import copy import pytest from common import UnitTest, has_cuda, has_neuron @pytest.mark.unit def test_mr_host(cmdline_args): test = UnitTest(cmdline_args, "fi_mr_test") @pytest.mark.unit @pytest.mark.parametrize( "hmem_type", [ pytest.param("cuda", marks=pytest.mark.cuda_memory), pytest.param("neuron", marks=pytest.mark.neuron_memory), ], ) def test_mr_hmem(cmdline_args, hmem_type): if hmem_type == "cuda" and not has_cuda(cmdline_args.server_id): pytest.skip("no cuda device") if hmem_type == "neuron" and not has_neuron(cmdline_args.server_id): pytest.skip("no neuron device") cmdline_args_copy = copy.copy(cmdline_args) test_command = f"fi_mr_test -D {hmem_type}" if cmdline_args.do_dmabuf_reg_for_hmem: test_command += " -R" test = UnitTest( cmdline_args_copy, test_command, failing_warn_msgs=["Unable to add MR to map"], )