@document.meta title: notes description: authors: stalb categories: created: 2023-03-17 updated: 2023-03-18 version: 1.0.0 @end * RODO ** Todos ** Functionality *** API **** ( ) Listing - Filtering -- Tags, Due to, recurring, Assigned - Fuzzy Searching **** ( ) Adding - ability to import json files/strings => states, tags **** ( ) Editing **** ( ) Deleting - checks the recurring table and deletes references there **** ( ) State **** ( ) Initialize - creates new `rodo.json` file in the current directory **** ( ) Check - adds updated fields - cleans unused paths ** Storage - Should be stored in one file **** Tasks @code json { "uuid": { "title": "string", "description": "string", "created": "unix time", "modified": "unix time", "paths": [ "uuid" ], "state": "uuid", "tags": [ "uuid" ], } } @end **** Paths @code json { "uuid": "string", } @end **** States @code json { "uuid": { "title": "string", "description": "string", } } @end **** Tags @code json { "uuid": { "title": "string", "description": "string", "color": "string", } } @end **** Recurring @code json [ [ "task-uuid", "when", "till" ], ] @end