#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ROCm_SMI_LIB CLI Tool This tool acts as a command line interface for manipulating and monitoring the amdgpu kernel, and is intended to replace and deprecate the existing rocm_smi.py CLI tool. It uses Ctypes to call the rocm_smi_lib API. Recommended: At least one AMD GPU with ROCm driver installed Required: ROCm SMI library installed (librocm_smi64) """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse import json import logging import os import sys import subprocess import _thread import time import multiprocessing import trace from io import StringIO from time import ctime from subprocess import check_output from rsmiBindings import * # rocmSmiLib_cli version. Increment this as needed. # Major version - Increment when backwards-compatibility breaks # Minor version - Increment when adding a new feature, set to 0 when major is incremented # Patch version - Increment when adding a fix, set to 0 when minor is incremented SMI_MAJ = 1 SMI_MIN = 4 SMI_PAT = 1 __version__ = '%s.%s.%s' % (SMI_MAJ, SMI_MIN, SMI_PAT) # Set to 1 if an error occurs RETCODE = 0 # If we want JSON format output instead PRINT_JSON = False JSON_DATA = {} # Version of the JSON output used to save clocks CLOCK_JSON_VERSION = 1 headerString = ' ROCm System Management Interface ' footerString = ' End of ROCm SMI Log ' # Output formatting appWidth = 84 deviceList = [] # Enable or disable serialized format OUTPUT_SERIALIZATION = False # These are the valid clock types that can be returned/modified: # TODO: "clk_type_names" from rsmiBindings.py should fetch valid clocks from # the same location as rocm_smi_device.cc instead of hardcoding the values validClockNames = clk_type_names[1:-2] # The purpose of the [1:-2] here ^^^^ is to remove the duplicate elements at the # beginning and end of the clk_type_names list (specifically sclk and mclk) # Also the "invalid" clock in the list is removed since it isn't a valid clock type validClockNames.append('pcie') validClockNames.sort() def driverInitialized(): """ Returns true if amdgpu is found in the list of initialized modules """ driverInitialized = '' try: driverInitialized = str(subprocess.check_output("cat /sys/module/amdgpu/initstate |grep live", shell=True)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass if len(driverInitialized) > 0: return True return False def formatJson(device, log): """ Print out in JSON format @param device: DRM device identifier @param log: String to parse and output into JSON format """ global JSON_DATA for line in log.splitlines(): # Drop any invalid or improperly-formatted data if ':' not in line: continue logTuple = line.split(': ') if str(device) != 'system': JSON_DATA['card' + str(device)][logTuple[0]] = logTuple[1].strip() else: JSON_DATA['system'][logTuple[0]] = logTuple[1].strip() def formatCsv(deviceList): """ Print out the JSON_DATA in CSV format """ global JSON_DATA jsondata = json.dumps(JSON_DATA) outstr = jsondata # Check if the first json data element is 'system' or 'device' outputType = outstr[outstr.find('\"')+1:] outputType = outputType[:outputType.find('\"')] header = [] my_string = '' if outputType != 'system': header.append('device') else: header.append('system') if outputType == 'system': jsonobj = json.loads(jsondata) keylist = header for record in jsonobj: my_string += str(record) for key in keylist: if key == 'system': tempstr = str(jsonobj[record]) tempstr = tempstr[tempstr.find('\'')+1:] tempstr = tempstr[:tempstr.find('\'')] # Force output device type to 'system' my_string += ',%s\nsystem,%s' % (tempstr, jsonobj[record][tempstr]) my_string += '\n' # Force output device type to 'system' if my_string.startswith('system'): my_string = 'device' + my_string[6:] return my_string headerkeys = [] # Separate device-specific information from system-level information for dev in deviceList: if str(dev) != 'system': headerkeys.extend(l for l in JSON_DATA['card' + str(dev)].keys() if l not in headerkeys) else: headerkeys.extend(l for l in JSON_DATA['system'].keys() if l not in headerkeys) header.extend(headerkeys) outStr = '%s\n' % ','.join(header) if len(header) <= 1: return '' for dev in deviceList: if str(dev) != 'system': outStr += 'card%s,' % dev else: outStr += 'system,' for val in headerkeys: try: if str(dev) != 'system': # Remove commas like the ones in PCIe speed outStr += '%s,' % JSON_DATA['card' + str(dev)][val].replace(',', '') else: outStr += '%s,' % JSON_DATA['system'][val].replace(',', '') except KeyError as e: # If the key doesn't exist (like dcefclock on Fiji, or unsupported functionality) outStr += 'N/A,' # Drop the trailing ',' and replace it with a \n outStr = '%s\n' % outStr[0:-1] return outStr def formatMatrixToJSON(deviceList, matrix, metricName): """ Format symmetric matrix of GPU permutations to become JSON print-ready. @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param metricName: Title of the item to print to the log @param matrix: symmetric matrix full of values of every permutation of DRM devices. example: GPU0 GPU1 GPU0 0 40 GPU1 40 0 Where matrix content is: [[0, 40], [40, 0]] """ devices_ind = range(len(deviceList)) for row_indx in devices_ind: # Start at row_indx +1 to avoid printing repeated values ( GPU1 x GPU2 is the same as GPU2 x GPU1 ) for col_ind in range(row_indx + 1, len(deviceList)): try: valueStr = matrix[deviceList[row_indx]][deviceList[col_ind]].value except AttributeError: valueStr = matrix[deviceList[row_indx]][deviceList[col_ind]] printSysLog(metricName.format(deviceList[row_indx], deviceList[col_ind]), valueStr) def getBus(device): """ Return the bus identifier of a given device @param device: DRM device identifier """ bdfid = c_uint64(0) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_pci_id_get(device, byref(bdfid)) # BDFID = ((DOMAIN & 0xffffffff) << 32) | ((BUS & 0xff) << 8) |((DEVICE & 0x1f) <<3 ) | (FUNCTION & 0x7) domain = (bdfid.value >> 32) & 0xffffffff bus = (bdfid.value >> 8) & 0xff device = (bdfid.value >> 3) & 0x1f function = bdfid.value & 0x7 pic_id = '{:04X}:{:02X}:{:02X}.{:0X}'.format(domain, bus, device, function) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_pci_id'): return pic_id def getFanSpeed(device): """ Return a tuple with the fan speed (value,%) for a specified device, or (None,None) if either current fan speed or max fan speed cannot be obtained @param device: DRM device identifier """ fanLevel = c_int64() fanMax = c_int64() sensor_ind = c_uint32(0) fl = 0 fm = 0 ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_fan_speed_get(device, sensor_ind, byref(fanLevel)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_fan_speed', True): fl = fanLevel.value ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_fan_speed_max_get(device, sensor_ind, byref(fanMax)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_fan_max_speed', True): fm = fanMax.value if fl == 0 or fm == 0: return (fl, 0) # to prevent division by zero crash return (fl, round((float(fl) / float(fm)) * 100, 2)) def getGpuUse(device): """ Return the current GPU usage as a percentage @param device: DRM device identifier """ percent = c_uint32() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_busy_percent_get(device, byref(percent)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'GPU Utilization '): return percent.value return -1 def getId(device): """ Return the hexadecimal value of a device's ID @param device: DRM device identifier """ dv_id = c_short() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_id_get(device, byref(dv_id)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_device_id'): return hex(dv_id.value) def getMaxPower(device): """ Return the maximum power cap of a given device @param device: DRM device identifier """ power_cap = c_uint64() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_cap_get(device, 0, byref(power_cap)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_power_cap'): return power_cap.value / 1000000 return -1 def getMemInfo(device, memType, quiet=False): """ Returns a tuple of (memory_used, memory_total) of the requested memory type usage for the device specified @param device: DRM device identifier @param type: [vram|vis_vram|gtt] Memory type to return @param quiet=Turn on to silience error output (you plan to handle manually). Default is off, which exposes any issue accessing the different memory types. """ memType = memType.upper() if memType not in memory_type_l: printErrLog(device, 'Invalid memory type %s' % (memType)) return (None, None) memoryUse = c_uint64() memoryTot = c_uint64() memUsed = None memTotal = None ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_memory_usage_get(device, memory_type_l.index(memType), byref(memoryUse)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_memory_usage_' + str(memType), quiet): memUsed = memoryUse.value ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_memory_total_get(device, memory_type_l.index(memType), byref(memoryTot)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_memory_total_' + str(memType), quiet): memTotal = memoryTot.value return (memUsed, memTotal) def getProcessName(pid): """ Get the process name of a specific pid @param pid: Process ID of a program to be parsed """ if int(pid) < 1: logging.debug('PID must be greater than 0') return 'UNKNOWN' try: pName = str(subprocess.check_output("ps -p %d -o comm=" % (int(pid)), shell=True)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: pName = 'UNKNOWN' if pName == None: pName = 'UNKNOWN' # Remove the substrings surrounding from process name (b' and \n') if str(pName).startswith('b\''): pName = pName[2:] if str(pName).endswith('\\n\''): pName = pName[:-3] return pName def getPerfLevel(device): """ Return the current performance level of a given device @param device: DRM device identifier """ perf = rsmi_dev_perf_level_t() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_perf_level_get(device, byref(perf)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_perf_level'): return perf_level_string(perf.value) return -1 def getPid(name): """ Get the process id of a specific application @param name: Process name of a program to be parsed """ return check_output(['pidof', name]) def getPidList(): """ Return a list of KFD process IDs """ num_items = c_uint32() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_compute_process_info_get(None, byref(num_items)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, metric='get_compute_process_info'): buff_sz = num_items.value + 10 procs = (rsmi_process_info_t * buff_sz)() procList = [] ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_compute_process_info_get(byref(procs), byref(num_items)) for i in range(num_items.value): procList.append('%s' % (procs[i].process_id)) return procList return def getPower(device): """ Return the current power level of a given device @param device: DRM device identifier """ power = c_uint32() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_ave_get(device, 0, byref(power)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_power_avg'): return power.value / 1000000 return 'N/A' def getRasEnablement(device, block): """ Return RAS enablement state for a given device @param device: DRM device identifier @param block: RAS block identifier """ state = rsmi_ras_err_state_t() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_ecc_status_get(device, rsmi_gpu_block_d[block], byref(state)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_ecc_status_' + str(block), True): return rsmi_ras_err_stale_machine[state.value].upper() return 'N/A' def getTemp(device, sensor): """ Display the current temperature from a given device's sensor @param device: DRM device identifier @param sensor: Temperature sensor identifier """ temp = c_int64(0) metric = rsmi_temperature_metric_t.RSMI_TEMP_CURRENT ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_temp_metric_get(c_uint32(device), temp_type_lst.index(sensor), metric, byref(temp)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_temp_metric' + str(sensor), True): return temp.value / 1000 return 'N/A' def getVbiosVersion(device): """ Returns the VBIOS version for a given device @param device: DRM device identifier """ vbios = create_string_buffer(256) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_vbios_version_get(device, vbios, 256) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device): return vbios.value.decode() def getVersion(deviceList, component): """ Return the software version for the specified component @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param component: Component (currently only driver) """ ver_str = create_string_buffer(256) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_version_str_get(component, ver_str, 256) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, None, 'get_version_str_' + str(component)): return ver_str.value.decode() return None def getComputePartition(device): """ Return the current compute partition of a given device @param device: DRM device identifier """ currentComputePartition = create_string_buffer(256) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_compute_partition_get(device, currentComputePartition, 256) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_compute_partition', silent=True) and currentComputePartition.value.decode(): return str(currentComputePartition.value.decode()) return "UNKNOWN" def getMemoryPartition(device): """ Return the current memory partition of a given device @param device: DRM device identifier """ currentNPSMode = create_string_buffer(256) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_nps_mode_get(device, currentNPSMode, 256) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_NPS_mode', silent=True) and currentNPSMode.value.decode(): return str(currentNPSMode.value.decode()) return "UNKNOWN" def print2DArray(dataArray): """ Print 2D Array with uniform spacing """ global PRINT_JSON dataArrayLength = [] isPid = False if str(dataArray[0][0]) == 'PID': isPid = True for position in range(len(dataArray[0])): dataArrayLength.append(len(dataArray[0][position])) for position in range(len(dataArray)): for cell in range(len(dataArray[0])): if len(dataArray[position][cell]) > dataArrayLength[cell]: dataArrayLength[cell] = len(dataArray[position][cell]) for position in range(len(dataArray)): printString = '' for cell in range(len(dataArray[0])): printString += str(dataArray[position][cell]).ljust(dataArrayLength[cell], ' ') + '\t' if PRINT_JSON: printString = ' '.join(printString.split()).lower() firstElement = printString.split(' ', 1)[0] printString = printString.split(' ', 1)[1] printString = printString.replace(' ', ', ') if (position > 0): if isPid: printSysLog('PID%s' % (firstElement), printString) else: printSysLog(firstElement, printString) else: printLog(None, printString, None) def printEmptyLine(): """ Print out a single empty line """ global PRINT_JSON if not PRINT_JSON: print() def printErrLog(device, err): """ Print out an error to the SMI log @param device: DRM device identifier @param err: Error string to print """ global PRINT_JSON devName = device for line in err.split('\n'): errstr = 'GPU[%s]\t: %s' % (devName, line) if not PRINT_JSON: logging.error(errstr) else: logging.debug(errstr) def printInfoLog(device, metricName, value): """ Print out an info line to the SMI log @param device: DRM device identifier @param metricName: Title of the item to print to the log @param value: The item's value to print to the log """ global PRINT_JSON if not PRINT_JSON: if value is not None: logstr = 'GPU[%s]\t: %s: %s' % (device, metricName, value) else: logstr = 'GPU[%s]\t: %s' % (device, metricName) if device is None: logstr = logstr[13:] logging.info(logstr) def printEventList(device, delay, eventList): """ Print out notification events for a specified device @param device: DRM device identifier @param delay: Notification delay in ms @param eventList: List of event type names (can be a single-item list) """ mask = 0 ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_event_notification_init(device) if not rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'event_notification_init'): printErrLog(device, 'Unable to initialize event notifications.') return for eventType in eventList: mask |= 2 ** notification_type_names.index(eventType.upper()) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_event_notification_mask_set(device, mask) if not rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_event_notification_mask'): printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set event notification mask.') return while 1: # Exit condition from user keyboard input of 'q' or 'ctrl + c' num_elements = c_uint32(1) data = rsmi_evt_notification_data_t(1) rocmsmi.rsmi_event_notification_get(delay, byref(num_elements), byref(data)) if len(data.message) > 0: print2DArray([['\rGPU[%d]:\t' % (device), ctime().split()[3], notification_type_names[data.event.value - 1], data.message.decode('utf8') + '\r']]) def printLog(device, metricName, value, extraSpace=False): """ Print out to the SMI log @param device: DRM device identifier @param metricName: Title of the item to print to the log @param value: The item's value to print to the log """ global PRINT_JSON if PRINT_JSON: if value is not None and device is not None: formatJson(device, str(metricName) + ': ' + str(value)) elif device is not None: formatJson(device, str(metricName)) return if value is not None: logstr = 'GPU[%s]\t\t: %s: %s' % (device, metricName, value) else: logstr = 'GPU[%s]\t\t: %s' % (device, metricName) if device is None: logstr = logstr.split(':')[1][1:] # Force thread safe printing lock = multiprocessing.Lock() lock.acquire() if extraSpace: print('\n' + logstr + '\n', end='', flush=True) else: print(logstr + '\n', end='', flush=True) lock.release() def printListLog(metricName, valuesList): """ Print out to the SMI log for the lists @param metricName: Title of the item to print to the log @param valuesList: The item's list of values to print to the log """ global PRINT_JSON listStr = '' line = metricName + ':\n' if not valuesList: line = 'None' else: for value in valuesList: value = str(value) + ' ' if (len(line) + len(value)) < appWidth: line += value else: listStr = listStr + line + '\n' line = value if not PRINT_JSON: print(listStr + line) def printLogSpacer(displayString=None, fill='='): """ Prints [name of the option]/[name of the program] in the spacer to explain data below If no parameters are given, a default fill of the '=' string is used in the spacer @param displayString: name of item to be displayed inside of the log spacer @param fill: padding string which surrounds the given display string """ global appWidth, PRINT_JSON if not PRINT_JSON: if displayString: if len(displayString) % 2: displayString += fill logSpacer = fill * int((appWidth - (len(displayString))) / 2) + displayString + fill * int( (appWidth - (len(displayString))) / 2) else: logSpacer = fill * appWidth print(logSpacer) def printSysLog(SysComponentName, value): """ Print out to the SMI log for repeated features @param SysComponentName: Title of the item to print to the log @param value: The item's value to print to the log """ global PRINT_JSON, JSON_DATA if PRINT_JSON: if 'system' not in JSON_DATA: JSON_DATA['system'] = {} formatJson('system', str(SysComponentName) + ': ' + str(value)) return logstr = '{}: {}'.format(SysComponentName, value) logging.debug(logstr) print(logstr) def printTableLog(column_headers, data_matrix, device=None, tableName=None, anchor='>', v_delim=' '): """ Print out to the SMI log for the lists @param column_headers: Header names for each column @param data_matrix: Matrix of values @param device: DRM device identifier @param tableName: Title of the table to print to the log @param anchor: Alignment direction of the print output @param v_delim: Boundary String delimiter for the print output """ # Usage: the length of col_Names would be determining column width. # If additional space is needed, please pad corresponding column name with spaces # If table should print tabulated, pad name of column one with leading zeroes # Use anchor '<' to to align columns to the right global OUTPUT_SERIALIZATION, PRINT_JSON if OUTPUT_SERIALIZATION or PRINT_JSON: return if (device is not None) or tableName: if device is not None: print('\nGPU[%s]: ' % (device), end='\t') if tableName: print(tableName, end='') printEmptyLine() for header in column_headers: print('{:>}'.format(header), end=v_delim) printEmptyLine() for row in data_matrix: for index, cell in enumerate(row): if cell is None: cell = 'None' print('{:{anc}{width}}'.format(cell, anc=anchor, width=len(column_headers[index])), end=v_delim) printEmptyLine() def printTableRow(space, displayString, v_delim=" "): """ Print out a line of a matrix table @param space: The item's spacing to print @param displayString: The item's value to print @param v_delim: Boundary String delimiter for the print output """ if space: print(space % (displayString), end=v_delim) else: print(displayString, end=v_delim) def checkIfSecondaryDie(device): """ Checks if GCD(die) is the secondary die in a MCM. Secondary dies lack power management features. TODO: switch to more robust way to check for primary/secondary die, when implemented in Kernel and rocm_smi_lib. @param device: The device to check """ power_cap = c_uint64() # secondary die can currently be determined by checking if all power1_* (power cap) values are equal to zero. ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_cap_get(device, 0, byref(power_cap)) if not (rsmi_ret_ok(ret, None, 'get_power_cap', False) and power_cap.value == 0): return False ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_cap_default_get(device, byref(power_cap)) if not (rsmi_ret_ok(ret, None, 'get_power_cap_default', False) and power_cap.value == 0): return False ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_ave_get(device, 0, byref(power_cap)) if not (rsmi_ret_ok(ret, None, 'get_power_avg', False) and power_cap.value == 0): return False return True def checkIfSecondaryDie(device): """ Checks if GCD(die) is the secondary die in a MCM. Secondary dies lack power management features. TODO: switch to more robust way to check for primary/secondary die, when implemented in Kernel and rocm_smi_lib. @param device: The device to check """ power_cap = c_uint64() # secondary die can currently be determined by checking if all power1_* (power cap) values are equal to zero. ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_cap_get(device, 0, byref(power_cap)) if not (rsmi_ret_ok(ret, None, None, False) and power_cap.value == 0): return False ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_cap_default_get(device, byref(power_cap)) if not (rsmi_ret_ok(ret, None, None, False) and power_cap.value == 0): return False ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_ave_get(device, 0, byref(power_cap)) if not (rsmi_ret_ok(ret, None, None, False) and power_cap.value == 0): return False return True def resetClocks(deviceList): """ Reset clocks to default Reset clocks to default values by setting performance level to auto, as well as setting OverDrive back to 0 @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' Reset Clocks ') for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_overdrive_level_set(device, rsmi_dev_perf_level_t(0)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_overdrive_level'): printLog(device, 'OverDrive set to 0', None) else: printLog(device, 'Unable to reset OverDrive', None) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_perf_level_set(device, rsmi_dev_perf_level_t(0)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_perf_level'): printLog(device, 'Successfully reset clocks', None) else: printLog(device, 'Unable to reset clocks', None) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_perf_level_set(device, rsmi_dev_perf_level_t(0)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_perf_level'): printLog(device, 'Performance level reset to auto', None) else: printLog(device, 'Unable to reset performance level to auto', None) def resetFans(deviceList): """ Reset fans to driver control for a list of devices. @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' Reset GPU Fan Speed ') for device in deviceList: sensor_ind = c_uint32(0) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_fan_reset(device, sensor_ind) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'reset_fan'): printLog(device, 'Successfully reset fan speed to driver control', None) printLogSpacer() def resetPowerOverDrive(deviceList, autoRespond): """ Reset Power OverDrive to the default value @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ setPowerOverDrive(deviceList, 0, autoRespond) def resetProfile(deviceList): """ Reset profile for a list of a devices. @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' Reset Profile ') for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_profile_set(device, 0, profileString('BOOTUP DEFAULT')) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_power_profile'): printLog(device, 'Successfully reset Power Profile', None) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to reset Power Profile') ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_perf_level_set(device, rsmi_dev_perf_level_t(0)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_perf_level'): printLog(device, 'Successfully reset Performance Level', None) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to reset Performance Level') printLogSpacer() def resetXgmiErr(deviceList): """ Reset the XGMI Error value @param deviceList: Reset XGMI error count for these devices """ printLogSpacer('Reset XGMI Error Status ') for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_xgmi_error_reset(device) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'reset xgmi'): printLog(device, 'Successfully reset XGMI Error count', None) else: logging.error('GPU[%s]\t\t: Unable to reset XGMI error count', device) printLogSpacer() def resetPerfDeterminism(deviceList): """ Reset Performance Determinism @param deviceList: Disable Performance Determinism for these devices """ printLogSpacer('Disable Performance Determinism') for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_perf_level_set(device, rsmi_dev_perf_level_t(0)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'disable performance determinism'): printLog(device, 'Successfully disabled performance determinism', None) else: logging.error('GPU[%s]\t\t: Unable to disable performance determinism', device) printLogSpacer() def resetComputePartition(deviceList): """ Reset Compute Partition to its boot state @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(" Reset compute partition to its boot state ") for device in deviceList: originalPartition = getComputePartition(device) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_compute_partition_reset(device) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'reset_compute_partition', silent=True): resetBootState = getComputePartition(device) printLog(device, "Successfully reset compute partition (" + originalPartition + ") to boot state (" + resetBootState + ")", None) elif ret == rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_PERMISSION: printLog(device, 'Permission denied', None) elif ret == rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: printLog(device, 'Not supported on the given system', None) else: rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'reset_compute_partition') printErrLog(device, 'Failed to reset the compute partition to boot state') printLogSpacer() def resetNpsMode(deviceList): """ Reset NPS mode to its boot state @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(" Reset nps mode to its boot state ") for device in deviceList: originalPartition = getMemoryPartition(device) t1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=showProgressbar, args=("Resetting NPS mode",13,)) t1.start() addExtraLine=True start=time.time() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_nps_mode_reset(device) stop=time.time() duration=stop-start if t1.is_alive(): t1.terminate() t1.join() if duration < float(0.1): # For longer runs, add extra line before output addExtraLine=False # This is to prevent overriding progress bar if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'reset_NPS_mode', silent=True): resetBootState = getMemoryPartition(device) printLog(device, "Successfully reset nps mode (" + originalPartition + ") to boot state (" + resetBootState + ")", None, addExtraLine) elif ret == rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_PERMISSION: printLog(device, 'Permission denied', None, addExtraLine) elif ret == rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: printLog(device, 'Not supported on the given system', None, addExtraLine) else: rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'reset_NPS_mode') printErrLog(device, 'Failed to reset nps mode to boot state') printLogSpacer() def setClockRange(deviceList, clkType, minvalue, maxvalue, autoRespond): """ Set the range for the specified clktype in the PowerPlay table for a list of devices. Parameters: deviceList -- List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) clktype -- [sclk|mclk] Which clock type to apply the range to minvalue -- Minimum value to apply to the clock range maxvalue -- Maximum value to apply to the clock range autoRespond -- Response to automatically provide for all prompts """ global RETCODE if clkType not in {'sclk', 'mclk'}: printLog(None, 'Invalid range identifier %s' % (clkType), None) logging.error('Unsupported range type %s', clkType) RETCODE = 1 return try: int(minvalue) & int(maxvalue) except ValueError: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set %s range' % (clkType)) logging.error('%s or %s is not an integer', minvalue, maxvalue) RETCODE = 1 return confirmOutOfSpecWarning(autoRespond) printLogSpacer(' Set Valid %s Range ' % (clkType)) for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_clk_range_set(device, int(minvalue), int(maxvalue), rsmi_clk_names_dict[clkType]) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, silent=True): printLog(device, 'Successfully set %s from %s(MHz) to %s(MHz)' % (clkType, minvalue, maxvalue), None) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set %s from %s(MHz) to %s(MHz)' % (clkType, minvalue, maxvalue)) RETCODE = 1 if ret == rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: printLog(device, 'Setting %s range is not supported for this device.' % (clkType), None) def setVoltageCurve(deviceList, point, clk, volt, autoRespond): """ Set voltage curve for a point in the PowerPlay table for a list of devices. Parameters: deviceList -- List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) point -- Point on the voltage curve to modify clk -- Clock speed specified for this curve point volt -- Voltage specified for this curve point autoRespond -- Response to automatically provide for all prompts """ global RETCODE value = '%s %s %s' % (point, clk, volt) try: any(int(item) for item in value.split()) except ValueError: printErrLog(None, 'Unable to set Voltage curve') printErrLog(None, 'Non-integer characters are present in %s' %value) RETCODE = 1 return confirmOutOfSpecWarning(autoRespond) for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_od_volt_info_set(device, int(point), int(clk), int(volt)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_voltage_curve'): printLog(device, 'Successfully set voltage point %s to %s(MHz) %s(mV)' % (point, clk, volt), None) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set voltage point %s to %s(MHz) %s(mV)' % (point, clk, volt)) RETCODE = 1 def setPowerPlayTableLevel(deviceList, clkType, point, clk, volt, autoRespond): """ Set clock frequency and voltage for a level in the PowerPlay table for a list of devices. Parameters: deviceList -- List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) clktype -- [sclk|mclk] Which clock type to apply the range to point -- Point on the voltage curve to modify clk -- Clock speed specified for this curve point volt -- Voltage specified for this curve point autoRespond -- Response to automatically provide for all prompts """ global RETCODE value = '%s %s %s' % (point, clk, volt) listOfValues = value.split(' ') try: any(int(item) for item in value.split()) except ValueError: printErrLog(None, 'Unable to set PowerPlay table level') printErrLog(None, 'Non-integer characters are present in %s' %value) RETCODE = 1 return confirmOutOfSpecWarning(autoRespond) for device in deviceList: if clkType == 'sclk': ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_od_clk_info_set(device, rsmi_freq_ind_t(int(point)), int(clk), rsmi_clk_names_dict[clkType]) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_power_play_table_level_' + str(clkType)): printLog(device, 'Successfully set voltage point %s to %s(MHz) %s(mV)' % (point, clk, volt), None) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set voltage point %s to %s(MHz) %s(mV)' % (point, clk, volt)) RETCODE = 1 elif clkType == 'mclk': ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_od_clk_info_set(device, rsmi_freq_ind_t(int(point)), int(clk), rsmi_clk_names_dict[clkType]) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_power_play_table_level_' + str(clkType)): printLog(device, 'Successfully set voltage point %s to %s(MHz) %s(mV)' % (point, clk, volt), None) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set voltage point %s to %s(MHz) %s(mV)' % (point, clk, volt)) RETCODE = 1 else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set %s range' % (clkType)) logging.error('Unsupported range type %s', clkType) RETCODE = 1 def setClockOverDrive(deviceList, clktype, value, autoRespond): """ Set clock speed to OverDrive for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param type: [sclk|mclk] Clock type to set @param value: [0-20] OverDrive percentage @param autoRespond: Response to automatically provide for all prompts """ printLogSpacer(' Set Clock OverDrive (Range: 0% to 20%) ') global RETCODE try: int(value) except ValueError: printLog(None, 'Unable to set OverDrive level', None) logging.error('%s it is not an integer', value) RETCODE = 1 return confirmOutOfSpecWarning(autoRespond) for device in deviceList: if int(value) < 0: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set OverDrive') logging.debug('Overdrive cannot be less than 0%') RETCODE = 1 return if int(value) > 20: printLog(device, 'Setting OverDrive to 20%', None) logging.debug('OverDrive cannot be set to a value greater than 20%') value = '20' if getPerfLevel(device) != 'MANUAL': ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_perf_level_set(device, rsmi_dev_perf_level_t(3)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_perf_level_manual_' + str(clktype)): printLog(device, 'Performance level set to manual', None) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set performance level to manual') if clktype == 'mclk': fsFile = os.path.join('/sys/class/drm', 'card%d' % (device), 'device', 'pp_mclk_od') if not os.path.isfile(fsFile): printLog(None, 'Unable to write to sysfs file (' + fsFile + '), file does not exist', None) logging.debug('%s does not exist', fsFile) continue try: logging.debug('Writing value \'%s\' to file \'%s\'', value, fsFile) with open(fsFile, 'w') as fs: fs.write(value + '\n') except (IOError, OSError): printLog(None, 'Unable to write to sysfs file %s' %fsFile, None) logging.warning('IO or OS error') RETCODE = 1 continue printLog(device, 'Successfully set %s OverDrive to %s%%' % (clktype, value), None) elif clktype == 'sclk': ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_overdrive_level_set(device, rsmi_dev_perf_level_t(int(value))) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_overdrive_level_' + str(clktype)): printLog(device, 'Successfully set %s OverDrive to %s%%' % (clktype, value), None) else: printLog(device, 'Unable to set %s OverDrive to %s%%' % (clktype, value), None) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set OverDrive') logging.error('Unsupported clock type %s', clktype) RETCODE = 1 def setClocks(deviceList, clktype, clk): """ Set clock frequency levels for a list of devices. @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param clktype: [validClockNames] Clock type to set @param clk: Clock frequency level to set """ global RETCODE if not clk: printLog(None, 'Invalid clock frequency', None) RETCODE = 1 return if clktype not in validClockNames: printErrLog(None, 'Unable to set clock level') logging.error('Invalid clock type %s', clktype) RETCODE = 1 return check_value = ''.join(map(str, clk)) try: int(check_value) except ValueError: printLog(None, 'Unable to set clock level', None) logging.error('Non-integer characters are present in value %s', value) RETCODE = 1 return # Generate a frequency bitmask from user input value freq_bitmask = 0 for bit in clk: if bit > 63: printErrLog(None, 'Invalid clock frequency') logging.error('Invalid frequency: %s', bit) RETCODE = 1 return freq_bitmask |= (1 << bit) printLogSpacer(' Set %s Frequency ' % (str(clktype))) for device in deviceList: # Check if the performance level is manual, if not then set it to manual if getPerfLevel(device).lower() != 'manual': ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_perf_level_set(device, rsmi_dev_perf_level_t(3)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_perf_level_manual'): printLog(device, 'Performance level was set to manual', None) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set performance level to manual') RETCODE = 1 return if clktype != 'pcie': # Validate frequency bitmask freq = rsmi_frequencies_t() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(device, rsmi_clk_names_dict[clktype], byref(freq)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_gpu_clk_freq_' + str(clktype)) == False: RETCODE = 1 return # The freq_bitmask should be less than 2^(freqs.num_supported) # For example, num_supported == 3, the max bitmask is 0111 if freq_bitmask >= (1 << freq.num_supported): printErrLog(device, 'Invalid clock frequency %s' % hex(freq_bitmask)) RETCODE = 1 return ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_set(device, rsmi_clk_names_dict[clktype], freq_bitmask) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_gpu_clk_freq_' + str(clktype)): printLog(device, 'Successfully set %s bitmask to' % (clktype), hex(freq_bitmask)) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set %s bitmask to: %s' % (clktype, hex(freq_bitmask))) RETCODE = 1 else: # Validate the bandwidth bitmask bw = rsmi_pcie_bandwidth_t() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_pci_bandwidth_get(device, byref(bw)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_PCIe_bandwidth') == False: RETCODE = 1 return # The freq_bitmask should be less than 2^(bw.transfer_rate.num_supported) # For example, num_supported == 3, the max bitmask is 0111 if freq_bitmask >= (1 << bw.transfer_rate.num_supported): printErrLog(device, 'Invalid PCIe frequency %s' % hex(freq_bitmask)) RETCODE = 1 return ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_pci_bandwidth_set(device, freq_bitmask) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_PCIe_bandwidth'): printLog(device, 'Successfully set %s to level bitmask' % (clktype), hex(freq_bitmask)) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set %s bitmask to: %s' % (clktype, hex(freq_bitmask))) RETCODE = 1 printLogSpacer() def setPerfDeterminism(deviceList, clkvalue): """ Set clock frequency level for a list of devices to enable performance determinism. @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param value: Clock frequency level to set """ global RETCODE try: int(clkvalue) except ValueError: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set Performance Determinism') logging.error('%s is not an integer', clkvalue) RETCODE = 1 return for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_perf_determinism_mode_set(device, int(clkvalue)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_perf_determinism'): printLog(device, 'Successfully enabled performance determinism and set GFX clock frequency', str(clkvalue)) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set performance determinism and clock frequency to %s' % (str(clkvalue))) RETCODE = 1 def resetGpu(device): """ Perform a GPU reset on the specified device @param device: DRM device identifier """ printLogSpacer(' Reset GPU ') global RETCODE if len(device) > 1: logging.error('GPU Reset can only be performed on one GPU per call') RETCODE = 1 return resetDev = int(device[0]) if not isAmdDevice(resetDev): logging.error('GPU Reset can only be performed on an AMD GPU') RETCODE = 1 return ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_gpu_reset(resetDev) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, resetDev, 'reset_gpu'): printLog(resetDev, 'Successfully reset GPU %d' % (resetDev), None) else: printErrLog(resetDev, 'Unable to reset GPU %d' % (resetDev)) logging.debug('GPU reset failed with return value of %d' % ret) printLogSpacer() def isRasControlAvailable(device): """ Check if RAS control is available for a specified device. Parameters: device -- DRM device identifier """ path = os.path.join('/sys/kernel/debug/dri', 'card%d' % device, 'device', 'ras_ctrl') if not doesDeviceExist(device) or not path or not os.path.isfile(path): logging.warning('GPU[%s]\t: RAS control is not available') return False return True def setRas(deviceList, rasAction, rasBlock, rasType): """ Perform a RAS action on the devices Parameters: deviceList -- List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) rasAction -- [enable|disable|inject] RAS Action to perform rasBlock -- [$validRasBlocks] RAS block rasType -- [ce|ue] Error type to enable/disable """ global RETCODE printLog(None, "This is experimental feature, use 'amdgpuras' tool for ras error manipulations for newer vbios") if rasAction not in validRasActions: printLog(None, 'Unable to perform RAS command %s on block %s for type %s' % (rasAction, rasBlock, rasType), None) logging.debug('Action %s is not a valid RAS command' % rasAction) return if rasBlock not in validRasBlocks: printLog(None, 'Unable to perform RAS command %s on block %s for type %s' % (rasAction, rasBlock, rasType), None) printLog(None, 'Block %s is not a valid RAS block' % rasBlock) return if rasType not in validRasTypes: printLog(None, 'Unable to perform RAS command %s on block %s for type %s' % (rasAction, rasBlock, rasType), None) printLog(None, 'Memory error type %s is not a valid RAS memory type' % rasAction) return printLogSpacer() # NOTE PSP FW doesn't support enabling disabled counters yet for device in deviceList: if isRasControlAvailable(device): rasFilePath = path = os.path.join('/sys/kernel/debug/dri', 'card%d' % device, 'device', 'ras_ctrl') rasCmd = '%s %s %s' % (rasAction, rasBlock, rasType) # writeToSysfs analog to old cli if not os.path.isfile(rasFilePath): printLog(None, 'Unable to write to sysfs file', None) logging.debug('%s does not exist', rasFilePath) return False try: logging.debug('Writing value \'%s\' to file \'%s\'', rasCmd, rasFilePath) with open(rasFilePath, 'w') as fs: fs.write(rasFilePath + '\n') # Certain sysfs files require \n at the end except (IOError, OSError): printLog(None, 'Unable to write to sysfs file %s' % rasFilePath, None) logging.warning('IO or OS error') RETCODE = 1 printLogSpacer() return def setFanSpeed(deviceList, fan): """ Set fan speed for a list of devices. @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param level: [0-255] Fan speed level """ printLogSpacer(' Set GPU Fan Speed ') for device in deviceList: if str(fan): fanLevel = c_int64() sensor_ind = c_uint32(0) last_char = str(fan)[-1] if last_char == '%': fanLevel = int(str(fan)[:-1]) / 100 * 255 else: fanLevel = int(str(fan)) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_fan_speed_set(device, 0, int(fanLevel)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_fan_speed'): printLog(device, 'Successfully set fan speed to level %s' % (str(int(fanLevel))), None) printLogSpacer() def setPerformanceLevel(deviceList, level): """ Set the Performance Level for a specified device. @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param level: Performance Level to set """ printLogSpacer(' Set Performance Level ') validLevels = ['auto', 'low', 'high', 'manual'] for device in deviceList: if level not in validLevels: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set Performance Level') logging.error('Invalid Performance level: %s', level) else: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_perf_level_set(device, rsmi_dev_perf_level_t(validLevels.index(level))) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_perf_level'): printLog(device, 'Performance level set to %s' % (str(level)), None) printLogSpacer() def setPowerOverDrive(deviceList, value, autoRespond): """ Use Power OverDrive to change the the maximum power available power available to the GPU in Watts. May be limited by the maximum power the VBIOS is configured to allow this card to use in OverDrive mode. @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param value: New maximum power to assign to the target device, in Watts @param autoRespond: Response to automatically provide for all prompts """ global RETCODE, PRINT_JSON try: int(value) except ValueError: printLog(None, 'Unable to set Power OverDrive', None) logging.error('%s is not an integer', value) RETCODE = 1 return # Wattage input value converted to microWatt for ROCm SMI Lib if int(value) == 0: printLogSpacer(' Reset GPU Power OverDrive ') else: printLogSpacer(' Set GPU Power OverDrive ') # Value in Watts - stored early this way to avoid strenuous value type conversions strValue = value specWarningConfirmed = False for device in deviceList: # Continue to next device in deviceList loop if the device is a secondary die if checkIfSecondaryDie(device): logging.debug("Unavailable for secondary die.") continue power_cap_min = c_uint64() power_cap_max = c_uint64() current_power_cap = c_uint64() default_power_cap = c_uint64() new_power_cap = c_uint64() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_cap_get(device, 0, byref(current_power_cap)) if ret != 0: logging.debug("Unable to retireive current power cap.") ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_cap_default_get(device, byref(default_power_cap)) # If rsmi_dev_power_cap_default_get fails, use manual workaround to fetch default power cap if ret != 0: logging.debug("Unable to retrieve default power cap; retrieving via reset.") ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_cap_set(device, 0, 0) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_cap_get(device, 0, byref(default_power_cap)) if int(value) == 0: new_power_cap = default_power_cap else: new_power_cap.value = int(value) * 1000000 ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_cap_range_get(device, 0, byref(power_cap_max), byref(power_cap_min)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_power_cap_range') == False: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to parse Power OverDrive range') RETCODE = 1 continue if int(strValue) > (power_cap_max.value / 1000000): printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set Power OverDrive') logging.error('GPU[%s]\t\t: Value cannot be greater than: %dW ', device, power_cap_max.value / 1000000) RETCODE = 1 continue if int(strValue) < (power_cap_min.value / 1000000): printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set Power OverDrive') logging.error('GPU[%s]\t\t: Value cannot be less than: %dW ', device, power_cap_min.value / 1000000) RETCODE = 1 continue if new_power_cap.value == current_power_cap.value: printErrLog(device,'Max power was already at: {}W'.format(new_power_cap.value / 1000000)) if current_power_cap.value < default_power_cap.value: current_power_cap.value = default_power_cap.value if not specWarningConfirmed and new_power_cap.value > current_power_cap.value: confirmOutOfSpecWarning(autoRespond) specWarningConfirmed = True ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_cap_set(device, 0, new_power_cap) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_power_cap'): if int(value) == 0: power_cap = c_uint64() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_cap_get(device, 0, byref(power_cap)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_power_cap'): if not PRINT_JSON: printLog(device, 'Successfully reset Power OverDrive to: %sW' % (int(power_cap.value / 1000000)), None) else: if not PRINT_JSON: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_cap_get(device, 0, byref(current_power_cap)) if current_power_cap.value == new_power_cap.value: printLog(device, 'Successfully set power to: %sW' % (strValue), None) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable set power to: %sW, current value is %sW' % \ (strValue, int(current_power_cap.value / 1000000))) else: if int(value) == 0: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to reset Power OverDrive to default') else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set Power OverDrive to ' + strValue + 'W') printLogSpacer() def setProfile(deviceList, profile): """ Set Power Profile, or set CUSTOM Power Profile values for a list of devices. @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param profile: Profile to set """ printLogSpacer(' Set Power Profile ') status = rsmi_power_profile_status_t() for device in deviceList: # Get previous profile ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_profile_presets_get(device, 0, byref(status)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_power_profile'): previousProfile = profileString(status.current) # Get desired profile desiredProfile = 'UNKNOWN' if str(profile).isnumeric() and int(profile) > 0 and int(profile) < 8: desiredProfile = profileString(2 ** (int(profile) - 1)) elif str(profileString(str(profile).replace('_', ' ').upper())).isnumeric(): desiredProfile = str(profile).replace('_', ' ').upper() else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to set profile to: %s (UNKNOWN profile)' % (str(profile))) return # Set profile to desired profile if previousProfile == desiredProfile: printLog(device, 'Profile was already set to', previousProfile) return else: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_profile_set(device, 0, profileString(desiredProfile)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_power_profile'): # Get current profile ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_profile_presets_get(device, 0, byref(status)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_power_profile_presets'): currentProfile = profileString(status.current) if currentProfile == desiredProfile: printLog(device, 'Successfully set profile to', desiredProfile) else: printErrLog(device, 'Failed to set profile to: %s' % (desiredProfile)) printLogSpacer() def setComputePartition(deviceList, computePartitionType): """ Sets compute partitioning for a list of device @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param computePartition: Compute Partition type to set as """ printLogSpacer(' Set compute partition to %s ' % (str(computePartitionType).upper())) for device in deviceList: computePartitionType = computePartitionType.upper() if computePartitionType not in compute_partition_type_l: printErrLog(device, 'Invalid compute partition type %s' '\nValid compute partition types are %s' % ( computePartitionType.upper(), (', '.join(map(str, compute_partition_type_l))) )) return (None, None) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_compute_partition_set(device, rsmi_compute_partition_type_dict[computePartitionType]) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_compute_partition', silent=True): printLog(device, 'Successfully set compute partition to %s' % (computePartitionType), None) elif ret == rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_PERMISSION: printLog(device, 'Permission denied', None) elif ret == rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_SETTING_UNAVAILABLE: printLog(device, 'Requested setting (%s) is unavailable for current device' %computePartitionType, None) elif ret == rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: printLog(device, 'Not supported on the given system', None) else: rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_compute_partition') printErrLog(device, 'Failed to retrieve compute partition, even though device supports it.') printLogSpacer() def progressbar(it, prefix="", size=60, out=sys.stdout): count = len(it) def show(j): x = int(size*j/count) lock = multiprocessing.Lock() lock.acquire() print("{}[{}{}] {}/{} secs remain".format(prefix, u"█"*x, "."*(size-x), j, count), end='\r', file=out, flush=True) lock.release() show(0) for i, item in enumerate(it): yield item show(i+1) lock = multiprocessing.Lock() lock.acquire() print("\n", flush=True, file=out) lock.release() def showProgressbar(title="", timeInSeconds=13): if title != "": title += ": " for i in progressbar(range(timeInSeconds), title, 40): time.sleep(1) def setNPSMode(deviceList, npsMode): """ Sets nps mode (memory partition) for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param npsMode: NPS Mode type to set as """ printLogSpacer(' Set nps mode to %s ' % (str(npsMode).upper())) for device in deviceList: npsMode = npsMode.upper() if npsMode not in nps_mode_type_l: printErrLog(device, 'Invalid nps mode type %s' '\nValid nps mode types are %s' % ( npsMode.upper(), (', '.join(map(str, nps_mode_type_l))) )) return (None, None) t1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=showProgressbar, args=("Updating NPS mode",13,)) t1.start() addExtraLine=True start=time.time() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_nps_mode_set(device, rsmi_nps_mode_type_dict[npsMode]) stop=time.time() duration=stop-start if t1.is_alive(): t1.terminate() t1.join() if duration < float(0.1): # For longer runs, add extra line before output addExtraLine=False # This is to prevent overriding progress bar if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_NPS_mode', silent=True): printLog(device, 'Successfully set nps mode to %s' % (npsMode), None, addExtraLine) elif ret == rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_PERMISSION: printLog(device, 'Permission denied', None, addExtraLine) elif ret == rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: printLog(device, 'Not supported on the given system', None, addExtraLine) else: rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'set_NPS_mode') printErrLog(device, 'Failed to retrieve NPS mode, even though device supports it.') printLogSpacer() def showAllConcise(deviceList): """ Display critical info for all devices in a concise format @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ global PRINT_JSON if PRINT_JSON: print('ERROR: Cannot print JSON/CSV output for concise output') sys.exit(1) printLogSpacer(' Concise Info ') header = ['GPU', 'Temp (DieEdge)', 'AvgPwr', 'SCLK', 'MCLK', 'Fan', 'Perf', 'PwrCap', 'VRAM%', 'GPU%'] head_widths = [len(head) + 2 for head in header] values = {} for device in deviceList: temp = str(getTemp(device, 'edge')) if temp != 'N/A': temp += 'c' avgPwr = str(getPower(device)) if avgPwr != '0.0' and avgPwr != 'N/A': avgPwr += 'W' else: avgPwr = 'N/A' concise = True sclk = showCurrentClocks([device], 'sclk', concise) mclk = showCurrentClocks([device], 'mclk', concise) (fanLevel, fanSpeed) = getFanSpeed(device) fan = str(fanSpeed) + '%' if getPerfLevel(device) != -1: perf = getPerfLevel(device) else: perf = 'Unsupported' if getMaxPower(device) != -1: pwrCap = str(getMaxPower(device)) + 'W' else: pwrCap = 'Unsupported' if getGpuUse(device) != -1: gpu_busy = str(getGpuUse(device)) + '%' else: gpu_busy = 'Unsupported' vram_used, vram_total = getMemInfo(device, 'vram', True) mem_use_pct = 0 if vram_used is None: mem_use_pct='Unsupported' if vram_used != None and vram_total != None and float(vram_total) != 0: mem_use_pct = '% 3.0f%%' % (100 * (float(vram_used) / float(vram_total))) values['card%s' % (str(device))] = [device, temp, avgPwr, sclk, mclk, fan, str(perf).lower(), pwrCap, mem_use_pct, gpu_busy] val_widths = {} for device in deviceList: val_widths[device] = [len(str(val)) + 2 for val in values['card%s' % (str(device))]] max_widths = head_widths for device in deviceList: for col in range(len(val_widths[device])): max_widths[col] = max(max_widths[col], val_widths[device][col]) printLog(None, "".join(word.ljust(max_widths[col]) for col, word in zip(range(len(max_widths)), header)), None) for device in deviceList: printLog(None, "".join(str(word).ljust(max_widths[col]) for col, word in zip(range(len(max_widths)), values['card%s' % (str(device))])), None) printLogSpacer() def showAllConciseHw(deviceList): """ Display critical Hardware info for all devices in a concise format @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ global PRINT_JSON if PRINT_JSON: print('ERROR: Cannot print JSON/CSV output for concise hardware output') sys.exit(1) printLogSpacer(' Concise Hardware Info ') header = ['GPU', 'DID', 'GFX RAS', 'SDMA RAS', 'UMC RAS', 'VBIOS', 'BUS'] head_widths = [len(head) + 2 for head in header] values = {} for device in deviceList: gpuid = getId(device) if str(gpuid).startswith('0x'): gpuid = str(gpuid)[2:] gfxRas = getRasEnablement(device, 'GFX') sdmaRas = getRasEnablement(device, 'SDMA') umcRas = getRasEnablement(device, 'UMC') vbios = getVbiosVersion(device) bus = getBus(device) values['card%s' % (str(device))] = [device, gpuid, gfxRas, sdmaRas, umcRas, vbios, bus] val_widths = {} for device in deviceList: val_widths[device] = [len(str(val)) + 2 for val in values['card%s' % (str(device))]] max_widths = head_widths for device in deviceList: for col in range(len(val_widths[device])): max_widths[col] = max(max_widths[col], val_widths[device][col]) printLog(None, "".join(word.ljust(max_widths[col]) for col, word in zip(range(len(max_widths)), header)), None) for device in deviceList: printLog(None, "".join(str(word).ljust(max_widths[col]) for col, word in zip(range(len(max_widths)), values['card%s' % (str(device))])), None) printLogSpacer() def showBus(deviceList): """ Display PCI Bus info @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' PCI Bus ID ') for device in deviceList: printLog(device, 'PCI Bus', getBus(device)) printLogSpacer() def showClocks(deviceList): """ Display all available clocks for a list of devices Current clocks marked with a '*' symbol @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ freq = rsmi_frequencies_t() bw = rsmi_pcie_bandwidth_t() printLogSpacer(' Supported clock frequencies ') for device in deviceList: for clk_type in sorted(rsmi_clk_names_dict): freq_list = [] if rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(device, rsmi_clk_names_dict[clk_type], None) == 1: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(device, rsmi_clk_names_dict[clk_type], byref(freq)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_clk_freq_' + clk_type, True): printLog(device, 'Supported %s frequencies on GPU%s' % (clk_type, str(device)), None) for x in range(freq.num_supported): fr = '{:>.0f}Mhz'.format(freq.frequency[x] / 1000000) if x == freq.current: printLog(device, str(x), str(fr) + ' *') else: printLog(device, str(x), str(fr)) printLog(device, '', None) else: logging.debug('{} frequency is unsupported on device[{}]'.format(clk_type, device)) printLog(device, '', None) if rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_pci_bandwidth_get(device, None) == 1: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_pci_bandwidth_get(device, byref(bw)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_PCIe_bandwidth', True): printLog(device, 'Supported %s frequencies on GPU%s' % ('PCIe', str(device)), None) freq_list = [] for x in range(bw.transfer_rate.num_supported): fr = '{:>.1f}GT/s x{}'.format(bw.transfer_rate.frequency[x] / 1000000000, bw.lanes[x]) if x == bw.transfer_rate.current: printLog(device, str(x), str(fr) + ' *') else: printLog(device, str(x), str(fr)) printLog(device, '', None) else: logging.debug('PCIe frequency is unsupported on device [{}]'.format(device)) printLog(device, '', None) printLogSpacer(None, '-') # divider between devices for better visibility printLogSpacer() def showCurrentClocks(deviceList, clk_defined=None, concise=False): """ Display all clocks for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param clk-type: Clock type to display """ global PRINT_JSON freq = rsmi_frequencies_t() bw = rsmi_pcie_bandwidth_t() currentString = '' sortedClocksArray = [] if not concise: printLogSpacer(' Current clock frequencies ') for device in deviceList: if clk_defined: if rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(device, rsmi_clk_names_dict[clk_defined], None) == 1: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(device, rsmi_clk_names_dict[clk_defined], byref(freq)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_gpu_clk_freq_' + str(clk_defined), silent=True): levl = freq.current if levl >= freq.num_supported: printLog(device, '%s current clock frequency not found' % (clk_defined), None) continue fr = freq.frequency[levl] / 1000000 if concise: # in case function is used for concise output, no need to print. return '{:.0f}Mhz'.format(fr) printLog(device, '{} clock level'.format(clk_defined), '{} ({:.0f}Mhz)'.format(levl, fr)) else: printErrLog(device, '%s clock is unsupported' % (clk_defined)) else: # if clk is not defined, will display all current clk for clk_type in sorted(rsmi_clk_names_dict): if rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(device, rsmi_clk_names_dict[clk_type], None) == 1: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(device, rsmi_clk_names_dict[clk_type], byref(freq)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_clk_freq_' + str(clk_type), True): levl = freq.current if levl >= freq.num_supported: printLog(device, '%s current clock frequency not found' % (clk_type), None) continue fr = freq.frequency[levl] / 1000000 if PRINT_JSON: printLog(device, '%s clock speed:' % (clk_type), '(%sMhz)' % (str(fr)[:-2])) printLog(device, '%s clock level:' % (clk_type), levl) else: printLog(device, '%s clock level: %s' % (clk_type, levl), '(%sMhz)' % (str(fr)[:-2])) else: logging.debug('{} clock is unsupported on device[{}]'.format(clk_type, device)) # pcie clocks if rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_pci_bandwidth_get(device, None) == 1: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_pci_bandwidth_get(device, byref(bw)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_PCIe_bandwidth', True): current_f = bw.transfer_rate.current if current_f >= bw.transfer_rate.num_supported: printLog(device, 'PCIe current clock frequency not found', None ) continue fr = '{:.1f}GT/s x{}'.format(bw.transfer_rate.frequency[current_f] / 1000000000, bw.lanes[current_f]) printLog(device, 'pcie clock level', '{} ({})'.format(current_f, fr)) else: logging.debug('PCIe clock is unsupported on device[{}]'.format(device)) printLogSpacer() def showCurrentFans(deviceList): """ Display the current fan speed for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ global PRINT_JSON printLogSpacer(' Current Fan Metric ') rpmSpeed = c_int64() sensor_ind = c_uint32(0) for device in deviceList: (fanLevel, fanSpeed) = getFanSpeed(device) fanSpeed = round(fanSpeed) if fanLevel == 0 or fanSpeed == 0: printLog(device, 'Unable to detect fan speed for GPU %d' % (device), None) logging.debug('Current fan speed is: %d\n' % (fanSpeed) + \ ' Current fan level is: %d\n' % (fanLevel) + \ ' (GPU might be cooled with a non-PWM fan)') continue if PRINT_JSON: printLog(device, 'Fan speed (level)', str(fanLevel)) printLog(device, 'Fan speed (%)', str(fanSpeed)) else: printLog(device, 'Fan Level', str(fanLevel) + ' (%s%%)' % (str(fanSpeed))) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_fan_rpms_get(device, sensor_ind, byref(rpmSpeed)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_fan_rpms'): printLog(device, 'Fan RPM', rpmSpeed.value) printLogSpacer() def showCurrentTemps(deviceList): """ Display all available temperatures for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' Temperature ') for device in deviceList: for sensor in temp_type_lst: temp = getTemp(device, sensor) if temp != 'N/A': printLog(device, 'Temperature (Sensor %s) (C)' % (sensor), temp) else: printInfoLog(device, 'Temperature (Sensor %s) (C)' % (sensor), temp) printLogSpacer() def showFwInfo(deviceList, fwType): """ Show the requested FW information for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param fwType: [$validFwBlocks] FW block version to display (all if left empty) """ if not fwType or 'all' in fwType: firmware_blocks = fw_block_names_l else: for name in fwType: # cleaning list from wrong values if name.upper() not in fw_block_names_l: fwType.remove(name) firmware_blocks = fwType printLogSpacer(' Firmware Information ') for device in deviceList: fw_ver_list = [] fw_ver = c_uint64() for fw_name in firmware_blocks: fw_name = fw_name.upper() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_firmware_version_get(device, fw_block_names_l.index(fw_name), byref(fw_ver)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_firmware_version_' + str(fw_name)): # The VCN, VCE, UVD, SOS and ASD firmware's value needs to be in hexadecimal if fw_name in ['VCN', 'VCE', 'UVD', 'SOS', 'ASD']: printLog(device, '%s firmware version' % (fw_name), '\t0x%s' % (str(hex(fw_ver.value))[2:].zfill(8))) # The TA XGMI, TA RAS, and SMC firmware's hex value looks like 0x12345678 # However, they are parsed as: int(0x12).int(0x34).int(0x56).int(0x78) # Which results in the following: elif fw_name in ['TA XGMI', 'TA RAS', 'SMC']: pos1 = str('%02d' % int((('0x%s' % (str(hex(fw_ver.value))[2:].zfill(8))[0:2])), 16)) pos2 = str('%02d' % int((('0x%s' % (str(hex(fw_ver.value))[2:].zfill(8))[2:4])), 16)) pos3 = str('%02d' % int((('0x%s' % (str(hex(fw_ver.value))[2:].zfill(8))[4:6])), 16)) pos4 = str('%02d' % int((('0x%s' % (str(hex(fw_ver.value))[2:].zfill(8))[6:8])), 16)) printLog(device, '%s firmware version' % (fw_name), '\t%s.%s.%s.%s' % (pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4)) # The ME, MC, and CE firmware names are only 2 characters, so they need an additional tab elif fw_name in ['ME', 'MC', 'CE']: printLog(device, '%s firmware version' % (fw_name), '\t\t%s' % (str(fw_ver.value))) else: printLog(device, '%s firmware version' % (fw_name), '\t%s' % (str(fw_ver.value))) printLogSpacer() def showGpusByPid(pidList): """ Show GPUs used by a specific Process ID (pid) Print out the GPU(s) used by a specific KFD process If pidList is empty, print all used GPUs for all KFD processes @param pidList: List of PIDs to check """ printLogSpacer(' GPUs Indexed by PID ') # If pidList is empty then we were given 0 arguments, so they want all PIDs # dv_indices = (c_uint32 * dv_limit)() num_devices = c_uint32() dv_indices = c_void_p() if not pidList: pidList = getPidList() if not pidList: printLog(None, 'No KFD PIDs currently running', None) printLogSpacer() return for pid in pidList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_compute_process_gpus_get(int(pid), None, byref(num_devices)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, metric=('PID ' + pid)): dv_indices = (c_uint32 * num_devices.value)() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_compute_process_gpus_get(int(pid), dv_indices, byref(num_devices)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, metric='get_gpu_compute_process'): metricName = 'PID %s is using %s DRM device(s)' % (pid, str(num_devices.value)) if (num_devices.value): printListLog(metricName, list(dv_indices)) else: printLog(None, metricName, None) else: print(None, 'Unable to get list of KFD PIDs. A kernel update may be needed', None) printLogSpacer() def getCoarseGrainUtil(device, typeName=None): """ Find Coarse Grain Utilization If typeName is not given, will return array with of all available sensors, where sensor type and value could be addressed like this: for ut_counter in utilization_counters: printLog(device, utilization_counter_name[ut_counter.type], ut_counter.val) @param device: DRM device identifier @param typeName: 'GFX Activity', 'Memory Activity' """ timestamp = c_uint64(0) if typeName != None: try: i = utilization_counter_name.index(typeName) length = 1 utilization_counters = (rsmi_utilization_counter_t * length)() utilization_counters[0].type = c_int(i) except ValueError: printLog(None, "No such coarse grain counter type") return -1 else: length = rsmi_utilization_counter_type.RSMI_UTILIZATION_COUNTER_LAST + 1 utilization_counters = (rsmi_utilization_counter_t * length)() # populate array with all existing types to query for i in range(0, length): utilization_counters[i].type = c_int(i) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_utilization_count_get(device, utilization_counters, length, byref(timestamp)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_utilization_count_'+ str(typeName), True): return utilization_counters return -1 def showGpuUse(deviceList): """ Display GPU use for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' % time GPU is busy ') for device in deviceList: if getGpuUse(device) != -1: printLog(device, 'GPU use (%)', getGpuUse(device)) else: printLog(device, 'GPU use Unsupported', None) util_counters = getCoarseGrainUtil(device, "GFX Activity") if util_counters != -1: for ut_counter in util_counters: printLog(device, utilization_counter_name[ut_counter.type], ut_counter.val) else: printInfoLog(device, 'GFX Activity', 'N/A') printLogSpacer() def showEnergy(deviceList): """ Display amount of energy consumed by device until now Default counter value is 10000b, indicating energy status unit is 15.3 micro-Joules increment. @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ power = c_uint64() timestamp = c_uint64() counter_resolution = c_float() printLogSpacer(" Consumed Energy ") for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_energy_count_get(device, byref(power), byref(counter_resolution), byref(timestamp)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, "% Energy Counter"): printLog(device, "Energy counter", power.value) printLog(device, "Accumulated Energy (uJ)", round(power.value * counter_resolution.value, 2)) printLogSpacer() def showId(deviceList): """ Display the device ID for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' ID ') for device in deviceList: printLog(device, 'GPU ID', getId(device)) printLogSpacer() def showMaxPower(deviceList): """ Display the maximum Graphics Package Power that this GPU will attempt to consume before it begins throttling performance @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' Power Cap ') for device in deviceList: if getMaxPower(device) != -1: printLog(device, 'Max Graphics Package Power (W)', getMaxPower(device)) else: printLog(device, 'Max Graphics Package Power Unsupported', None) printLogSpacer() def showMemInfo(deviceList, memType): """ Display Memory information for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param memType: [$validMemTypes] Type of memory information to display """ # Python will pass in a list of values as a single-value list # If we get 'all' as the string, just set the list to all supported types # Otherwise, split the single-item list by space, then split each element # up to process it below if 'all' in memType: returnTypes = memory_type_l else: returnTypes = memType printLogSpacer(' Memory Usage (Bytes) ') for device in deviceList: for mem in returnTypes: mem = mem.upper() memInfo = getMemInfo(device, mem) printLog(device, '%s Total Memory (B)' % (mem), memInfo[1]) printLog(device, '%s Total Used Memory (B)' % (mem), memInfo[0]) printLogSpacer() def showMemUse(deviceList): """ Display GPU memory usage for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ memoryUse = c_uint64() printLogSpacer(' Current Memory Use ') for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_memory_busy_percent_get(device, byref(memoryUse)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, '% memory use'): printLog(device, 'GPU memory use (%)', memoryUse.value) util_counters = getCoarseGrainUtil(device, "Memory Activity") if util_counters != -1: for ut_counter in util_counters: printLog(device, utilization_counter_name[ut_counter.type], ut_counter.val) else: printLog(device, 'Memory Activity', 'N/A') printLogSpacer() def showMemVendor(deviceList): """ Display GPU memory vendor for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ vendor = create_string_buffer(256) printLogSpacer(' Memory Vendor ') for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_vram_vendor_get(device, vendor, 256) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_vram_vendor') and vendor.value.decode(): printLog(device, 'GPU memory vendor', vendor.value.decode()) else: logging.debug('GPU memory vendor missing or not supported') printLogSpacer() def showOverDrive(deviceList, odtype): """ Display current OverDrive level for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param odtype: [sclk|mclk] OverDrive type """ rsmi_od = c_uint32() printLogSpacer(' OverDrive Level ') for device in deviceList: if odtype == 'sclk': odStr = 'GPU' ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_overdrive_level_get(device, byref(rsmi_od)) od = rsmi_od.value if not rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_overdrive_level_' + str(odtype)): continue elif odtype == 'mclk': odStr = 'GPU Memory' ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_mem_overdrive_level_get(device, byref(rsmi_od)) od = rsmi_od.value if not rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_mem_overdrive_level_' + str(odtype)): continue else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to retrieve OverDrive') logging.error('Unsupported clock type %s', odtype) RETCODE = 1 printLog(device, odStr + ' OverDrive value (%)', od) printLogSpacer() def showPcieBw(deviceList): """ Display estimated PCIe bandwidth usage for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ sent = c_uint64() received = c_uint64() max_pkt_sz = c_uint64() printLogSpacer(' Measured PCIe Bandwidth ') for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_pci_throughput_get(device, byref(sent), byref(received), byref(max_pkt_sz)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_PCIe_bandwidth'): # Use 1024.0 to ensure that the result is a float and not integer division bw = ((received.value + sent.value) * max_pkt_sz.value) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 # Use the bwstr below to control precision on the string bwstr = '%.3f' % bw printLog(device, 'Estimated maximum PCIe bandwidth over the last second (MB/s)', bwstr) else: logging.debug('GPU PCIe bandwidth usage not supported') printLogSpacer() def showPcieReplayCount(deviceList): """ Display number of PCIe replays for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ counter = c_uint64() printLogSpacer(' PCIe Replay Counter ') for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_pci_replay_counter_get(device, byref(counter)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'PCIe Replay Count'): printLog(device, 'PCIe Replay Count', counter.value) printLogSpacer() def showPerformanceLevel(deviceList): """ Display current Performance Level for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' Show Performance Level ') for device in deviceList: if getPerfLevel(device) != -1: printLog(device, 'Performance Level', str(getPerfLevel(device)).lower()) else: printLog(device, 'Performance Level Unsupported', None) printLogSpacer() def showPids(): """ Show Information for PIDs created in a KFD (Compute) context """ printLogSpacer(' KFD Processes ') dataArray = [] dataArray.append(['PID', 'PROCESS NAME', 'GPU(s)', 'VRAM USED', 'SDMA USED', 'CU OCCUPANCY']) pidList = getPidList() if not pidList: printLog(None, 'No KFD PIDs currently running', None) printLogSpacer() return dv_indices = c_void_p() num_devices = c_uint32() proc = rsmi_process_info_t() for pid in pidList: gpuNumber = 'UNKNOWN' vramUsage = 'UNKNOWN' sdmaUsage = 'UNKNOWN' cuOccupancy = 'UNKNOWN' ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_compute_process_gpus_get(int(pid), None, byref(num_devices)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, metric='get_gpu_compute_process'): dv_indices = (c_uint32 * num_devices.value)() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_compute_process_gpus_get(int(pid), dv_indices, byref(num_devices)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, metric='get_gpu_compute_process'): gpuNumber = str(num_devices.value) else: logging.debug('Unable to fetch GPU number by PID') ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_compute_process_info_by_pid_get(int(pid), byref(proc)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, metric='get_compute_process_info_by_pid'): vramUsage = proc.vram_usage sdmaUsage = proc.sdma_usage cuOccupancy = proc.cu_occupancy else: logging.debug('Unable to fetch process info by PID') dataArray.append([pid, getProcessName(pid), str(gpuNumber), str(vramUsage), str(sdmaUsage), str(cuOccupancy)]) printLog(None, 'KFD process information:', None) print2DArray(dataArray) printLogSpacer() def showPower(deviceList): """ Display current Average Graphics Package Power Consumption for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ secondaryPresent=False printLogSpacer(' Power Consumption ') for device in deviceList: if checkIfSecondaryDie(device): printLog(device, 'Average Graphics Package Power (W)', "N/A (Secondary die)") secondaryPresent=True elif str(getPower(device)) != '0.0': printLog(device, 'Average Graphics Package Power (W)', getPower(device)) else: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to get Average Graphics Package Power Consumption') if secondaryPresent: printLog(None, "\n\t\tPrimary die (usually one above or below the secondary) shows total (primary + secondary) socket power information", None) printLogSpacer() def showPowerPlayTable(deviceList): """ Display current GPU Memory clock frequencies and voltages for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ global PRINT_JSON if PRINT_JSON: return printLogSpacer(' GPU Memory clock frequencies and voltages ') odvf = rsmi_od_volt_freq_data_t() for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_od_volt_info_get(device, byref(odvf)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_od_volt'): # TODO: Make this more dynamic and less hard-coded if possible printLog(device, 'OD_SCLK:', None) printLog(device, '0: %sMhz' % (int(odvf.curr_sclk_range.lower_bound / 1000000)), None) printLog(device, '1: %sMhz' % (int(odvf.curr_sclk_range.upper_bound / 1000000)), None) printLog(device, 'OD_MCLK:', None) printLog(device, '1: %sMhz' % (int(odvf.curr_mclk_range.upper_bound / 1000000)), None) printLog(device, 'OD_VDDC_CURVE:', None) for position in range(3): printLog(device, '%d: %sMhz %smV' % ( position, int(list(odvf.curve.vc_points)[position].frequency / 1000000), int(list(odvf.curve.vc_points)[position].voltage)), None) printLog(device, 'OD_RANGE:', None) printLog(device, 'SCLK: %sMhz %sMhz' % ( int(odvf.sclk_freq_limits.lower_bound / 1000000), int(odvf.sclk_freq_limits.upper_bound / 1000000)), None) printLog(device, 'MCLK: %sMhz %sMhz' % ( int(odvf.mclk_freq_limits.lower_bound / 1000000), int(odvf.mclk_freq_limits.upper_bound / 1000000)), None) for position in range(3): printLog(device, 'VDDC_CURVE_SCLK[%d]: %sMhz' % ( position, int(list(odvf.curve.vc_points)[position].frequency / 1000000)), None) printLog(device, 'VDDC_CURVE_VOLT[%d]: %smV' % ( position, int(list(odvf.curve.vc_points)[position].voltage)), None) printLogSpacer() def showProductName(deviceList): """ Show the requested product name for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ series = create_string_buffer(256) model = create_string_buffer(256) vendor = create_string_buffer(256) vbios = create_string_buffer(256) # sku = create_string_buffer(256) printLogSpacer(' Product Info ') for device in deviceList: # Retrieve card vendor ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_vendor_name_get(device, vendor, 256) # Only continue if GPU vendor is AMD if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_vendor_name') and isAmdDevice(device): try: device_vendor = vendor.value.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: printErrLog(device, "Unable to read device vendor") device_vendor = "N/A" # Retrieve the device series ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_name_get(device, series, 256) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_name'): try: device_series = series.value.decode() printLog(device, 'Card series', '\t\t' + device_series) except UnicodeDecodeError: printErrLog(device, "Unable to read card series") # Retrieve the device model ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_subsystem_name_get(device, model, 256) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_subsystem_name'): try: device_model = model.value.decode() # padHexValue is used for applications that expect 4-digit card models printLog(device, 'Card model', '\t\t' + padHexValue(device_model, 4)) except UnicodeDecodeError: printErrLog(device, "Unable to read device model") printLog(device, 'Card vendor', '\t\t' + device_vendor) # TODO: Retrieve the SKU using 'rsmi_dev_sku_get' from the LIB # ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_sku_get(device, sku, 256) # if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device) and sku.value.decode(): # device_sku = sku.value.decode() # Retrieve the device SKU as a substring from VBIOS ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_vbios_version_get(device, vbios, 256) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_vbios_version') and vbios.value.decode(): # Device SKU is just the characters in between the two '-' in vbios_version if vbios.value.decode().count('-') == 2 and len(str(vbios.value.decode().split('-')[1])) > 1: device_sku = vbios.value.decode().split('-')[1] else: device_sku = 'unknown' printLog(device, 'Card SKU', '\t\t' + device_sku) else: printErrLog(device, "Unable to decode VBIOS value for device SKU") else: printLog(device, 'Incompatible device.\n' \ 'GPU[%s]\t\t: Expected vendor name: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]\n' \ 'GPU[%s]\t\t: Actual vendor name' % (device, device), vendor.value.decode()) printLogSpacer() def showProfile(deviceList): """ Display available Power Profiles for a list of devices. @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ global PRINT_JSON if PRINT_JSON: return printLogSpacer(' Show Power Profiles ') status = rsmi_power_profile_status_t() for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_profile_presets_get(device, 0, byref(status)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_power_profiles', silent=False): binaryMaskString = str(format(status.available_profiles, '07b'))[::-1] bitMaskPosition = 0 profileNumber = 0 while (bitMaskPosition < 7): if binaryMaskString[bitMaskPosition] == '1': profileNumber = profileNumber + 1 if 2 ** bitMaskPosition == status.current: printLog(device, '%d. Available power profile (#%d of 7)' % \ (profileNumber, bitMaskPosition + 1), profileString(2 ** bitMaskPosition) + '*') else: printLog(device, '%d. Available power profile (#%d of 7)' % \ (profileNumber, bitMaskPosition + 1), profileString(2 ** bitMaskPosition)) bitMaskPosition = bitMaskPosition + 1 printLogSpacer() def showRange(deviceList, rangeType): """ Show the range for either the sclk or voltage for the specified devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param rangeType: [sclk|voltage] Type of range to return """ global RETCODE if rangeType not in {'sclk', 'mclk', 'voltage'}: printLog(None, 'Invalid range identifier %s' % (rangeType), None) RETCODE = 1 return printLogSpacer(' Show Valid %s Range ' % (rangeType)) odvf = rsmi_od_volt_freq_data_t() for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_od_volt_info_get(device, byref(odvf)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_od_volt', silent=False): if rangeType == 'sclk': printLog(device, 'Valid sclk range: %sMhz - %sMhz' % ( int(odvf.curr_sclk_range.lower_bound / 1000000), int(odvf.curr_sclk_range.upper_bound / 1000000)), None) if rangeType == 'mclk': printLog(device, 'Valid mclk range: %sMhz - %sMhz' % ( int(odvf.curr_mclk_range.lower_bound / 1000000), int(odvf.curr_mclk_range.upper_bound / 1000000)), None) if rangeType == 'voltage': if odvf.num_regions == 0: printErrLog(device, 'Voltage curve regions unsupported.') continue num_regions = c_uint32(odvf.num_regions) regions = (rsmi_freq_volt_region_t * odvf.num_regions)() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_od_volt_curve_regions_get(device, byref(num_regions), byref(regions)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'volt'): for i in range(num_regions.value): printLog(device, 'Region %d: Valid voltage range: %smV - %smV' % (i, regions[i].volt_range.lower_bound, regions[i].volt_range.upper_bound), None) else: printLog(device, 'Unable to display %s range' % (rangeType), None) printLogSpacer() def showRasInfo(deviceList, rasType): """ Show the requested RAS information for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param rasType: [$validRasBlocks] RAS counter to display (all if left empty) """ state = rsmi_ras_err_state_t() if not rasType or 'all' in rasType: rasBlocks = rsmi_gpu_block_d.keys() else: for name in rasType: if name.upper() not in rsmi_gpu_block_d: rasType.remove(name) printErrLog(device, '%s is not a RAS block' % (name)) rasBlocks = [block.upper() for block in rasType] printLogSpacer(' RAS Info ') for device in deviceList: data = [] for block in rasBlocks: row = [] ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_ecc_status_get(device, rsmi_gpu_block_d[block], byref(state)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_ecc_status_' + str(block), True): row.append(block) row.append(rsmi_ras_err_stale_machine[state.value].upper()) # Now add the error count if rsmi_ras_err_stale_machine[state.value] != 'disabled' or 'none' or 'unknown error': ec = rsmi_error_count_t() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_ecc_count_get(device, rsmi_gpu_block_d[block], byref(ec)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'ecc err count', True): row.append(ec.correctable_err) row.append(ec.uncorrectable_err) data.append(row) printTableLog([' Block', ' Status ', 'Correctable Error', 'Uncorrectable Error'], data, device, 'RAS INFO') # TODO: Use dynamic spacing for column widths printLogSpacer(None, '_') printLogSpacer() def showRetiredPages(deviceList, retiredType='all'): """ Show retired pages of a specified type for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param retiredType: Type of retired pages to show (default = all) """ printLogSpacer(' Pages Info ') num_pages = c_uint32() records = rsmi_retired_page_record_t() for device in deviceList: data = [] ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_memory_reserved_pages_get(device, byref(num_pages), None) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'ras'): records = (rsmi_retired_page_record_t * num_pages.value)() else: logging.debug('Unable to retrieve reserved page info') return ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_memory_reserved_pages_get(device, byref(num_pages), byref(records)) for rec in records: if (memory_page_status_l[rec.status] == retiredType or retiredType == 'all'): data.append((hex(rec.page_address), hex(rec.page_size), memory_page_status_l[rec.status])) if data: printTableLog([' Page address', ' Page size', ' Status'], data, device, retiredType.upper() + ' PAGES INFO') printLogSpacer() def showSerialNumber(deviceList): """ Display the serial number for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' Serial Number ') for device in deviceList: sn = create_string_buffer(256) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_serial_number_get(device, sn, 256) try: sn.value.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: printErrLog(device, "FRU Serial Number contains non-alphanumeric characters. FRU is likely corrupted") continue if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_serial_number') and sn.value.decode(): printLog(device, 'Serial Number', sn.value.decode()) else: printLog(device, 'Serial Number', 'N/A') printLogSpacer() def showUId(deviceList): """ Display the unique device ID for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' Unique ID ') for device in deviceList: dv_uid = c_uint64() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_unique_id_get(device, byref(dv_uid)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_unique_id', True) and str(hex(dv_uid.value)): printLog(device, 'Unique ID', hex(dv_uid.value)) else: printLog(device, 'Unique ID', 'N/A') printLogSpacer() def showVbiosVersion(deviceList): """ Display the VBIOS version for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' VBIOS ') for device in deviceList: printLog(device, 'VBIOS version', getVbiosVersion(device)) printLogSpacer() class _Getch: """ Get a single character from standard input """ def __init__(self): import sys, tty def __call__(self): import sys, termios, tty fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) ch = sys.stdin.read(1) finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch def showEvents(deviceList, eventTypes): """ Display a blocking list of events for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param eventTypes: List of event type names (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' Show Events ') printLog(None, 'press \'q\' or \'ctrl + c\' to quit', None) eventTypeList = [] for event in eventTypes: # Cleaning list from wrong values if event.replace(',', '').upper() in notification_type_names: eventTypeList.append(event.replace(',', '').upper()) else: printErrLog(None, 'Ignoring unrecognized event type %s' % (event.replace(',', ''))) if len(eventTypeList) == 0: eventTypeList = notification_type_names try: print2DArray([['DEVICE\t', 'TIME\t', 'TYPE\t', 'DESCRIPTION']]) # Create a seperate thread for each GPU for device in deviceList: _thread.start_new_thread(printEventList, (device, 1000, eventTypeList)) time.sleep(0.25) except Exception as e: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to start new thread. %s' % (e)) return while 1: # Exit condition from user keyboard input of 'q' or 'ctrl + c' getch = _Getch() user_input = getch() # Catch user input for q or Ctrl + c if user_input == 'q' or user_input == '\x03': for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_event_notification_stop(device) if not rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'stop_event_notification'): printErrLog(device, 'Unable to end event notifications.') print('\r') break def printTempGraph(deviceList, delay): # deviceList must be in ascending order deviceList.sort() devices = 0 # Print an empty line for each device for device in deviceList: devices = devices + 1 for i in range(devices): printEmptyLine() originalTerminalWidth = os.get_terminal_size()[0] while 1: # Exit condition from user keyboard input of 'q' or 'ctrl + c' printString = '' for device in deviceList: temp = getTemp(device, 'edge') percentage = temp if percentage >= 100: percentage = 100 if percentage < 0: percentage = 0 # Get available space based on terminal width terminalWidth = os.get_terminal_size()[0] availableSpace = 0 if terminalWidth >= 20: availableSpace = terminalWidth - 20 # Get color based on percentage, with a non-linear scaling color = getGraphColor(3.16*(percentage**1.5)**(1/2)) # Get graph length based on percentage and available space padding = (percentage / float(100)) * availableSpace if padding > availableSpace: padding = availableSpace paddingSpace = color[-1] for i in range(int(padding)): paddingSpace += paddingSpace[-1] remainder = 0 if availableSpace >= padding: remainder = availableSpace + 1 - padding remainderSpace = ' ' * int(remainder) # TODO: Allow terminal size to be decreased if terminalWidth < originalTerminalWidth: print('Terminal size cannot be decreased.\n\r') return # Two spare Spaces tempString = (str(int(temp)) + '°C').ljust(5) printString += '\033[2;30;47mGPU[%d] Temp %s|%s%s\x1b[0m%s\r\n' % (device, tempString, color, paddingSpace[1:], remainderSpace) originalTerminalWidth = terminalWidth time.sleep((delay / 1000)) if terminalWidth >= 20: for i in range(devices): printString = '\033[A' + printString print(printString, end = '\r') def getGraphColor(percentage): # Text / Background color mixing (Tested on PuTTY) colors = ['\033[2;35;45m','\033[2;34;45m','\033[2;35;44m','\033[2;34;44m', '\033[2;36;44m','\033[2;34;46m','\033[2;36;46m','\033[2;32;46m', '\033[2;36;42m','\033[2;32;42m','\033[2;33;42m','\033[2;32;43m', '\033[2;33;43m','\033[2;31;43m','\033[2;33;41m','\033[2;31;41m'] characters = [' ', '░', '░', '▒', '▒', '░'] # Ensure percentage is in range and rounded if percentage > 99: percentage = 99 if percentage < 0: percentage = 0 percentage = round(percentage, 0) # There are a total of 16 distinct colors, with 2 special ascii characters per # color, for a total of 16*2=32 distinct colors for a gradient. # Therefore every 100/32=3.125 percent the color gradient will change stepSize = (100/len(colors))/2 characterIndex = int((percentage % (len(characters) * stepSize)) / stepSize) colorIndex = int(percentage / (stepSize * 2)) returnStr = colors[colorIndex] + characters[characterIndex] return returnStr def showTempGraph(deviceList): printLogSpacer(' Temperature Graph ') # Start a thread for constantly printing try: # Create a thread (call print function, devices, delay in ms) _thread.start_new_thread(printTempGraph, (deviceList, 150)) except Exception as e: printErrLog(device, 'Unable to start new thread. %s' % (e)) # Catch user input for program termination while 1: # Exit condition from user keyboard input of 'q' or 'ctrl + c' getch = _Getch() user_input = getch() # Catch user input for q or Ctrl + c if user_input == 'q' or user_input == '\x03': break # Reset color to default before exit print('\033[A\x1b[0m\r') printLogSpacer() def showVersion(deviceList, component): """ Display the software version for the specified component @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param component: Component (currently only driver) """ printLogSpacer(' Version of System Component ') printSysLog(component_str(component) + ' version', getVersion(deviceList, component)) printLogSpacer() def showVoltage(deviceList): """ Display the current voltage (in millivolts) for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' Current voltage ') for device in deviceList: vtype = rsmi_voltage_type_t(0) met = rsmi_voltage_metric_t(0) voltage = c_uint64() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_volt_metric_get(device, vtype, met, byref(voltage)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_volt_metric') and str(voltage.value): printLog(device, 'Voltage (mV)', str(voltage.value)) else: logging.debug('GPU voltage not supported') printLogSpacer() def showVoltageCurve(deviceList): """ Show the voltage curve points for the specified devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' Voltage Curve Points ') odvf = rsmi_od_volt_freq_data_t() for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_od_volt_info_get(device, byref(odvf)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_od_volt_info', silent=False): for position in range(3): printLog(device, 'Voltage point %d: %sMhz %smV' % ( position, int(list(odvf.curve.vc_points)[position].frequency / 1000000), int(list(odvf.curve.vc_points)[position].voltage)), None) printLogSpacer() def showXgmiErr(deviceList): """ Display the XGMI Error status This reads the XGMI error file, and interprets the return value from the sysfs file @param deviceList: Show XGMI error state for these devices """ printLogSpacer('XGMI Error status') xe = rsmi_xgmi_status_t() for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_xgmi_error_status(device, byref(xe)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'xgmi status'): desc = '' if xe.value is None: continue else: err = int(xe.value) if err == 0: desc = 'No errors detected since last read' elif err == 1: desc = 'Single error detected since last read' elif err == 2: desc = 'Multiple errors detected since last read' else: printErrLog(device, 'Invalid return value from xgmi_error') continue if PRINT_JSON is True: printLog(device, 'XGMI Error count', err) else: printLog(device, 'XGMI Error count', '%s (%s)' % (err, desc)) printLogSpacer() def showAccessibleTopology(deviceList): """ Display the HW Topology Information based on link accessibility This reads the HW Topology file and displays the matrix for the nodes @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ devices_ind = range(len(deviceList)) accessible = c_bool() gpu_links_type = [[0 for x in devices_ind] for y in devices_ind] printLogSpacer(' Link accessibility between two GPUs ') for srcdevice in deviceList: for destdevice in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_is_P2P_accessible(srcdevice, destdevice, byref(accessible)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, metric='is_P2P_accessible'): gpu_links_type[srcdevice][destdevice] = accessible.value else: printErrLog(srcdevice, 'Cannot read link accessibility: Unsupported on this machine') if PRINT_JSON: formatMatrixToJSON(deviceList, gpu_links_type, "(Topology) Link accessibility between DRM devices {} and {}") return printTableRow(None, ' ') for row in deviceList: tmp = 'GPU%d' % row printTableRow('%-12s', tmp) printEmptyLine() for gpu1 in deviceList: tmp = 'GPU%d' % gpu1 printTableRow('%-6s', tmp) for gpu2 in deviceList: printTableRow('%-12s', gpu_links_type[gpu1][gpu2]) printEmptyLine() def showWeightTopology(deviceList): """ Display the HW Topology Information based on weights This reads the HW Topology file and displays the matrix for the nodes @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ global PRINT_JSON devices_ind = range(len(deviceList)) gpu_links_weight = [[0 for x in devices_ind] for y in devices_ind] printLogSpacer(' Weight between two GPUs ') for srcdevice in deviceList: for destdevice in deviceList: if (srcdevice == destdevice): gpu_links_weight[srcdevice][destdevice] = 0 continue weight = c_uint64() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_topo_get_link_weight(srcdevice, destdevice, byref(weight)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, metric='get_link_weight_topology'): gpu_links_weight[srcdevice][destdevice] = weight else: printErrLog(srcdevice, 'Cannot read Link Weight: Not supported on this machine') gpu_links_weight[srcdevice][destdevice] = None if PRINT_JSON: formatMatrixToJSON(deviceList, gpu_links_weight, "(Topology) Weight between DRM devices {} and {}") return printTableRow(None, ' ') for row in deviceList: tmp = 'GPU%d' % row printTableRow('%-12s', tmp) printEmptyLine() for gpu1 in deviceList: tmp = 'GPU%d' % gpu1 printTableRow('%-6s', tmp) for gpu2 in deviceList: if (gpu1 == gpu2): printTableRow('%-12s', '0') elif (gpu_links_weight[gpu1][gpu2] == None): printTableRow('%-12s', 'N/A') else: printTableRow('%-12s', gpu_links_weight[gpu1][gpu2].value) printEmptyLine() def showHopsTopology(deviceList): """ Display the HW Topology Information based on number of hops This reads the HW Topology file and displays the matrix for the nodes @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ linktype = c_char_p() devices_ind = range(len(deviceList)) gpu_links_hops = [[0 for x in devices_ind] for y in devices_ind] printLogSpacer(' Hops between two GPUs ') for srcdevice in deviceList: for destdevice in deviceList: if (srcdevice == destdevice): gpu_links_hops[srcdevice][destdevice] = '0' continue hops = c_uint64() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_topo_get_link_type(srcdevice, destdevice, byref(hops), byref(linktype)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, metric='get_link_type_topology'): gpu_links_hops[srcdevice][destdevice] = hops else: printErrLog(srcdevice, 'Cannot read Link Hops: Not supported on this machine') gpu_links_hops[srcdevice][destdevice] = None if PRINT_JSON: formatMatrixToJSON(deviceList, gpu_links_hops, "(Topology) Hops between DRM devices {} and {}") return printTableRow(None, ' ') for row in deviceList: tmp = 'GPU%d' % row printTableRow('%-12s', tmp) printEmptyLine() for gpu1 in deviceList: tmp = 'GPU%d' % gpu1 printTableRow('%-6s', tmp) for gpu2 in deviceList: if (gpu1 == gpu2): printTableRow('%-12s', '0') elif (gpu_links_hops[gpu1][gpu2] == None): printTableRow('%-12s', 'N/A') else: printTableRow('%-12s', gpu_links_hops[gpu1][gpu2].value) printEmptyLine() def showTypeTopology(deviceList): """ Display the HW Topology Information based on link type This reads the HW Topology file and displays the matrix for the nodes @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ devices_ind = range(len(deviceList)) hops = c_uint64() linktype = c_uint64() gpu_links_type = [[0 for x in devices_ind] for y in devices_ind] printLogSpacer(' Link Type between two GPUs ') for srcdevice in deviceList: for destdevice in deviceList: if (srcdevice == destdevice): gpu_links_type[srcdevice][destdevice] = '0' continue ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_topo_get_link_type(srcdevice, destdevice, byref(hops), byref(linktype)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, metric='get_link_topology_type'): if (linktype.value == 1): gpu_links_type[srcdevice][destdevice] = "PCIE" elif (linktype.value == 2): gpu_links_type[srcdevice][destdevice] = "XGMI" else: gpu_links_type[srcdevice][destdevice] = "XXXX" else: printErrLog(srcdevice, 'Cannot read Link Type: Not supported on this machine') gpu_links_type[srcdevice][destdevice] = "XXXX" if PRINT_JSON: formatMatrixToJSON(deviceList, gpu_links_type, "(Topology) Link type between DRM devices {} and {}") return printTableRow(None, ' ') for row in deviceList: tmp = 'GPU%d' % row printTableRow('%-12s', tmp) printEmptyLine() for gpu1 in deviceList: tmp = 'GPU%d' % gpu1 printTableRow('%-6s', tmp) for gpu2 in deviceList: if (gpu1 == gpu2): printTableRow('%-12s', '0') else: printTableRow('%-12s', gpu_links_type[gpu1][gpu2]) printEmptyLine() def showNumaTopology(deviceList): """ Display the HW Topology Information for numa nodes This reads the HW Topology file and display the matrix for the nodes @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ printLogSpacer(' Numa Nodes ') numa_numbers = c_uint32() for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_topo_get_numa_node_number(device, byref(numa_numbers)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_numa_node_number'): printLog(device, "(Topology) Numa Node", numa_numbers.value) else: printErrLog(device, "Cannot read Numa Node") ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_topo_numa_affinity_get(device, byref(numa_numbers)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, metric='get_numa_affinity_topology'): printLog(device, "(Topology) Numa Affinity", numa_numbers.value) else: printErrLog(device, 'Cannot read Numa Affinity') def showHwTopology(deviceList): """ Display the HW Topology Information based on weight/hops/type This reads the HW Topology file and displays the matrix for the nodes @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ showWeightTopology(deviceList) printEmptyLine() showHopsTopology(deviceList) printEmptyLine() showTypeTopology(deviceList) printEmptyLine() showNumaTopology(deviceList) def showNodesBw(deviceList): """ Display max and min bandwidth between nodes. Currently supports XGMI only. This reads the HW Topology file and displays the matrix for the nodes @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ devices_ind = range(len(deviceList)) minBW = c_uint32() maxBW = c_uint32() hops = c_uint64() linktype = c_uint64() silent = False nonXgmi = False gpu_links_type = [[0 for x in devices_ind] for y in devices_ind] printLogSpacer(' Bandwidth ') for srcdevice in deviceList: for destdevice in deviceList: if srcdevice != destdevice: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_minmax_bandwidth_get(srcdevice, destdevice, byref(minBW), byref(maxBW)) #verify that link type is xgmi ret2 = rocmsmi.rsmi_topo_get_link_type(srcdevice, destdevice, byref(hops), byref(linktype)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret2," {} to {}".format(srcdevice, destdevice), 'get_link_topology_type', True): if linktype.value != 2: nonXgmi = True silent= True gpu_links_type[srcdevice][destdevice] = "N/A" if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, " {} to {}".format(srcdevice, destdevice), 'get_link_topology_type',silent): gpu_links_type[srcdevice][destdevice] = "{}-{}".format(minBW.value, maxBW.value) else: gpu_links_type[srcdevice][destdevice] = "N/A" if PRINT_JSON: formatMatrixToJSON(deviceList, "{}-{}".format(minBW.value, maxBW.value), " min-max bandwidth between DRM devices {} and {}".format(srcdevice, destdevice)) return printTableRow(None, ' ') for row in deviceList: tmp = 'GPU%d' % row printTableRow('%-12s', tmp) printEmptyLine() for gpu1 in deviceList: tmp = 'GPU%d' % gpu1 printTableRow('%-6s', tmp) for gpu2 in deviceList: printTableRow('%-12s', gpu_links_type[gpu1][gpu2]) printEmptyLine() printLog(None,"Format: min-max; Units: mps", None) printLog(None,'"0-0" min-max bandwidth indicates devices are not connected directly', None) if nonXgmi: printLog(None,"Non-xGMI links detected and is currently not supported", None) def showComputePartition(deviceList): """ Returns the current compute partitioning for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ currentComputePartition = create_string_buffer(256) printLogSpacer(' Current Compute Partition ') for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_compute_partition_get(device, currentComputePartition, 256) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_compute_partition', silent=True) and currentComputePartition.value.decode(): printLog(device, 'Compute Partition', currentComputePartition.value.decode()) elif ret == rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: printLog(device, 'Not supported on the given system', None) else: rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_compute_partition') printErrLog(device, 'Failed to retrieve compute partition, even though device supports it.') printLogSpacer() def showNPSMode(deviceList): """ Returns the current NPS mode for a list of devices @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ npsMode = create_string_buffer(256) printLogSpacer(' Current NPS Mode ') for device in deviceList: ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_nps_mode_get(device, npsMode, 256) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_NPS_mode',silent=True) and npsMode.value.decode(): printLog(device, 'NPS Mode', npsMode.value.decode()) elif ret == rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: printLog(device, 'Not supported on the given system', None) else: rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_NPS_mode') printErrLog(device, 'Failed to retrieve NPS mode, even though device supports it.') printLogSpacer() def checkAmdGpus(deviceList): """ Check if there are any AMD GPUs being queried, return False if there are none @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) """ for device in deviceList: if isAmdDevice(device): return True return False def component_str(component): """ Returns the component String value @param component: Component (currently only driver) """ switcher = { 0: 'Driver' } return switcher.get(component, 'UNKNOWN') def confirmOutOfSpecWarning(autoRespond): """ Print the warning for running outside of specification and prompt user to accept the terms. @param autoRespond: Response to automatically provide for all prompts """ print(''' ******WARNING******\n Operating your AMD GPU outside of official AMD specifications or outside of factory settings, including but not limited to the conducting of overclocking, over-volting or under-volting (including use of this interface software, even if such software has been directly or indirectly provided by AMD or otherwise affiliated in any way with AMD), may cause damage to your AMD GPU, system components and/or result in system failure, as well as cause other problems. DAMAGES CAUSED BY USE OF YOUR AMD GPU OUTSIDE OF OFFICIAL AMD SPECIFICATIONS OR OUTSIDE OF FACTORY SETTINGS ARE NOT COVERED UNDER ANY AMD PRODUCT WARRANTY AND MAY NOT BE COVERED BY YOUR BOARD OR SYSTEM MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY. Please use this utility with caution. ''') if not autoRespond: user_input = input('Do you accept these terms? [y/N] ') else: user_input = autoRespond if user_input in ['Yes', 'yes', 'y', 'Y', 'YES']: return else: sys.exit('Confirmation not given. Exiting without setting value') def doesDeviceExist(device): """ Check whether the specified device exists @param device: DRM device identifier """ availableDevices = listDevices() filePath = '/sys/kernel/debug/dri/%d/' % (int(device)) if device in availableDevices or os.path.exists(filePath): return True return False def initializeRsmi(): """ initializes rocmsmi if the amdgpu driver is initialized """ # Check if amdgpu is initialized before initializing rsmi if driverInitialized() is True: ret_init = rocmsmi.rsmi_init(0) if ret_init != 0: logging.error('ROCm SMI returned %s (the expected value is 0)', ret_init) exit(ret_init) else: logging.error('Driver not initialized (amdgpu not found in modules)') exit(0) def isAmdDevice(device): """ Return whether the specified device is an AMD device or not @param device: DRM device identifier """ vendorID = c_uint16() # Retrieve card vendor ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_vendor_id_get(device, byref(vendorID)) # Only continue if GPU vendor is AMD, which is 1002 if ret == rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS and str(hex(vendorID.value)) == '0x1002': return True return False def listDevices(): """ Returns a list of GPU devices """ numberOfDevices = c_uint32(0) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_num_monitor_devices(byref(numberOfDevices)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, metric='get_num_monitor_devices'): deviceList = list(range(numberOfDevices.value)) return deviceList else: exit(ret) def load(savefilepath, autoRespond): """ Load clock frequencies and fan speeds from a specified file. @param savefilepath: Path to the save file @param autoRespond: Response to automatically provide for all prompts """ printLogSpacer(' Load Settings ') if not os.path.isfile(savefilepath): printLog(None, 'No settings file found at %s' % (savefilepath), None) printLogSpacer() sys.exit() with open(savefilepath, 'r') as savefile: jsonData = json.loads(savefile.read()) for (device, values) in jsonData.items(): if values['vJson'] != CLOCK_JSON_VERSION: printLog(None, 'Unable to load legacy clock file - file v%s != current v%s' % (str(values['vJson']), str(CLOCK_JSON_VERSION)), None) break device = int(device[4:]) if values['fan']: setFanSpeed([device], values['fan']) if values['overdrivesclk']: setClockOverDrive([device], 'sclk', values['overdrivesclk'], autoRespond) if values['overdrivemclk']: setClockOverDrive([device], 'mclk', values['overdrivemclk'], autoRespond) for clk in validClockNames: if clk in values['clocks']: setClocks([device], clk, values['clocks'][clk]) if values['profile']: setProfile([device], values['profile']) # Set Perf level last, since setting OverDrive sets the Performance level # to manual, and Profiles only work when the Performance level is auto if values['perflevel'] != -1: setPerformanceLevel([device], values['perflevel']) printLog(device, 'Successfully loaded values from ' + savefilepath, None) printLogSpacer() def padHexValue(value, length): """ Pad a hexadecimal value with a given length of zeros @param value: A hexadecimal value to be padded with zeros @param length: Number of zeros to pad the hexadecimal value """ # Ensure value entered meets the minimum length and is hexadecimal if len(value) > 2 and length > 1 and value[:2].lower() == '0x' \ and all(c in '0123456789abcdefABCDEF' for c in value[2:]): # Pad with zeros after '0x' prefix return '0x' + value[2:].zfill(length) return value def profileString(profile): dictionary = {1: 'CUSTOM', 2: 'VIDEO', 4: 'POWER SAVING', 8: 'COMPUTE', 16: 'VR', 32: '3D FULL SCREEN', 64: 'BOOTUP DEFAULT'} # TODO: We should dynamically generate this to avoid hardcoding if str(profile).isnumeric() and int(profile) in dictionary.keys(): return dictionary.get(int(profile)) elif not str(profile).isnumeric() and str(profile) in dictionary.values(): return list(dictionary.keys())[list(dictionary.values()).index(str(profile))] return 'UNKNOWN' def relaunchAsSudo(): """ Relaunch the SMI as sudo To use rocm_smi_lib functions that write to sysfs, the SMI requires root access Use execvp to relaunch the script with sudo privileges """ if os.geteuid() != 0: os.execvp('sudo', ['sudo'] + sys.argv) #keeping below, if we want to run sudo with user's env variables #os.execvp('sudo', ['sudo', '-E'] + sys.argv) def rsmi_ret_ok(my_ret, device=None, metric=None, silent=False): """ Returns true if RSMI call status is 0 (success) If status is not 0, error logs are written to the debug log and false is returned @param device: DRM device identifier @param my_ret: Return of RSMI call (rocm_smi_lib API) @param metric: Parameter of GPU currently being analyzed @param silent: Echo verbose error reponse. True siliences err output, False does not silience err output (default). """ global RETCODE global PRINT_JSON if my_ret != rsmi_status_t.RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS: err_str = c_char_p() rocmsmi.rsmi_status_string(my_ret, byref(err_str)) returnString = '' if device is not None: returnString += '%s GPU[%s]:' % (my_ret, device) if metric is not None: returnString += ' %s: ' % (metric) returnString += '%s\t' % (err_str.value.decode()) if not PRINT_JSON: logging.debug('%s', returnString) if not silent: if my_ret in rsmi_status_verbose_err_out: printLog(device, metric + ", " + rsmi_status_verbose_err_out[my_ret], None) RETCODE = my_ret return False return True def save(deviceList, savefilepath): """ Save clock frequencies and fan speeds for a list of devices to a specified file path. @param deviceList: List of DRM devices (can be a single-item list) @param savefilepath: Path to use to create the save file """ perfLevels = {} clocks = {} fanSpeeds = {} overDriveGpu = {} overDriveGpuMem = {} profiles = {} jsonData = {} printLogSpacer(' Save Settings ') if os.path.isfile(savefilepath): printLog(None, '%s already exists. Settings not saved' % (savefilepath), None) printLogSpacer() sys.exit() for device in deviceList: if getPerfLevel(device) != -1: perfLevels[device] = str(getPerfLevel(device)).lower() else: perfLevels[device] = 'Unsupported' freq = rsmi_frequencies_t() for clk_type in sorted(rsmi_clk_names_dict): clocks[device] = clocks.get(device, {}) ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(device, rsmi_clk_names_dict[clk_type], byref(freq)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_gpu_clk_freq_' + str(clk_type), True): clocks[device][clk_type] = str(freq.current) else: clocks[device][clk_type] = '0' fanSpeeds[device] = getFanSpeed(device)[0] od = c_uint32() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_overdrive_level_get(device, byref(od)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_overdrive_level'): overDriveGpu[device] = str(od.value) else: overDriveGpu[device] = '0' # GPU memory Overdrive is legacy overDriveGpuMem[device] = '0' status = rsmi_power_profile_status_t() ret = rocmsmi.rsmi_dev_power_profile_presets_get(device, 0, byref(status)) if rsmi_ret_ok(ret, device, 'get_profile_presets'): profiles[device] = str(str(bin(status.current))[2:][::-1].index('1') + 1) else: profiles[device] = str('UNKNOWN') jsonData['card%d' % (device)] = {'vJson': CLOCK_JSON_VERSION, 'clocks': clocks[device], 'fan': fanSpeeds[device], 'overdrivesclk': overDriveGpu[device], 'overdrivemclk': overDriveGpuMem[device], 'profile': profiles[device], 'perflevel': perfLevels[device]} printLog(device, 'Current settings successfully saved to', savefilepath) with open(savefilepath, 'w') as savefile: json.dump(jsonData, savefile, ensure_ascii=True) printLogSpacer() # The code below is for when this script is run as an executable instead of when imported as a module if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='AMD ROCm System Management Interface | ROCM-SMI version: %s | Kernel version: %s' % ( __version__, getVersion(None, rsmi_sw_component_t.RSMI_SW_COMP_DRIVER)), formatter_class=lambda prog: argparse.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=90, width=120)) groupDev = parser.add_argument_group() groupDisplayOpt = parser.add_argument_group('Display Options') groupDisplayTop = parser.add_argument_group('Topology') groupDisplayPages = parser.add_argument_group('Pages information') groupDisplayHw = parser.add_argument_group('Hardware-related information') groupDisplay = parser.add_argument_group('Software-related/controlled information') groupAction = parser.add_argument_group('Set options') groupActionReset = parser.add_argument_group('Reset options') groupActionGpuReset = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() groupFile = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() groupResponse = parser.add_argument_group('Auto-response options') groupActionOutput = parser.add_argument_group('Output options') groupDev.add_argument('-d', '--device', help='Execute command on specified device', type=int, nargs='+') groupDisplayOpt.add_argument('--alldevices', action='store_true') # ------------- function deprecated, no help menu groupDisplayOpt.add_argument('--showhw', help='Show Hardware details', action='store_true') groupDisplayOpt.add_argument('-a', '--showallinfo', help='Show Temperature, Fan and Clock values', action='store_true') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('-i', '--showid', help='Show GPU ID', action='store_true') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('-v', '--showvbios', help='Show VBIOS version', action='store_true') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('-e', '--showevents', help='Show event list', metavar='EVENT', type=str, nargs='*') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('--showdriverversion', help='Show kernel driver version', action='store_true') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('--showtempgraph', help='Show Temperature Graph', action='store_true') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('--showfwinfo', help='Show FW information', metavar='BLOCK', type=str, nargs='*') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('--showmclkrange', help='Show mclk range', action='store_true') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('--showmemvendor', help='Show GPU memory vendor', action='store_true') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('--showsclkrange', help='Show sclk range', action='store_true') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('--showproductname', help='Show SKU/Vendor name', action='store_true') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('--showserial', help='Show GPU\'s Serial Number', action='store_true') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('--showuniqueid', help='Show GPU\'s Unique ID', action='store_true') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('--showvoltagerange', help='Show voltage range', action='store_true') groupDisplayTop.add_argument('--showbus', help='Show PCI bus number', action='store_true') groupDisplayPages.add_argument('--showpagesinfo', help='Show retired, pending and unreservable pages', action='store_true') groupDisplayPages.add_argument('--showpendingpages', help='Show pending retired pages', action='store_true') groupDisplayPages.add_argument('--showretiredpages', help='Show retired pages', action='store_true') groupDisplayPages.add_argument('--showunreservablepages', help='Show unreservable pages', action='store_true') groupDisplayHw.add_argument('-f', '--showfan', help='Show current fan speed', action='store_true') groupDisplayHw.add_argument('-P', '--showpower', help='Show current Average Graphics Package Power Consumption', action='store_true') groupDisplayHw.add_argument('-t', '--showtemp', help='Show current temperature', action='store_true') groupDisplayHw.add_argument('-u', '--showuse', help='Show current GPU use', action='store_true') groupDisplayHw.add_argument('--showmemuse', help='Show current GPU memory used', action='store_true') groupDisplayHw.add_argument('--showvoltage', help='Show current GPU voltage', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('-b', '--showbw', help='Show estimated PCIe use', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('-c', '--showclocks', help='Show current clock frequencies', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('-g', '--showgpuclocks', help='Show current GPU clock frequencies', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('-l', '--showprofile', help='Show Compute Profile attributes', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('-M', '--showmaxpower', help='Show maximum graphics package power this GPU will consume', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('-m', '--showmemoverdrive', help='Show current GPU Memory Clock OverDrive level', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('-o', '--showoverdrive', help='Show current GPU Clock OverDrive level', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('-p', '--showperflevel', help='Show current DPM Performance Level', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('-S', '--showclkvolt', help='Show supported GPU and Memory Clocks and Voltages', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('-s', '--showclkfrq', help='Show supported GPU and Memory Clock', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showmeminfo', help='Show Memory usage information for given block(s) TYPE', metavar='TYPE', type=str, nargs='+') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showpids', help='Show current running KFD PIDs', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showpidgpus', help='Show GPUs used by specified KFD PIDs (all if no arg given)', nargs='*') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showreplaycount', help='Show PCIe Replay Count', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showrasinfo', help='Show RAS enablement information and error counts for the specified block(s) (all if no arg given)', nargs='*') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showvc', help='Show voltage curve', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showxgmierr', help='Show XGMI error information since last read', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showtopo', help='Show hardware topology information', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showtopoaccess', help='Shows the link accessibility between GPUs ', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showtopoweight', help='Shows the relative weight between GPUs ', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showtopohops', help='Shows the number of hops between GPUs ', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showtopotype', help='Shows the link type between GPUs ', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showtoponuma', help='Shows the numa nodes ', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showenergycounter', help='Energy accumulator that stores amount of energy consumed', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--shownodesbw', help='Shows the numa nodes ', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--showcomputepartition', help='Shows current compute partitioning ', action='store_true') groupDisplay.add_argument('--shownpsmode', help='Shows current NPS mode ', action='store_true') groupActionReset.add_argument('-r', '--resetclocks', help='Reset clocks and OverDrive to default', action='store_true') groupActionReset.add_argument('--resetfans', help='Reset fans to automatic (driver) control', action='store_true') groupActionReset.add_argument('--resetprofile', help='Reset Power Profile back to default', action='store_true') groupActionReset.add_argument('--resetpoweroverdrive', help='Set the maximum GPU power back to the device deafult state', action='store_true') groupActionReset.add_argument('--resetxgmierr', help='Reset XGMI error count', action='store_true') groupActionReset.add_argument('--resetperfdeterminism', help='Disable performance determinism', action='store_true') groupActionReset.add_argument('--resetcomputepartition', help='Resets to boot compute partition state', action='store_true') groupActionReset.add_argument('--resetnpsmode', help='Resets to boot NPS mode state', action='store_true') groupAction.add_argument('--setclock', help='Set Clock Frequency Level(s) for specified clock (requires manual Perf level)', metavar=('TYPE','LEVEL'), nargs=2) groupAction.add_argument('--setsclk', help='Set GPU Clock Frequency Level(s) (requires manual Perf level)', type=int, metavar='LEVEL', nargs='+') groupAction.add_argument('--setmclk', help='Set GPU Memory Clock Frequency Level(s) (requires manual Perf level)', type=int, metavar='LEVEL', nargs='+') groupAction.add_argument('--setpcie', help='Set PCIE Clock Frequency Level(s) (requires manual Perf level)', type=int, metavar='LEVEL', nargs='+') groupAction.add_argument('--setslevel', help='Change GPU Clock frequency (MHz) and Voltage (mV) for a specific Level', metavar=('SCLKLEVEL', 'SCLK', 'SVOLT'), nargs=3) groupAction.add_argument('--setmlevel', help='Change GPU Memory clock frequency (MHz) and Voltage for (mV) a specific Level', metavar=('MCLKLEVEL', 'MCLK', 'MVOLT'), nargs=3) groupAction.add_argument('--setvc', help='Change SCLK Voltage Curve (MHz mV) for a specific point', metavar=('POINT', 'SCLK', 'SVOLT'), nargs=3) groupAction.add_argument('--setsrange', help='Set min and max SCLK speed', metavar=('SCLKMIN', 'SCLKMAX'), nargs=2) groupAction.add_argument('--setmrange', help='Set min and max MCLK speed', metavar=('MCLKMIN', 'MCLKMAX'), nargs=2) groupAction.add_argument('--setfan', help='Set GPU Fan Speed (Level or %%)', metavar='LEVEL') groupAction.add_argument('--setperflevel', help='Set Performance Level', metavar='LEVEL') groupAction.add_argument('--setoverdrive', help='Set GPU OverDrive level (requires manual|high Perf level)', metavar='%') groupAction.add_argument('--setmemoverdrive', help='Set GPU Memory Overclock OverDrive level (requires manual|high Perf level)', metavar='%') groupAction.add_argument('--setpoweroverdrive', help='Set the maximum GPU power using Power OverDrive in Watts', metavar='WATTS') groupAction.add_argument('--setprofile', help='Specify Power Profile level (#) or a quoted string of CUSTOM Profile attributes "# ' '# # #..." (requires manual Perf level)') groupAction.add_argument('--setperfdeterminism', help='Set clock frequency limit to get minimal performance variation', type=int, metavar='SCLK', nargs=1) groupAction.add_argument('--setcomputepartition', help='Set compute partition', choices=compute_partition_type_l + [x.lower() for x in compute_partition_type_l], type=str, nargs=1) groupAction.add_argument('--setnpsmode', help='Set nps mode', choices=nps_mode_type_l + [x.lower() for x in nps_mode_type_l], type=str, nargs=1) groupAction.add_argument('--rasenable', help='Enable RAS for specified block and error type', type=str, nargs=2, metavar=('BLOCK', 'ERRTYPE')) groupAction.add_argument('--rasdisable', help='Disable RAS for specified block and error type', type=str, nargs=2, metavar=('BLOCK', 'ERRTYPE')) groupAction.add_argument('--rasinject', help='Inject RAS poison for specified block (ONLY WORKS ON UNSECURE BOARDS)', type=str, metavar='BLOCK', nargs=1) groupActionGpuReset.add_argument('--gpureset', help='Reset specified GPU (One GPU must be specified)', action='store_true') groupFile.add_argument('--load', help='Load Clock, Fan, Performance and Profile settings from FILE', metavar='FILE') groupFile.add_argument('--save', help='Save Clock, Fan, Performance and Profile settings to FILE', metavar='FILE') groupResponse.add_argument('--autorespond', help='Response to automatically provide for all prompts (NOT RECOMMENDED)', metavar='RESPONSE') groupActionOutput.add_argument('--loglevel', help='How much output will be printed for what program is doing, one of debug/info/warning/error/critical', metavar='LEVEL') groupActionOutput.add_argument('--json', help='Print output in JSON format', action='store_true') groupActionOutput.add_argument('--csv', help='Print output in CSV format', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() # Initialize the rocm SMI library initializeRsmi() logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.WARNING) if args.loglevel is not None: numericLogLevel = getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger().setLevel(numericLogLevel) if args.setsclk or args.setmclk or args.setpcie or args.resetfans or args.setfan or args.setperflevel or args.load \ or args.resetclocks or args.setprofile or args.resetprofile or args.setoverdrive or args.setmemoverdrive \ or args.setpoweroverdrive or args.resetpoweroverdrive or args.rasenable or args.rasdisable or \ args.rasinject or args.gpureset or args.setperfdeterminism or args.setslevel or args.setmlevel or \ args.setvc or args.setsrange or args.setmrange or args.setclock or \ args.setcomputepartition or args.setnpsmode or args.resetcomputepartition or args.resetnpsmode: relaunchAsSudo() # If there is one or more device specified, use that for all commands, otherwise use a # list of all available devices. Also use "is not None" as device 0 would # have args.device=0, and "if 0" returns false. if args.device is not None: deviceList = [] for device in args.device: if not doesDeviceExist(device): logging.warning('No such device card%s', str(device)) sys.exit() if (isAmdDevice(device) or args.alldevices) and device not in deviceList: deviceList.append(device) else: deviceList = listDevices() if deviceList is None: printLog(None, 'ERROR: No DRM devices available. Exiting', None) sys.exit(1) # If we want JSON/CSV output, initialize the keys (devices) if args.json or args.csv: PRINT_JSON = True for device in deviceList: JSON_DATA['card' + str(device)] = {} if not PRINT_JSON: print('\n') printLogSpacer(headerString) if args.showallinfo: args.list = True args.showid = True args.showvbios = True args.showdriverversion = True args.showfwinfo = 'all' args.showmclkrange = True args.showmemvendor = True args.showsclkrange = True args.showproductname = True args.showserial = True args.showuniqueid = True args.showvoltagerange = True args.showbus = True args.showpagesinfo = True args.showfan = True args.showpower = True args.showtemp = True args.showuse = True args.showenergycounter = True args.showmemuse = True args.showvoltage = True args.showclocks = True args.showmaxpower = True args.showmemoverdrive = True args.showoverdrive = True args.showperflevel = True args.showpids = True args.showpidgpus = [] args.showreplaycount = True args.showvc = True args.showcomputepartition = True args.shownpsmode = True if not PRINT_JSON: args.showprofile = True args.showclkfrq = True args.showclkvolt = True # Don't do reset in combination with any other command if args.gpureset: if not args.device: logging.error('No device specified. One device must be specified for GPU reset') printLogSpacer() sys.exit(1) logging.debug('Only executing GPU reset, no other commands will be executed') resetGpu(args.device) sys.exit(RETCODE) if not checkAmdGpus(deviceList): logging.warning('No AMD GPUs specified') if len(sys.argv) == 1 or \ len(sys.argv) == 2 and (args.alldevices or (args.json or args.csv)) or \ len(sys.argv) == 3 and (args.alldevices and (args.json or args.csv)): showAllConcise(deviceList) if args.showhw: showAllConciseHw(deviceList) if args.showdriverversion: showVersion(deviceList, rsmi_sw_component_t.RSMI_SW_COMP_DRIVER) if args.showtempgraph: showTempGraph(deviceList) if args.showid: showId(deviceList) if args.showuniqueid: showUId(deviceList) if args.showvbios: showVbiosVersion(deviceList) if args.showevents or str(args.showevents) == '[]': showEvents(deviceList, args.showevents) if args.resetclocks: resetClocks(deviceList) if args.showtemp: showCurrentTemps(deviceList) if args.showclocks: showCurrentClocks(deviceList) if args.showgpuclocks: showCurrentClocks(deviceList, 'sclk') if args.showfan: showCurrentFans(deviceList) if args.showperflevel: showPerformanceLevel(deviceList) if args.showoverdrive: showOverDrive(deviceList, 'sclk') if args.showmemoverdrive: showOverDrive(deviceList, 'mclk') if args.showmaxpower: showMaxPower(deviceList) if args.showprofile: showProfile(deviceList) if args.showpower: showPower(deviceList) if args.showclkfrq: showClocks(deviceList) if args.showuse: showGpuUse(deviceList) if args.showmemuse: showMemUse(deviceList) if args.showmemvendor: showMemVendor(deviceList) if args.showbw: showPcieBw(deviceList) if args.showreplaycount: showPcieReplayCount(deviceList) if args.showserial: showSerialNumber(deviceList) if args.showpids: showPids() if args.showpidgpus or str(args.showpidgpus) == '[]': showGpusByPid(args.showpidgpus) if args.showclkvolt: showPowerPlayTable(deviceList) if args.showvoltage: showVoltage(deviceList) if args.showbus: showBus(deviceList) if args.showmeminfo: showMemInfo(deviceList, args.showmeminfo) if args.showrasinfo or str(args.showrasinfo) == '[]': showRasInfo(deviceList, args.showrasinfo) # The second condition in the below 'if' statement checks whether showfwinfo was given arguments. # It compares itself to the string representation of the empty list and prints all firmwares. # This allows the user to call --showfwinfo without the 'all' argument and still print all. if args.showfwinfo or str(args.showfwinfo) == '[]': showFwInfo(deviceList, args.showfwinfo) if args.showproductname: showProductName(deviceList) if args.showxgmierr: showXgmiErr(deviceList) if args.shownodesbw: showNodesBw(deviceList) if args.showtopo: showHwTopology(deviceList) if args.showtopoaccess: showAccessibleTopology(deviceList) if args.showtopoweight: showWeightTopology(deviceList) if args.showtopohops: showHopsTopology(deviceList) if args.showtopotype: showTypeTopology(deviceList) if args.showtoponuma: showNumaTopology(deviceList) if args.showpagesinfo: showRetiredPages(deviceList) if args.showretiredpages: showRetiredPages(deviceList, 'reserved') if args.showpendingpages: showRetiredPages(deviceList, 'pending') if args.showunreservablepages: showRetiredPages(deviceList, 'unreservable') if args.showsclkrange: showRange(deviceList, 'sclk') if args.showmclkrange: showRange(deviceList, 'mclk') if args.showvoltagerange: showRange(deviceList, 'voltage') if args.showvc: showVoltageCurve(deviceList) if args.showenergycounter: showEnergy(deviceList) if args.showcomputepartition: showComputePartition(deviceList) if args.shownpsmode: showNPSMode(deviceList) if args.setclock: setClocks(deviceList, args.setclock[0], [int(args.setclock[1])]) if args.setsclk: setClocks(deviceList, 'sclk', args.setsclk) if args.setmclk: setClocks(deviceList, 'mclk', args.setmclk) if args.setpcie: setClocks(deviceList, 'pcie', args.setpcie) if args.setslevel: setPowerPlayTableLevel(deviceList, 'sclk', args.setslevel[0], args.setslevel[1], args.setslevel[2], args.autorespond) if args.setmlevel: setPowerPlayTableLevel(deviceList, 'mclk', args.setmlevel[0], args.setmlevel[1], args.setmlevel[2], args.autorespond) if args.resetfans: resetFans(deviceList) if args.setfan: setFanSpeed(deviceList, args.setfan) if args.setperflevel: setPerformanceLevel(deviceList, args.setperflevel) if args.setoverdrive: setClockOverDrive(deviceList, 'sclk', args.setoverdrive, args.autorespond) if args.setmemoverdrive: setClockOverDrive(deviceList, 'mclk', args.setmemoverdrive, args.autorespond) if args.setpoweroverdrive: setPowerOverDrive(deviceList, args.setpoweroverdrive, args.autorespond) if args.resetpoweroverdrive: resetPowerOverDrive(deviceList, args.autorespond) if args.setprofile: setProfile(deviceList, args.setprofile) if args.setvc: setVoltageCurve(deviceList, args.setvc[0], args.setvc[1], args.setvc[2], args.autorespond) if args.setsrange: setClockRange(deviceList, 'sclk', args.setsrange[0], args.setsrange[1], args.autorespond) if args.setmrange: setClockRange(deviceList, 'mclk', args.setmrange[0], args.setmrange[1], args.autorespond) if args.setperfdeterminism: setPerfDeterminism(deviceList, args.setperfdeterminism[0]) if args.setcomputepartition: setComputePartition(deviceList, args.setcomputepartition[0]) if args.setnpsmode: setNPSMode(deviceList, args.setnpsmode[0]) if args.resetprofile: resetProfile(deviceList) if args.resetxgmierr: resetXgmiErr(deviceList) if args.resetperfdeterminism: resetPerfDeterminism(deviceList) if args.resetcomputepartition: resetComputePartition(deviceList) if args.resetnpsmode: resetNpsMode(deviceList) if args.rasenable: setRas(deviceList, 'enable', args.rasenable[0], args.rasenable[1]) if args.rasdisable: setRas(deviceList, 'disable', args.rasdisable[0], args.rasdisable[1]) if args.rasinject: setRas(deviceList, 'inject', args.rasinject[0], args.rasinject[1]) if args.load: load(args.load, args.autorespond) if args.save: save(deviceList, args.save) if RETCODE and not PRINT_JSON: logging.debug(' \t\t One or more commands failed.') # Set RETCODE value to 0, unless loglevel is None or 'warning' (default) if args.loglevel is None or getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), logging.WARNING) == logging.WARNING: RETCODE = 0 if PRINT_JSON: # Check that we have some actual data to print, instead of the # empty list that we initialized above for device in deviceList: if not JSON_DATA['card' + str(device)]: JSON_DATA.pop('card' + str(device)) if not JSON_DATA: logging.warn("No JSON data to report") sys.exit(RETCODE) if not args.csv: print(json.dumps(JSON_DATA)) else: devCsv = '' sysCsv = '' # JSON won't have any 'system' data without one of these flags if args.showdriverversion and args.showallinfo == False: sysCsv = formatCsv(['system']) print('%s' % (sysCsv)) elif args.showallinfo is True: sysCsv = formatCsv(['system']) devCsv = formatCsv(deviceList) print('%s\n%s' % (sysCsv, devCsv)) else: devCsv = formatCsv(deviceList) print(devCsv) printLogSpacer(footerString) rsmi_ret_ok(rocmsmi.rsmi_shut_down()) exit(RETCODE)