-tarpaulin ; endif .PHONY : test-cover test-cover: install_tarpaulin install_sccache ## Run all the tests with coverage ifdef IS_CI @echo "*********** Running coverage command on CI ***********" @RUSTC_WRAPPER=$(CI_PROJECT_DIR)/.cargo/bin/sccache cargo +nightly tarpaulin --root $(CI_PROJECT_DIR) --exclude-files *.cargo/** --verbose else @echo "*********** This is Local server. Running coverage now ***********" @RUSTC_WRAPPER=$(HOME)/.cargo/bin/sccache cargo +nightly tarpaulin --verbose endif .PHONY : test test: install_sccache ## Run all the tests ifdef IS_CI @echo "*********** This is CI server. Running tests now ***********" @RUSTC_WRAPPER=$(CI_PROJECT_DIR)/.cargo/bin/sccache cargo test --all -- --nocapture else @echo "*********** This is Local Machine. Running tests now ***********" @RUSTC_WRAPPER=$(HOME)/.cargo/bin/sccache cargo test --all -- --nocapture endif clean: ## Clean the application @cargo clean .PHONY : build_release build_release: clean test install_sccache ## Create a release build RUSTC_WRAPPER=$(HOME)/.cargo/bin/sccache RUSTFLAGS='-C link-args=-s' cargo build --release --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl .PHONY : lint lint: ## Run tests, fmt and clippy on this cargo test --all && touch src/ && cargo clippy --all && cargo fmt --all -- --check .PHONY : docs docs: ## Generate the docs for this project. Docs are located in target/doc/test_rs @cargo doc --no-deps .PHONY : docs-open docs-open: docs ## Generate docs and open with xdg-open @xdg-open target/doc/rocketchat_client_rs/index.html