@echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion if not "%selfWrapped%" == "%~0" ( rem This is necessary so that we can use "exit' to terminate the rem batch file, and all subroutines, but not the original cmd.exe. set selfWrapped=%~0 %ComSpec% /s /c ""%~0" %*" goto :EOF ) set BIN_PATH= set PROV= set TEST_TYPE=quick set VERBOSE=0 set SKIP_NEG=0 set SERVER= set S_INTERFACE= set CLIENT= set C_INTERFACE= set GOOD_ADDR= set TIMEOUT_VAL=180 set STRICT_MODE=0 set OOB=0 set C_ARGS= set S_ARGS= set OPTIND=0 set PATH=%~dp0;%PATH% set c_res=fabtests.c_res set c_outp=fabtests.c_outp set s_res=fabtests.s_res set s_outp=fabtests.s_outp set /a pass_count=0 set /a skip_count=0 set /a fail_count=0 set /a total_failures=0 set "spaces= " set unit_tests=^ "getinfo_test -s SERVER_ADDR GOOD_ADDR"^ "av_test -g GOOD_ADDR -n 1 -s SERVER_ADDR -e rdm"^ "dom_test -n 2"^ "eq_test"^ "cq_test -L 4096"^ "mr_test"^ "cntr_test" set neg_unit_tests=^ "dgram g00n13s"^ "rdm g00n13s"^ "msg g00n13s" set functional_tests=^ "av_xfer -e rdm"^ "cm_data"^ "cq_data -e msg -o senddata"^ "cq_data -e rdm -o senddata"^ "cq_data -e msg -o writedata"^ "cq_data -e rdm -o writedata"^ "msg"^ "msg_epoll"^ "msg_sockets"^ "poll -t queue"^ "poll -t counter"^ "rdm"^ "rdm -U"^ "rdm_tagged_peek"^ "recv_cancel -e rdm -V"^ "inject_test -A inject -v"^ "inject_test -N -A inject -v"^ "inject_test -A inj_complete -v"^ "inject_test -N -A inj_complete -v"^ "bw -e rdm -v -T 1"^ "bw -e rdm -v -T 1 -U"^ "bw -e msg -v -T 1"^ "rdm_multi_client -C 10 -I 5"^ "rdm_multi_client -C 10 -I 5 -U" set short_tests=^ "msg_pingpong -I 5"^ "msg_pingpong -I 5 -v"^ "msg_bw -I 5"^ "msg_bw -I 5 -v"^ "rma_bw -e msg -o write -I 5"^ "rma_bw -e msg -o read -I 5"^ "rma_bw -e msg -o writedata -I 5"^ "rma_bw -e rdm -o write -I 5"^ "rma_bw -e rdm -o write -I 5 -U"^ "rma_bw -e rdm -o read -I 5"^ "rma_bw -e rdm -o read -I 5 -U"^ "rma_bw -e rdm -o writedata -I 5"^ "rma_bw -e rdm -o writedata -I 5 -U"^ "rdm_cntr_pingpong -I 5"^ "multi_recv -e rdm -I 5"^ "rdm_pingpong -I 5"^ "rdm_pingpong -I 5 -U"^ "rdm_pingpong -I 5 -v"^ "rdm_pingpong -I 5 -v -U"^ "rdm_tagged_pingpong -I 5"^ "rdm_tagged_pingpong -I 5 -U"^ "rdm_tagged_pingpong -I 5 -v"^ "rdm_tagged_pingpong -I 5 -v -U"^ "rdm_tagged_bw -I 5"^ "rdm_tagged_bw -I 5 -U"^ "rdm_tagged_bw -I 5 -v"^ "rdm_tagged_bw -I 5 -v -U" set standard_tests=^ "msg_pingpong"^ "msg_pingpong -v"^ "msg_pingpong -k"^ "msg_pingpong -k -v"^ "msg_bw"^ "msg_bw -v"^ "rma_bw -e msg -o write"^ "rma_bw -e msg -o read"^ "rma_bw -e msg -o writedata"^ "rma_bw -e rdm -o write"^ "rma_bw -e rdm -o write -U"^ "rma_bw -e rdm -o read"^ "rma_bw -e rdm -o read -U"^ "rma_bw -e rdm -o writedata"^ "rma_bw -e rdm -o writedata -U"^ "rdm_cntr_pingpong"^ "multi_recv -e rdm"^ "rdm_pingpong"^ "rdm_pingpong -U"^ "rdm_pingpong -v"^ "rdm_pingpong -v -U"^ "rdm_pingpong -k"^ "rdm_pingpong -k -U"^ "rdm_pingpong -k -v"^ "rdm_pingpong -k -v -U"^ "rdm_tagged_pingpong"^ "rdm_tagged_pingpong -U"^ "rdm_tagged_pingpong -v"^ "rdm_tagged_pingpong -v -U"^ "rdm_tagged_bw"^ "rdm_tagged_bw -U"^ "rdm_tagged_bw -v"^ "rdm_tagged_bw -v -U" set multinode_tests=^ "multinode -C msg"^ "multinode -C rma" goto :global_main :print_border echo # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ exit /b 0 :print_results set test_name=%~1 set test_result=%~2 set test_time=%~3 set server_out_file=%~4 set server_cmd=%~5 set client_out_file=%~6 set client_cmd=%~7 if %VERBOSE% EQU 0 ( rem print a simple, single-line format that is still valid YAML set left=%test_exe%:%spaces% set right=%spaces%%test_result% echo !left:~0,70!!right:~-10,10! ) else ( rem Print a more detailed YAML format that is not a superset of rem the non-verbose output. See ofiwg/fabtests#259 for a rem rationale. set emit_stdout=0 call :switch result %test_result% || ( :result-Pass if %VERBOSE% GEQ 3 set emit_stdout=1 goto :EOF :result-Notrun if %VERBOSE% GEQ 2 set emit_stdout=1 goto :EOF :result-Fail if %VERBOSE% GEQ 1 set emit_stdout=1 goto :EOF :result- echo Unknown result: %1 1>&2 exit 1 ) echo - name: %test_exe% echo timestamp: %DATE% %TIME% echo result: %test_result% echo time: %test_time% if !emit_stdout! EQU 1 ( if not "%server_out_file%" == "" ( if not "%server_cmd%" == "" ( echo server_cmd: %server_cmd% ) echo server_stdout: type %server_out_file% echo. ) if not "%client_out_file%" == "" ( if not "%client_cmd%" == "" ( echo client_cmd: %client_cmd% ) echo client_stdout: type %client_out_file% echo. ) ) ) exit /b 0 :cleanup if exist %c_res% del /f %c_res% if exist %c_outp% del /f %c_outp% if exist %s_outp% del /f %s_outp% if exist %s_res% del /f %s_res% if not "%1" == "" ( for /l %%i in (1,1,%1) do ( if exist %c_res%%%i del /f %c_res%%%i if exist %c_outp%%%i del /f %c_outp%%%i ) ) exit /b :compute_duration set start=%1 set end=%2 set /a s_m=%start:~-8,1% set /a s_m=%s_m% * 10 + %start:~-7,1% set /a s_s=%start:~-5,1% set /a s_s=%s_s% * 10 + %start:~-4,1% set /a e_m=%end:~-8,1% set /a e_m=%e_m% * 10 + %end:~-7,1% set /a e_s=%end:~-5,1% set /a e_s=%e_s% * 10 + %end:~-4,1% set /a min=(%e_m% - %s_m%) set /a sec=(%e_s% - %s_s%) set /a dur=%min% * 60 + %sec% if %dur% EQU 0 set /a dur=1 set %3=%dur% exit /b 0 :wait_for_timeout set /a secs=0 :wait timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul set /a secs+=1 if %secs% GTR %TIMEOUT_VAL% ( for /f "tokens=1" %%x in ("%test_exe%") do set image_name=%%x.exe taskkill /f /im !image_name! >nul set /a s_ret=124 if %1 GEQ 2 set /a c_ret=124 timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul goto :wait_end ) if not exist %s_res% goto :wait if %1 EQU 2 if not exist %c_res% goto :wait if %1 GTR 2 ( set /a num_clients=%1 - 1 for /l %%i in (1,1,!num_clients!) do ( if not exist %c_res%%%i goto :wait ) ) set /p s_ret=<%s_res% set /a s_ret=s_ret del %s_res% if %1 EQU 2 ( set /p c_ret=<%c_res% set /a c_ret=c_ret del %c_res% ) if %1 GTR 2 ( set /a num_clients=%1 - 1 for /l %%i in (1,1,!num_clients!) do ( set /p ret=<%c_res%%%i set /a ret=ret del %c_res%%%i if !ret! NEQ 0 set c_ret=!ret! ) ) :wait_end exit /b 0 :unit_test set test=%~1 set is_neg=%2 set s_ret= set start_time= set end_time= set test_time= if %OOB% EQU 1 ( set interface=%GOOD_ADDR% ) else ( set interface=%S_INTERFACE% ) set test_exe=%test% -p %PROV% set test_exe=%test_exe:GOOD_ADDR=!GOOD_ADDR!% set test_exe=%test_exe:SERVER_ADDR=!interface!% rem getinfo_test will fail without having set FI_PROVIDER rem due to how putenv works on Windows. rem https://github.com/ofiwg/libfabric/issues/7565 if "%test:~0,12%" == "getinfo_test" set FI_PROVIDER=%PROV% set start_time=%TIME% set cmd=%BIN_PATH%%test_exe% start /b run_with_output.cmd "%cmd%" %s_outp% %s_res% >nul 2>nul call :wait_for_timeout 1 set end_time=%TIME% call :compute_duration %start_time% %end_time% test_time if "%test:~0,12%" == "getinfo_test" set FI_PROVIDER= if "%is_neg%%s_ret%" == "1120" ( rem Negative test passed. set s_ret=0 ) if "%STRICT_MODE%%s_ret%" == "0120" ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Notrun" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%cmd%" set /a skip_count+=1 ) else ( if "%STRICT_MODE%%s_ret%" == "040" ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Notrun" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%cmd%" set /a skip_count+=1 ) else ( if %s_ret% NEQ 0 ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Fail" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%cmd%" if %s_ret% EQU 124 ( rem timed out call :cleanup ) set /a fail_count+=1 ) else ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Pass" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%cmd%" set /a pass_count+=1 ) ) ) exit /b 0 :cs_test set test=%~1 set s_ret=0 set c_ret=0 set test_exe=%test% -p %PROV% set start_time= set end_time= set test_time= set start_time=%TIME% if %OOB% EQU 1 ( set s_arg=-E ) else ( set s_arg=-s %S_INTERFACE% ) set s_cmd=%BIN_PATH%%test_exe% %S_ARGS% %s_arg% start /b run_with_output.cmd "%s_cmd%" %s_outp% %s_res% >nul 2>nul timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul if %OOB% EQU 1 ( set c_arg=-E %S_INTERFACE% ) else ( set c_arg=-s %C_INTERFACE% %S_INTERFACE% ) set c_cmd=%BIN_PATH%%test_exe% %C_ARGS% %c_arg% start /b run_with_output.cmd "%c_cmd%" %c_outp% %c_res% >nul 2>nul call :wait_for_timeout 2 set end_time=%TIME% call :compute_duration %start_time% %end_time% test_time if "%STRICT_MODE%%s_ret%%c_ret%" == "0120120" ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Notrun" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%s_cmd%" "%c_outp%" "%c_cmd%" set /a skip_count+=1 ) else ( if "%STRICT_MODE%%s_ret%%c_ret%" == "04040" ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Notrun" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%s_cmd%" "%c_outp%" "%c_cmd%" set /a skip_count+=1 ) else ( if %s_ret% NEQ 0 ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Fail" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%s_cmd%" "%c_outp%" "%c_cmd%" if %s_ret% EQU 124 ( rem timed out call :cleanup ) else ( if %c_ret% EQU 124 ( rem timed out call :cleanup ) ) set /a fail_count+=1 ) else ( if %c_ret% NEQ 0 ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Fail" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%s_cmd%" "%c_outp%" "%c_cmd%" if %s_ret% EQU 124 ( rem timed out call :cleanup ) else ( if %c_ret% EQU 124 ( rem timed out call :cleanup ) ) set /a fail_count+=1 ) else ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Pass" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%s_cmd%" "%c_outp%" "%c_cmd%" set /a pass_count+=1 ) ) ) ) exit /b 0 :multinode_test set test=%~1 set s_ret=0 set c_ret=0 set /a num_procs=%2 set /a num_clients=%num_procs% - 1 set test_exe=%test% -n %num_procs% -p "%PROV%" set c_out= set start_time= set end_time= set test_time= set start_time=%TIME% set s_cmd=%BIN_PATH%%test_exe% %S_ARGS% -s %S_INTERFACE% start /b run_with_output.cmd "%s_cmd%" %s_outp% %s_res% >nul 2>nul timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul for /l %%i in (1,1,%num_clients%) do ( set res=%c_res%%%i set out=%c_outp%%%i set c_cmd=%BIN_PATH%%test_exe% %S_ARGS% -s %S_INTERFACE% start /b run_with_output.cmd "!c_cmd!" !out! !res! >nul 2>nul ) call :wait_for_timeout %num_procs% echo server finished set end_time=%TIME% call :compute_duration %start_time% %end_time% test_time set /a pe=1 if "%STRICT_MODE%%s_ret%%c_ret%" == "0120120" ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Notrun" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%s_cmd%" "" "%c_cmd%" for /l %%i in (1,1,%num_clients%) do ( echo client_stdout !pe!: type !c_outp!%%i echo. set /a pe+=1 ) set /a skip_count+=1 ) else ( if "%STRICT_MODE%%s_ret%%c_ret%" == "04040" ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Notrun" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%s_cmd%" "" "%c_cmd%" for /l %%i in (1,1,%num_clients%) do ( echo client_stdout !pe!: type !c_outp!%%i echo. set /a pe+=1 ) set /a skip_count+=1 ) else ( if %s_ret% NEQ 0 ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Fail" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%s_cmd%" "" "%c_cmd%" for /l %%i in (1,1,%num_clients%) do ( echo client_stdout !pe!: type !c_outp!%%i echo. set /a pe+=1 ) if %s_ret% EQU 124 ( rem timed out call :cleanup ) else ( if %c_ret% EQU 124 ( rem timed out call :cleanup ) ) set /a fail_count+=1 ) else ( if %c_ret% NEQ 0 ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Fail" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%s_cmd%" "" "%c_cmd%" for /l %%i in (1,1,%num_clients%) do ( echo client_stdout !pe!: type !c_outp!%%i echo. set /a pe+=1 ) if %s_ret% EQU 124 ( rem timed out call :cleanup ) else ( if %c_ret% EQU 124 ( rem timed out call :cleanup ) ) set /a fail_count+=1 ) else ( call :print_results "%test_exe%" "Pass" "%test_time%" "%s_outp%" "%s_cmd%" "" "%c_cmd%" for /l %%i in (1,1,%num_clients%) do ( echo client_stdout !pe!: type !c_outp!%%i echo. set /a pe+=1 ) set /a pass_count+=1 ) ) ) ) call :cleanup %num_clients% exit /b 0 :switch goto :%1-%2 2>nul || ( type nul>nul call :%1- %2 ) exit /b :main set skip_count=0 set pass_count=0 set fail_count=0 set tests= if /i "%~1" == "quick" set tests=unit,functional,short if /i "%~1" == "all" set tests=unit,functional,standard,multinode if /i "%tests%" == "" set tests=%~1 set tests=%tests:,= % if %VERBOSE% == 0 ( echo # Test Result call :print_border ) for %%s in (%tests%) do ( call :switch set %%s || ( :set-unit for %%t in (%unit_tests%) do ( call :unit_test %%t 0 ) if "%SKIP_NEG%" == "0" ( for %%t in (%neg_unit_tests%) do ( call :unit_test %%t 1 ) ) goto :EOF :set-functional for %%t in (%functional_tests%) do ( call :cs_test %%t ) goto :EOF :set-short for %%t in (%short_tests%) do ( call :cs_test %%t ) goto :EOF :set-standard for %%t in (%standard_tests%) do ( call :cs_test %%t ) goto :EOF :set-multinode for %%t in (%multinode_tests%) do ( call :multinode_test %%t 3 ) goto :EOF :set- echo Unknown test set: %1 1>&2 exit 1 ) ) set /a total= %pass_count% + %fail_count% call :print_border set left=Total Pass%spaces% set right=%spaces%%pass_count% echo # %left:~0,50%%right:~-10,10% set left=Total Notrun/Excluded%spaces% set right=%spaces%%skip_count% echo # %left:~0,50%%right:~-10,10% set left=Total Fail%spaces% set right=%spaces%%fail_count% echo # %left:~0,50%%right:~-10,10% if %total% GTR 0 ( set /a pass_pct="(%pass_count% * 100) / %total%" set left=Percentage of Pass%spaces% set right=%spaces%!pass_pct! echo # !left:~0,50!!right:~-10,10! ) call :print_border call :cleanup set /a total_failures+=%fail_count% exit /b :usage echo.Usage: 1>&2 echo. runfabtests.cmd [OPTIONS] [provider] [host] [client] 1>&2 echo. 1>&2 echo.Run fabtests using provider between host and client (default 1>&2 echo.'sockets' provider in loopback-mode). Report pass/fail/notrun status. 1>&2 echo. 1>&2 echo.Options... 1>&2 echo. -g good IP address from [host]'s perspective (default %GOOD_ADDR%) 1>&2 echo. -v print output of failing 1>&2 echo. -v -v print output of failing/notrun 1>&2 echo. -v -v -v print output of failing/notrun/passing 1>&2 echo. -t test set(s): all,quick,unit,functional,standard,short,complex (default quick) 1>&2 echo. -N skip negative unit tests 1>&2 echo. -p path to test bins (default PATH) 1>&2 echo. -c client interface 1>&2 echo. -s server/host interface 1>&2 echo. -T timeout value in seconds 1>&2 echo. -S Strict mode: -FI_ENODATA, -FI_ENOSYS errors would be treated as failures instead of skipped/notrun 1>&2 echo. -C Additional client test arguments: Parameters to pass to client fabtests 1>&2 echo. -L Additional server test arguments: Parameters to pass to server fabtests 1>&2 echo. -b enable out-of-band address exchange over the default port 1>&2 exit 1 :getopts if "%1" == "-t" ( set TEST_TYPE=%~2 shift set /a OPTIND+=1 goto nextopt ) if "%1" == "-v" ( set /a VERBOSE+=1 goto nextopt ) if "%1" == "-p" ( set BIN_PATH=%~2\ shift set /a OPTIND+=1 goto nextopt ) if "%1" == "-g" ( set GOOD_ADDR=%~2\ shift set /a OPTIND+=1 goto nextopt ) if "%1" == "-c" ( set C_INTERFACE=%~2 shift set /a OPTIND+=1 goto nextopt ) if "%1" == "-s" ( set S_INTERFACE=%~2 shift set /a OPTIND+=1 goto nextopt ) if "%1" == "-T" ( set /a TIMEOUT_VAL=%~2 shift set /a OPTIND+=1 goto nextopt ) if "%1" == "-N" ( set /a SKIP_NEG+=1 goto nextopt ) if "%1" == "-S" ( set /a STRICT_MODE+=1 goto nextopt ) if "%1" == "-b" ( set /a OOB+=1 goto nextopt ) if "%1" == "-C" ( set C_ARGS=%~2 shift set /a OPTIND+=1 goto nextopt ) if "%1" == "-L" ( set S_ARGS=%~2 shift set /a OPTIND+=1 goto nextopt ) if "%1" == "-h" ( goto :usage ) :nextopt shift & set /a OPTIND+=1 set x=%1 if /i "%x:~0,1%" == "-" goto getopts exit /b 0 :global_main call :getopts %* for /L %%a in (1,1,!OPTIND!) do shift if not "%1" == "" ( set PROV=%1 shift ) if not "%1" == "" ( set SERVER=%1 shift ) if not "%1" == "" ( set CLIENT=%1 shift ) if not "%1" == "" goto :usage if "%C_INTERFACE%" == "" set C_INTERFACE=%CLIENT% if "%S_INTERFACE%" == "" set S_INTERFACE=%SERVER% if "%GOOD_ADDR%" == "" set GOOD_ADDR=%S_INTERFACE% if "%PROV%" == "" ( set PROV=sockets call :main "%TEST_TYPE%" ) else ( call :main "%TEST_TYPE%" ) exit /b %total_failures%