import builtins import os import re import shlex import yaml import pytest def get_option_longform(option_name, option_params): ''' get the long form command line option name of an option ''' return option_params.get("longform", "--" + option_name.replace("_", "-")) def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--provider", dest="provider", help="libfabric provider") parser.addoption("--client-id", dest="client_id", help="client IP address or hostname") parser.addoption("--server-id", dest="server_id", help="server IP address or hostname") options = yaml.safe_load(open("options.yaml")) for option_name in options.keys(): option_params = options[option_name] option_longform = get_option_longform(option_name, option_params) option_type = option_params["type"] option_helpmsg = option_params["help"] option_default = option_params.get("default") if option_type == "int" and not (option_default is None): option_default = int(option_default) if option_type == "bool" or option_type == "boolean": parser.addoption(option_longform, dest=option_name, action="store_true", help=option_helpmsg, default=option_default) else: assert option_type == "str" or option_type == "int" parser.addoption(option_longform, dest=option_name, type=getattr(builtins, option_type), help=option_helpmsg, default=option_default) # base ssh command bssh = "ssh -n -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o BatchMode=yes" class CmdlineArgs: def __init__(self, request): self.provider = request.config.getoption("--provider") if self.provider is None: raise RuntimeError("Error: libfabric provider is not specified") self.server_id = request.config.getoption("--server-id") if self.server_id is None: raise RuntimeError("Error: server is not specified") self.client_id = request.config.getoption("--client-id") if self.client_id is None: raise RuntimeError("Error: client is not specified") options = yaml.safe_load(open("options.yaml")) for option_name in options.keys(): option_params = options[option_name] option_longform = get_option_longform(option_name, option_params) setattr(self, option_name, request.config.getoption(option_longform)) self._exclusion_patterns = [] if self.exclusion_list: self._add_exclusion_patterns_from_list(self.exclusion_list) if self.exclusion_file: self._add_exclusion_patterns_from_file(self.exclusion_file) if self.client_interface is None: self.client_interface = self.client_id if self.server_interface is None: self.server_interface = self.server_id def append_environ(self, environ): if self.environments: self.environments += " " + environ else: self.environments = environ[:] def populate_command(self, base_command, host_type, timeout=None, additional_environment=None): ''' populate base command with informations in command line: provider, environments, etc ''' assert host_type in ("host", "server", "client") command = base_command # use binpath if specified if not (self.binpath is None): command = self.binpath + "/" + command if timeout is None: timeout = self.timeout # set environment variables if specified if not (self.environments is None): command = self.environments + " " + command if additional_environment: command = additional_environment + " " + command if command.find("fi_ubertest") != -1: command = self._populate_ubertest_command(command, host_type) elif command.find("fi_multinode") != -1: command = self._populate_multinode_command(command, host_type) else: command = self._populate_normal_command(command, host_type) host_id = self.client_id if host_type == "client" else self.server_id command = f"timeout {timeout} /bin/bash --login -c {shlex.quote(command)}" command = f"{bssh} {host_id} {shlex.quote(command)}" return command def is_test_excluded(self, test_base_command, test_is_negative=False): if test_is_negative and self.exclude_negative_tests: return True for pattern in self._exclusion_patterns: if return True return False def _add_exclusion_patterns_from_list(self, exclusion_list): pattern_strs = exclusion_list.split(",") for pattern_str in pattern_strs: self._exclusion_patterns.append(re.compile(pattern_str)) def _add_exclusion_patterns_from_file(self, exclusion_file): ifs = open(exclusion_file) line = ifs.readline() while len(line) > 0: line = line.strip() if len(line)>0 and line[0] != '#': self._exclusion_patterns.append(re.compile(line)) line = ifs.readline() def _populate_normal_command(self, command, host_type): # setup provider assert self.provider command = command + " -p " + self.provider if host_type == "host": return command if ("PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER" in os.environ) and (not self.oob_address_exchange): raise RuntimeError("Parallel run currently only supports OOB address exchange. " "Please run with -b option") if self.oob_address_exchange: oob_argument = "-E" if "PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER" in os.environ: oob_port = 9228 + int(os.environ["PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER"].replace("gw", "")) oob_argument += "={}".format(oob_port) if host_type == "server": if self.oob_address_exchange: command += " " + oob_argument else: command += " -s " + self.server_interface if self.additional_server_arguments: command += " " + self.additional_server_arguments return command assert host_type == "client" if self.oob_address_exchange: command += " " + oob_argument + " " + self.server_id else: command += " -s " + self.client_interface + " " + self.server_interface if self.additional_client_arguments: command += " " + self.additional_client_arguments return command def _populate_ubertest_command(self, command, host_type): assert command.find("ubertest") != -1 if host_type == "server": return command + " -x" assert host_type == "client" assert self.ubertest_config_file assert self.server_id return command + " -u " + self.ubertest_config_file + " " + self.server_id def _populate_multinode_command(self, command, host_type): assert command.find("fi_multinode") != -1 command += " -p " + self.provider command += " -s " + self.server_interface if self.additional_server_arguments: command += " " + self.additional_server_arguments return command @pytest.fixture def cmdline_args(request): return CmdlineArgs(request) @pytest.fixture def good_address(cmdline_args): if cmdline_args.good_address: return cmdline_args.good_address if "GOOD_ADDR" in os.environ: return os.environ["GOOD_ADDR"] if cmdline_args.server_interface: return cmdline_args.server_interface return cmdline_args.server_id @pytest.fixture def server_address(cmdline_args, good_address): if cmdline_args.oob_address_exchange: return good_address return cmdline_args.server_id @pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=["transmit_complete", "delivery_complete"]) def completion_semantic(request): return request.param @pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=["queue", "counter"]) def completion_type(request): return request.param @pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=["with_prefix", "wout_prefix"]) def prefix_type(request): return request.param @pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=["with_datacheck", "wout_datacheck"]) def datacheck_type(request): return request.param