/* * ============================================================================= * ROC Runtime Conformance Release License * ============================================================================= * The University of Illinois/NCSA * Open Source License (NCSA) * * Copyright (c) 2017-2023, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Developed by: * * AMD Research and AMD ROC Software Development * * Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * * www.amd.com * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the names of , * nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this Software without specific prior written * permission. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include "rocm_smi/rocm_smi.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "rocm_smi_test/test_common.h" #include "rocm_smi_test/test_base.h" #include "functional/fan_read.h" #include "functional/fan_read_write.h" #include "functional/temp_read.h" #include "functional/volt_read.h" #include "functional/volt_freq_curv_read.h" #include "functional/perf_level_read.h" #include "functional/overdrive_read.h" #include "functional/frequencies_read.h" #include "functional/sys_info_read.h" #include "functional/gpu_busy_read.h" #include "functional/power_read.h" #include "functional/overdrive_read_write.h" #include "functional/perf_level_read_write.h" #include "functional/frequencies_read_write.h" #include "functional/pci_read_write.h" #include "functional/power_read_write.h" #include "functional/power_cap_read_write.h" #include "functional/version_read.h" #include "functional/err_cnt_read.h" #include "functional/mem_util_read.h" #include "functional/id_info_read.h" #include "functional/perf_cntr_read_write.h" #include "functional/process_info_read.h" #include "functional/xgmi_read_write.h" #include "functional/mem_page_info_read.h" #include "functional/api_support_read.h" #include "functional/measure_api_execution_time.h" #include "functional/mutual_exclusion.h" #include "functional/evt_notif_read_write.h" #include "functional/init_shutdown_refcount.h" #include "functional/computepartition_read_write.h" #include "rocm_smi_test/functional/hw_topology_read.h" #include "rocm_smi_test/functional/gpu_metrics_read.h" #include "rocm_smi_test/functional/metrics_counter_read.h" #include "rocm_smi_test/functional/perf_determinism.h" #include "functional/npsmode_read_write.h" static RSMITstGlobals *sRSMIGlvalues = nullptr; static void SetFlags(TestBase *test) { assert(sRSMIGlvalues != nullptr); test->set_verbosity(sRSMIGlvalues->verbosity); test->set_dont_fail(sRSMIGlvalues->dont_fail); test->set_init_options(sRSMIGlvalues->init_options); test->set_num_iterations(sRSMIGlvalues->num_iterations); } static void RunCustomTestProlog(TestBase *test) { SetFlags(test); if (sRSMIGlvalues->verbosity >= TestBase::VERBOSE_STANDARD) { test->DisplayTestInfo(); } test->SetUp(); test->Run(); return; } static void RunCustomTestEpilog(TestBase *tst) { if (sRSMIGlvalues->verbosity >= TestBase::VERBOSE_STANDARD) { tst->DisplayResults(); } tst->Close(); return; } // If the test case one big test, you should use RunGenericTest() // to run the test case. OTOH, if the test case consists of multiple // functions to be run as separate tests, follow this pattern: // * RunCustomTestProlog(test) // Run() should contain minimal code // * // * RunCustomTestEpilog(test) static void RunGenericTest(TestBase *test) { RunCustomTestProlog(test); RunCustomTestEpilog(test); return; } // TEST ENTRY TEMPLATE: // TEST(rocrtst, Perf_) { // ; // // // Copy and modify implementation of RunGenericTest() if you need to deviate // // from the standard pattern implemented there. // RunGenericTest(&); // } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestVersionRead) { TestVersionRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, FanRead) { TestFanRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadWrite, FanReadWrite) { TestFanReadWrite tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TempRead) { TestTempRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, VoltRead) { TestVoltRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestVoltCurvRead) { TestVoltCurvRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestPerfLevelRead) { TestPerfLevelRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadWrite, TestPerfLevelReadWrite) { TestPerfLevelReadWrite tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestOverdriveRead) { TestOverdriveRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadWrite, TestOverdriveReadWrite) { TestOverdriveReadWrite tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestFrequenciesRead) { TestFrequenciesRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadWrite, TestFrequenciesReadWrite) { TestFrequenciesReadWrite tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadWrite, TestPciReadWrite) { TestPciReadWrite tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestSysInfoRead) { TestSysInfoRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestGPUBusyRead) { TestGPUBusyRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestPowerRead) { TestPowerRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadWrite, TestPowerReadWrite) { TestPowerReadWrite tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadWrite, TestPowerCapReadWrite) { TestPowerCapReadWrite tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestErrCntRead) { TestErrCntRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestMemUtilRead) { TestMemUtilRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestIdInfoRead) { TestIdInfoRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadWrite, TestPerfCntrReadWrite) { TestPerfCntrReadWrite tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestProcInfoRead) { TestProcInfoRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestHWTopologyRead) { TestHWTopologyRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestGpuMetricsRead) { TestGpuMetricsRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestMetricsCounterRead) { TestMetricsCounterRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadWrite, TestPerfDeterminism) { TestPerfDeterminism tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadWrite, TestXGMIReadWrite) { TestXGMIReadWrite tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestMemPageInfoRead) { TestMemPageInfoRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestAPISupportRead) { TestAPISupportRead tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestMeasureApiExecutionTime) { TestMeasureApiExecutionTime tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, TestMutualExclusion) { TestMutualExclusion tst; SetFlags(&tst); tst.DisplayTestInfo(); tst.SetUp(); tst.Run(); RunCustomTestEpilog(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadWrite, TestComputePartitionReadWrite) { TestComputePartitionReadWrite tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadWrite, TestNPSModeReadWrite) { TestNPSModeReadWrite tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadWrite, TestEvtNotifReadWrite) { TestEvtNotifReadWrite tst; RunGenericTest(&tst); } TEST(rsmitstReadOnly, Test) { TestConcurrentInit tst; SetFlags(&tst); tst.DisplayTestInfo(); // tst.SetUp(); // Avoid extra rsmi_init tst.Run(); // RunCustomTestEpilog(&tst); // Avoid extra rsmi_shut_down tst.DisplayResults(); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); RSMITstGlobals settings; // Set some default values settings.verbosity = 1; settings.monitor_verbosity = 1; settings.num_iterations = 1; settings.dont_fail = false; settings.init_options = 0; if (ProcessCmdline(&settings, argc, argv)) { return 1; } sRSMIGlvalues = &settings; return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }