import groovy.transform.Field properties([disableConcurrentBuilds(abortPrevious: true)]) @Field def DO_RUN=true @Field def TARGET="main" @Field def SCRIPT_LOCATION="upstream/libfabric/contrib/intel/jenkins" @Field def RELEASE=false @Field def BUILD_MODES=["reg", "dbg", "dl"] @Field def PYTHON_VERSION="3.9" @Field def TIMEOUT="7200" def run_python(version, command, output=null) { if (output != null) sh "python$version $command >> $output" else sh "python$version $command" } def slurm_batch(partition, node_num, output, command) { try { sh """sbatch --partition=${partition} -N ${node_num} \ --wait -o ${output} --open-mode=append \ --wrap=\'env; timeout $TIMEOUT ${command}\' """ } catch (Exception e) { sh "scancel \$(cat ${output} | grep SLURM_JOBID | cut -d \"=\" -f 2)" sh "cat ${output}" error("Build failed ${e}") } sh "cat ${output}" } def run_fabtests(stage_name, hw, partition, node_num, prov, util=null, user_env=null, way=null) { def command = "python3.9 ${RUN_LOCATION}/ --build_hw=${hw}" def opts = "--prov=${prov} --test=fabtests" def modes = BUILD_MODES if (util) opts = "${opts} --util=${util}" if (user_env) opts = "${opts} --user_env ${user_env}" if (way) { opts = "${opts} --way ${way}" stage_name = "${stage_name}_${way}" modes = ["reg"] } for (mode in modes) { echo "Running $stage_name fabtests $mode" slurm_batch("${partition}", "${node_num}", "${env.LOG_DIR}/${stage_name}_fabtests_${mode}", "${command} ${opts} --ofi_build_mode=${mode}") } echo "${stage_name} completed." } def run_middleware(providers, stage_name, test, hw, partition, node_num, mpi=null, imb_grp=null, user_env=null) { def base_cmd = "python3.9 ${RUN_LOCATION}/ --test=${test} --build_hw=${hw}" def opts = "" def prefix = "${env.LOG_DIR}/${stage_name}_" def suffix = "_${test}_reg" if (mpi) { base_cmd = "${base_cmd} --mpi=${mpi}" suffix = "_${mpi}${suffix}" } if (imb_grp) base_cmd = "${base_cmd} --imb_grp=${imb_grp}" if (env.WEEKLY.toBoolean()) base_cmd = "${base_cmd} --weekly=${env.WEEKLY}" if (user_env) base_cmd = "${base_cmd} --user_env ${user_env}" for (prov in providers) { if (prov[1]) { echo "Running ${prov[0]}-${prov[1]} ${stage_name}" opts = "--prov=${prov[0]} --util=${prov[1]}" output = "${prefix}${prov[0]}-${prov[1]}${suffix}" } else { echo "Running ${prov[0]} ${stage_name}" opts = "--prov=${prov[0]}" output = "${prefix}${prov[0]}${suffix}" } slurm_batch("${partition}", "${node_num}", "${output}", "${base_cmd} ${opts}") } } def gather_logs(cluster, key, dest, source) { def address = "${env.USER}@${cluster}" try { sh "scp -i ${key} ${address}:${source}/* ${dest}/" } catch (Exception e) { echo "Caught exception ${e} when transfering files from ${cluster}" } } def summarize(item, verbose=false, release=false, send_mail=false) { def cmd = "${RUN_LOCATION}/ --summary_item=all" if (verbose) { cmd = "${cmd} -v " } if (release) { cmd = "${cmd} --release " } if (send_mail.toBoolean()) { cmd = "${cmd} --send_mail " } run_python(PYTHON_VERSION, cmd) } def save_summary() { sh """ mkdir -p ${env.WORKSPACE}/internal rm -rf ${env.WORKSPACE}/internal/* git clone https://${env.PAT}${env.INTERNAL} ${env.WORKSPACE}/internal cd ${env.WORKSPACE}/internal mkdir -p ${env.WORKSPACE}/internal/summaries cp ${env.WORKSPACE}/summary_*.log ${env.WORKSPACE}/internal/summaries/ git add ${env.WORKSPACE}/internal/summaries/ git commit -am \"add ${env.JOB_NAME}'s summary\" git pull -r origin master git push origin master """ } def checkout_upstream() { def loc = "${env.WORKSPACE}/upstream/libfabric" sh """ if [[ ! -d ${env.WORKSPACE}/upstream ]]; then mkdir -p ${loc} else rm -rf ${env.WORKSPACE}/upstream && mkdir -p ${loc} fi git clone --branch ${TARGET} ${env.UPSTREAM} ${loc} """ } def checkout_ci_resources() { sh """ if [[ ! -d ${env.WORKSPACE}/upstream ]]; then mkdir ${env.WORKSPACE}/ci_resources else rm -rf ${env.WORKSPACE}/ci_resources && mkdir ${env.WORKSPACE}/ci_resources fi git clone ${env.CI_RESOURCES} ${env.WORKSPACE}/ci_resources """ } def checkout_external_resources() { checkout_ci_resources() checkout_upstream() } def generate_diff(def branch_name, def output_loc) { sh """ git remote add mainRepo ${env.UPSTREAM} git fetch mainRepo git diff --name-only HEAD..mainRepo/${branch_name} > ${output_loc}/commit_id git remote remove mainRepo """ } def generate_release_num(def branch_name, def output_loc) { sh """ git remote add mainRepo ${env.UPSTREAM} git fetch mainRepo git diff mainRepo/${branch_name} > \ ${output_loc}/ git diff mainRepo/${branch_name} > \ ${output_loc}/ cat | grep AC_INIT | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | \ cut -d '[' -f 2 | cut -d ']' -f 1 > ${output_loc}/release_num.txt git remote remove mainRepo """ } def slurm_build(modes, partition, location, hw=null, additional_args=null) { def cmd = "pwd; " def prefix = "python${PYTHON_VERSION} ${RUN_LOCATION}/" def libfabric = "--build_item=libfabric --build_loc=${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/${location}/libfabric" def fabtests = "--build_item=fabtests --build_loc=${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/${location}/libfabric/fabtests" if (RELEASE) { prefix = "${prefix} --release" } if (hw) { prefix = "${prefix} --build_hw=${hw}" } if (additional_args) { prefix = "${prefix} ${additional_args} " } for (mode in modes) { cmd = "${cmd} ${prefix} ${libfabric} --ofi_build_mode=${mode};" cmd = "${cmd} ${prefix} ${fabtests} --ofi_build_mode=${mode};" } slurm_batch(partition, "1", "${env.LOG_DIR}/libfabric_${partition}", cmd) } def build(item, mode=null, hw=null, additional_args=null) { def cmd = "${RUN_LOCATION}/ --build_item=${item}" if (item == "fabtests") { cmd ="${cmd} --build_loc=${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/source/libfabric/fabtests" } else { cmd ="${cmd} --build_loc=${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/source/libfabric" } if (mode) { cmd = "${cmd} --ofi_build_mode=${mode} " } if (hw) { cmd = "${cmd} --build_hw=${hw} " } if (RELEASE) { cmd = "${cmd} --release " } if (additional_args) { cmd = "${cmd} ${additional_args} " } run_python(PYTHON_VERSION, cmd) } def check_target() { echo "CHANGE_TARGET = ${env.CHANGE_TARGET}" if (changeRequest()) { TARGET = env.CHANGE_TARGET } if (TARGET) { return TARGET } return "main" } def release() { def file = "${env.WORKSPACE}/commit_id" if (!fileExists(file)) { echo "CI Run has not rebased with ofiwg/libfabric. Please Rebase." return 1 } def changes = readFile file def changeStrings = new ArrayList() for (line in changes.readLines()) { changeStrings.add(line) } if ((changeStrings.toArray().any { it =~ /(Makefile\.am)\b/ }) || (changeStrings.toArray().any { it =~ /(configure\.ac)\b/ })) { echo "This is probably a release" return true } return false } def skip() { def file = "${env.WORKSPACE}/source/libfabric/commit_id" if (!fileExists(file)) { echo "CI Run has not rebased with ofiwg/libfabric. Please Rebase." return 1 } def changes = readFile file def changeStrings = new ArrayList() for (line in changes.readLines()) { changeStrings.add(line) } echo "Changeset is: ${changeStrings.toArray()}" if (changeStrings.toArray().every { it =~ /(?:fabtests\/pytests|man|prov\/efa|prov\/opx).*$/ }) { echo "DONT RUN!" return true } if (changeStrings.isEmpty()) { echo "DONT RUN!" return true } return false } pipeline { agent { node { label 'main' customWorkspace "workspace/${JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" } } options { timestamps() timeout(activity: true, time: 6, unit: 'HOURS') skipDefaultCheckout() } environment { JOB_CADENCE = 'PR' WITH_ENV="'PATH+EXTRA=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PYTHONPATH'" RUN_LOCATION="${env.WORKSPACE}/${SCRIPT_LOCATION}/" CUSTOM_WORKSPACE="${CB_HOME}/workspace/${JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" DELETE_LOCATION="${env.CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/middlewares" LOG_DIR = "${env.CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/log_dir" } stages { stage ('checkout') { steps { script { dir ("${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/source/libfabric") { checkout scm } dir ("${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/grass/libfabric") { checkout scm } dir ("${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/water/libfabric") { checkout scm } dir ("${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/electric/libfabric") { checkout scm } dir ("${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/ucx/libfabric") { checkout scm } dir ("${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/cuda/libfabric") { checkout scm } dir ("${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/iouring/libfabric") { checkout scm } dir (CUSTOM_WORKSPACE) { checkout_external_resources() } } } } stage ('opt-out') { steps { script { TARGET=check_target() dir ("${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/source/libfabric") { generate_diff("${TARGET}", "${env.WORKSPACE}/source/libfabric") generate_release_num("${TARGET}", "${env.WORKSPACE}/source/libfabric") } if (env.WEEKLY == null) { weekly = false } else { weekly = env.WEEKLY.toBoolean() } if (weekly) { TIMEOUT="21600" } skip = skip() RELEASE = release() if (skip && !weekly) { DO_RUN=false } } } } stage ('prepare build') { when { equals expected: true, actual: DO_RUN } steps { script { echo "Copying build dirs." build("builddir") echo "Copying log dirs." build("logdir") } } } stage ('parallel-builds') { when { equals expected: true, actual: DO_RUN } parallel { stage ('build-water') { steps { script { slurm_build(BUILD_MODES, "water", "water", "water") slurm_batch("squirtle,totodile", "1", "${env.LOG_DIR}/build_mpich_water_log", """python$PYTHON_VERSION ${RUN_LOCATION}/ \ --build_item=mpich --build_hw=water""" ) slurm_batch("water", "1", "${env.LOG_DIR}/build_shmem_water_log", """python$PYTHON_VERSION ${RUN_LOCATION}/ \ --build_item=shmem --build_hw=water""" ) } } } stage ('build-grass') { steps { script { slurm_build(BUILD_MODES, "grass", "grass", "grass") slurm_batch("grass", "1", "${env.LOG_DIR}/build_mpich_grass_log", """python$PYTHON_VERSION ${RUN_LOCATION}/ \ --build_item=mpich --build_hw=grass""" ) slurm_batch("grass", "1", "${env.LOG_DIR}/build_shmem_grass_log", """python$PYTHON_VERSION ${RUN_LOCATION}/ \ --build_item=shmem --build_hw=grass""" ) } } } stage ('build-electric') { steps { script { slurm_build(BUILD_MODES, "electric", "electric", "electric") } } } stage ('build-ucx') { steps { script { slurm_build(BUILD_MODES, "totodile", "ucx", "ucx") } } } stage ('build-cuda') { steps { script { slurm_build(BUILD_MODES, "cyndaquil", "cuda", "cyndaquil", "--cuda") slurm_build(BUILD_MODES, "quilava", "cuda", "quilava", "--cuda") } } } stage ('build-iouring') { steps { script { slurm_build(BUILD_MODES, "ivysaur", "iouring", "ivysaur") } } } stage ('build-daos') { agent { node { label 'daos_head' customWorkspace CUSTOM_WORKSPACE } } options { skipDefaultCheckout() } steps { script { dir ("${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/source/libfabric") { checkout scm } checkout_external_resources() dir (CUSTOM_WORKSPACE) { build("logdir") build("libfabric", "reg", "daos") build("fabtests", "reg", "daos") } } } } stage ('build-gpu') { agent { node { label 'ze' customWorkspace CUSTOM_WORKSPACE } } options { skipDefaultCheckout() } steps { script { dir ("${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}/source/libfabric") { checkout scm } checkout_external_resources() dir (CUSTOM_WORKSPACE) { build("logdir") build("builddir") build("libfabric", "reg", "gpu", "--gpu") build("fabtests", "reg", "gpu") } } } } } } stage('parallel-tests') { when { equals expected: true, actual: DO_RUN } parallel { stage('MPI_verbs-rxm_IMB') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { def providers = [["verbs", "rxm"]] for (def mpi in ["impi"]) { for (imb_grp = 1; imb_grp < 4; imb_grp++) { run_middleware(providers, "MPI", "IMB", "water", "squirtle,totodile", "2", "${mpi}", "${imb_grp}") } } } } } } stage('MPI_verbs-rxm_OSU') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { def providers = [["verbs", "rxm"]] for (def mpi in ["impi", "mpich"]) { run_middleware(providers, "MPI", "osu", "water", "squirtle,totodile", "2", "${mpi}") } } } } } stage('MPI_tcp') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { def providers = [["tcp", null]] for (imb_grp = 1; imb_grp < 4; imb_grp++) { run_middleware(providers, "MPI", "IMB", "grass", "bulbasaur", "2", "impi", "${imb_grp}") } for (def mpi in ["impi", "mpich"]) { run_middleware(providers, "MPI", "osu", "grass", "bulbasaur", "2", "${mpi}") } } } } } stage('tcp') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_fabtests("tcp", "grass", "bulbasaur", "2", "tcp") } } } } stage('tcp-iouring') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_fabtests("tcp-iouring", "ivysaur", "ivysaur", "2", "tcp", null, "FI_TCP_IO_URING=1") } } } } stage('verbs-rxm') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_fabtests("verbs-rxm", "water", "squirtle,totodile", "2", "verbs", "rxm") run_fabtests("verbs-rxm", "water", "squirtle,totodile", "2", "verbs", "rxm", "FI_MR_CACHE_MAX_COUNT=0") run_fabtests("verbs-rxm", "water", "squirtle,totodile", "2", "verbs", "rxm", "FI_MR_CACHE_MONITOR=userfaultfd") } } } } stage('verbs-rxd') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_fabtests("verbs-rxd", "water", "squirtle", "2", "verbs", "rxd") run_fabtests("verbs-rxd", "water", "squirtle", "2", "verbs", "rxd", "FI_MR_CACHE_MAX_COUNT=0") run_fabtests("verbs-rxd", "water", "squirtle", "2", "verbs", "rxd", "FI_MR_CACHE_MONITOR=userfaultfd") } } } } stage('udp') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_fabtests("udp", "grass", "bulbasaur", "2", "udp") } } } } stage('shm') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_fabtests("shm", "grass", "bulbasaur", "1", "shm") run_fabtests("shm", "grass", "bulbasaur", "1", "shm", null, "FI_SHM_DISABLE_CMA=1") } } } } stage('sockets') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_fabtests("sockets", "grass", "bulbasaur", "2", "sockets") } } } } stage('ucx') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_fabtests("ucx", "ucx", "totodile", "2", "ucx") } } } } stage('psm3') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_fabtests("psm3", "water", "squirtle", "2", "psm3", null, "PSM3_IDENTIFY=1") } } } } stage('mpichtestsuite') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { def providers = [['tcp', null], ["verbs","rxm"]] def MPIS = ["mpich"] if (env.WEEKLY.toBoolean()) { MPIS = ["impi", "mpich"] } for (def mpi in MPIS) { run_middleware(providers, "mpichtestsuite", "mpichtestsuite", "water", "squirtle,totodile", "2", "${mpi}") } } } } } stage('SHMEM_grass') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_middleware([["tcp", null]], "SHMEM", "shmem", "grass", "grass", "2") } } } } stage('SHMEM_water') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_middleware([["verbs", "rxm"], ["sockets", null]], "SHMEM", "shmem", "water", "squirtle,totodile", "2") } } } } stage ('multinode_performance') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_middleware([["tcp", null]], "multinode_performance", "multinode", "grass", "bulbasaur", "2") } } } } stage ('oneCCL') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_middleware([["verbs", null]], "oneCCL", "oneccl", "water", "squirtle,totodile", "2") run_middleware([["shm", null]], "oneCCL", "oneccl", "grass", "bulbasaur", "1") run_middleware([["psm3", null]], "oneCCL", "oneccl", "water", "squirtle", "2") run_middleware([["tcp", null]], "oneCCL", "oneccl", "grass", "bulbasaur", "2") run_middleware([["shm", null]], "oneCCL_DSA", "oneccl", "electric", "pikachu", "1", null, null, """CCL_ATL_SHM=1 FI_SHM_DISABLE_CMA=1 \ FI_SHM_USE_DSA_SAR=1 FI_LOG_LEVEL=warn""") } } } } stage ('oneCCL-GPU-v3') { agent { node { label 'ze' } } options { skipDefaultCheckout() } steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_middleware([["tcp", null]], "oneCCL-GPU-v3", "onecclgpu", "gpu", "fabrics-ci", "2", null, null, "FI_HMEM_DISABLE_P2P=1") run_middleware([["psm3", null]], "oneCCL-GPU-v3", "onecclgpu", "gpu", "fabrics-ci", "2", null, null, "FI_HMEM_DISABLE_P2P=1") run_middleware([["verbs", null]], "oneCCL-GPU-v3", "onecclgpu", "gpu", "fabrics-ci", "2", null, null, "FI_HMEM_DISABLE_P2P=1") } } } } stage('daos_tcp') { agent { node { label 'daos_tcp' } } options { skipDefaultCheckout() } steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_python(PYTHON_VERSION, """ --prov='tcp' --util='rxm' \ --test=daos --build_hw=daos \ --log_file=${env.LOG_DIR}/daos_tcp-rxm_reg""") } } } } stage('daos_verbs') { agent { node { label 'daos_verbs' } } options { skipDefaultCheckout() } steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_python(PYTHON_VERSION, """ --prov='verbs' --util='rxm' \ --test=daos --build_hw=daos \ --log_file=${env.LOG_DIR}/daos_verbs-rxm_reg""") } } } } stage ('DMABUF-Tests') { agent { node { label 'ze' } } options { skipDefaultCheckout() } steps { script { dir ("${env.WORKSPACE}/${SCRIPT_LOCATION}/") { dmabuf_output = "${LOG_DIR}/DMABUF-Tests_verbs-rxm_dmabuf" cmd = """ python3.9 --test=dmabuf \ --prov=verbs --util=rxm --build_hw=gpu""" slurm_batch("fabrics-ci", "1", "${dmabuf_output}_1_reg", "${cmd}") slurm_batch("fabrics-ci", "2", "${dmabuf_output}_2_reg", "${cmd}") } } } } stage ('cuda-shm-v1') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_fabtests("cuda_v1_shm", "cyndaquil", "cyndaquil", "1", "shm", null, null, "h2d") run_fabtests("cuda_v1_shm", "cyndaquil", "cyndaquil", "1", "shm", null, null, "d2d") // run_fabtests("cuda_v1_shm", "cyndaquil", "cyndaquil", "1", // "shm", null, null, "xd2d") } } } } stage ('cuda-shm-v2') { steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_fabtests("cuda_v2_shm", "quilava", "quilava", "1", "shm", null, null, "h2d") run_fabtests("cuda_v2_shm", "quilava", "quilava", "1", "shm", null, null, "d2d") // run_fabtests("cuda_v2_shm", "quilava ", "quilava", "1", "shm", // null, null, "xd2d") } } } } stage ('ze-shm-v3') { agent { node { label 'ze' } } options { skipDefaultCheckout() } steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_fabtests("ze_v3_shm", "gpu", "fabrics-ci", "1", "shm", null, "FI_HMEM_DISABLE_P2P=1", "h2d") run_fabtests("ze_v3_shm", "gpu", "fabrics-ci", "1", "shm", null, "FI_HMEM_DISABLE_P2P=1", "d2d") run_fabtests("ze_v3_shm", "gpu", "fabrics-ci", "1", "shm", null, "FI_HMEM_DISABLE_P2P=1", "xd2d") } } } } stage('dsa') { when { equals expected: true, actual: DO_RUN } steps { script { dir (RUN_LOCATION) { run_fabtests("shm_dsa", "electric", "pikachu", "1", "shm", null, """FI_SHM_DISABLE_CMA=1 FI_SHM_USE_DSA_SAR=1 \ FI_LOG_LEVEL=warn""") } } } } } } stage ('Summary') { when { equals expected: true, actual: DO_RUN } steps { script { gather_logs("${env.DAOS_ADDR}", "${env.DAOS_KEY}", "${env.LOG_DIR}", "${env.LOG_DIR}") gather_logs("${env.ZE_ADDR}", "${env.ZE_KEY}", "${env.LOG_DIR}", "${env.LOG_DIR}") summarize("all", verbose=false, release=RELEASE, send_mail=env.WEEKLY.toBoolean()) if (RELEASE) { save_summary() } } } } } post { always { script { summarize("all") } } success { script { summarize("all", verbose=true, release=false, send_mail=env.WEEKLY.toBoolean()) } } aborted { node ('daos_head') { dir ("${DELETE_LOCATION}/middlewares") { deleteDir() } } node ('ze') { dir ("${DELETE_LOCATION}/middlewares") { deleteDir() } } dir ("${DELETE_LOCATION}/middlewares") { deleteDir() } } cleanup { node ('daos_head') { dir("${env.WORKSPACE}") { deleteDir() } dir("${env.WORKSPACE}@tmp") { deleteDir() } } node ('ze') { dir("${env.WORKSPACE}") { deleteDir() } dir("${env.WORKSPACE}@tmp") { deleteDir() } } dir("${env.WORKSPACE}") { deleteDir() } dir("${env.WORKSPACE}@tmp") { deleteDir() } } } }