#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2016-2018, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2016, Cray, Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This software is available to you under a choice of one of two # licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU # General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file # COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the # BSD license below: # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or # without modification, are permitted provided that the following # conditions are met: # # - Redistributions of source code must retain the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer. # # - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials # provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # trap cleanup_and_exit SIGINT # # Default behavior with no args will use sockets provider with loopback # declare BIN_PATH declare PROV="" declare CORE="" declare UTIL="" declare TEST_TYPE="quick" declare SERVER="" declare CLIENT="" declare GOOD_ADDR="" declare -i VERBOSE=0 declare -i SKIP_NEG=0 declare COMPLEX_CFG declare TIMEOUT_VAL="120" declare STRICT_MODE=0 declare FORK=0 declare OOB=0 declare C_ARGS="" declare S_ARGS="" declare PIN_CORE="" declare PROVIDER_TESTS=0 declare gdb_cmd="" declare cur_excludes="" declare file_excludes="" declare input_excludes="" declare -r c_outp=$(mktemp fabtests.c_outp.XXXXXX) declare -r s_outp=$(mktemp fabtests.s_outp.XXXXXX) declare -i skip_count=0 declare -i pass_count=0 declare -i fail_count=0 declare -i total_failures=0 python=$(which python3 2>/dev/null) || python=$(which python2 2>/dev/null) || python=$(which python 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Unable to find python dependency, exiting..." exit 1 fi if [[ "$(uname)" == "FreeBSD" ]]; then declare -ri FI_ENODATA=$($python -c 'import errno; print(errno.ENOMSG)') else declare -ri FI_ENODATA=$($python -c 'import errno; print(errno.ENODATA)') fi declare -ri FI_ENOSYS=$($python -c 'import errno; print(errno.ENOSYS)') neg_unit_tests=( "fi_dgram g00n13s" "fi_rdm g00n13s" "fi_msg g00n13s" ) functional_tests=( "fi_av_xfer -e rdm" "fi_av_xfer -e dgram" "fi_cm_data" "fi_cq_data -e msg -o senddata" "fi_cq_data -e rdm -o senddata" "fi_cq_data -e dgram -o senddata" "fi_cq_data -e msg -o writedata" "fi_cq_data -e rdm -o writedata" "fi_cq_data -e dgram -o writedata" "fi_dgram" "fi_dgram_waitset" "fi_msg" "fi_msg_epoll" "fi_msg_sockets" "fi_poll -t queue" "fi_poll -t counter" "fi_rdm" "fi_rdm -U" "fi_rdm_rma_event" "fi_rdm_rma_trigger" "fi_shared_ctx" "fi_shared_ctx --no-tx-shared-ctx" "fi_shared_ctx --no-rx-shared-ctx" "fi_shared_ctx -e msg" "fi_shared_ctx -e msg --no-tx-shared-ctx" "fi_shared_ctx -e msg --no-rx-shared-ctx" "fi_shared_ctx -e dgram" "fi_shared_ctx -e dgram --no-tx-shared-ctx" "fi_shared_ctx -e dgram --no-rx-shared-ctx" "fi_rdm_tagged_peek" "fi_scalable_ep" "fi_rdm_shared_av" "fi_multi_mr -e msg -V" "fi_multi_mr -e rdm -V" "fi_multi_ep -e msg -v --shared-av" "fi_multi_ep -e rdm -v --shared-av" "fi_recv_cancel -e rdm -V" "fi_unexpected_msg -e msg -I 10 -v" "fi_unexpected_msg -e rdm -I 10 -v" "fi_inject_test -A inject -v" "fi_inject_test -N -A inject -v" "fi_inject_test -A inj_complete -v" "fi_inject_test -N -A inj_complete -v" "fi_bw -e rdm -v -T 1" "fi_bw -e rdm -v -T 1 -U" "fi_bw -e msg -v -T 1" "fi_rdm_multi_client -C 10 -I 5" "fi_rdm_multi_client -C 10 -I 5 -U" ) short_tests=( "fi_msg_pingpong -I 5" "fi_msg_pingpong -I 5 -v" "fi_msg_bw -I 5" "fi_msg_bw -I 5 -v" "fi_rma_bw -e msg -o write -I 5" "fi_rma_bw -e msg -o read -I 5" "fi_rma_bw -e msg -o writedata -I 5" "fi_rma_bw -e rdm -o write -I 5" "fi_rma_bw -e rdm -o write -I 5 -U" "fi_rma_bw -e rdm -o read -I 5" "fi_rma_bw -e rdm -o read -I 5 -U" "fi_rma_bw -e rdm -o writedata -I 5" "fi_rma_bw -e rdm -o writedata -I 5 -U" "fi_rdm_atomic -I 5 -o all" "fi_rdm_atomic -I 5 -o all -U" "fi_rdm_cntr_pingpong -I 5" "fi_multi_recv -e rdm -I 5" "fi_multi_recv -e msg -I 5" "fi_rdm_pingpong -I 5" "fi_rdm_pingpong -I 5 -U" "fi_rdm_pingpong -I 5 -v" "fi_rdm_pingpong -I 5 -v -U" "fi_rdm_tagged_pingpong -I 5" "fi_rdm_tagged_pingpong -I 5 -U" "fi_rdm_tagged_pingpong -I 5 -v" "fi_rdm_tagged_pingpong -I 5 -v -U" "fi_rdm_tagged_bw -I 5" "fi_rdm_tagged_bw -I 5 -U" "fi_rdm_tagged_bw -I 5 -v" "fi_rdm_tagged_bw -I 5 -v -U" "fi_dgram_pingpong -I 5" ) standard_tests=( "fi_msg_pingpong" "fi_msg_pingpong -v" "fi_msg_pingpong -k" "fi_msg_pingpong -k -v" "fi_msg_bw" "fi_msg_bw -v" "fi_rma_bw -e msg -o write" "fi_rma_bw -e msg -o read" "fi_rma_bw -e msg -o writedata" "fi_rma_bw -e rdm -o write" "fi_rma_bw -e rdm -o write -U" "fi_rma_bw -e rdm -o read" "fi_rma_bw -e rdm -o read -U" "fi_rma_bw -e rdm -o writedata" "fi_rma_bw -e rdm -o writedata -U" "fi_rdm_atomic -o all -I 1000" "fi_rdm_atomic -o all -I 1000 -U" "fi_rdm_cntr_pingpong" "fi_multi_recv -e rdm" "fi_multi_recv -e msg" "fi_rdm_pingpong" "fi_rdm_pingpong -U" "fi_rdm_pingpong -v" "fi_rdm_pingpong -v -U" "fi_rdm_pingpong -k" "fi_rdm_pingpong -k -U" "fi_rdm_pingpong -k -v" "fi_rdm_pingpong -k -v -U" "fi_rdm_tagged_pingpong" "fi_rdm_tagged_pingpong -U" "fi_rdm_tagged_pingpong -v" "fi_rdm_tagged_pingpong -v -U" "fi_rdm_tagged_bw" "fi_rdm_tagged_bw -U" "fi_rdm_tagged_bw -v" "fi_rdm_tagged_bw -v -U" "fi_dgram_pingpong" "fi_dgram_pingpong -k" ) unit_tests=( "fi_getinfo_test -s SERVER_ADDR GOOD_ADDR" "fi_av_test -g GOOD_ADDR -n 1 -s SERVER_ADDR -e rdm" "fi_av_test -g GOOD_ADDR -n 1 -s SERVER_ADDR -e dgram" "fi_dom_test -n 2" "fi_eq_test" "fi_cq_test" "fi_mr_test" "fi_cntr_test" "fi_setopt_test" ) regression_tests=( "sighandler_test" ) complex_tests=( "fi_ubertest" ) multinode_tests=( "fi_multinode -C msg" "fi_multinode -C rma" "fi_multinode_coll" ) prov_efa_tests=( \ "fi_efa_rnr_read_cq_error" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 0 -S 1048576" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 0 -o read -S 4" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 0 -A read -S 4" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 0 -U -S 4" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -S 4" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -T -S 4" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -S 16384" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -T -S 16384" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -S 1048576" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -T -S 1048576" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -o write -S 4" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -o write -S 1048576" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -o read -S 4" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -o read -S 1048576" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -A write -S 4" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -A read -S 4" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -A cswap -S 4" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -U -S 4" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -T -U -S 4" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -U -S 16384" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -T -U -S 16384" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -U -S 1048576" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -T -U -S 1048576" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -o write -U -S 4" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -o write -U -S 1048576" "fi_efa_rnr_queue_resend -c 1 -A write -U -S 4" ) function errcho { >&2 echo $* } function print_border { printf "# " printf "%.0s-" {1..78} printf "\n" } function print_results { local test_name=$1 local test_result=$2 local test_time=$3 local server_out_file=$4 local server_cmd=$5 local client_out_file=$6 local client_cmd=$7 if [ $VERBOSE -eq 0 ] ; then # print a simple, single-line format that is still valid YAML printf "%-70s%10s\n" "$test_exe:" "$test_result" else # Print a more detailed YAML format that is not a superset of # the non-verbose output. See ofiwg/fabtests#259 for a # rationale. emit_stdout=0 case $test_result in Pass*) [ $VERBOSE -ge 3 ] && emit_stdout=1 ;; Notrun|Excluded) [ $VERBOSE -ge 2 ] && emit_stdout=1 ;; Fail*) [ $VERBOSE -ge 1 ] && emit_stdout=1 ;; esac printf -- "- name: %s\n" "$test_exe" printf -- " timestamp: %s\n" "$(date -u +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S%z')" printf -- " result: %s\n" "$test_result" printf -- " time: %s\n" "$test_time" if [ $emit_stdout -eq 1 -a "$server_out_file" != "" ] ; then if [ "$server_cmd" != "" ] ; then printf -- " server_cmd: %s\n" "$server_cmd" fi printf -- " server_stdout: |\n" sed -e 's/^/ /' < $server_out_file fi if [ $emit_stdout -eq 1 -a "$client_out_file" != "" ] ; then if [ "$client_cmd" != "" ] ; then printf -- " client_cmd: %s\n" "$client_cmd" fi printf -- " client_stdout: |\n" sed -e 's/^/ /' < $client_out_file fi fi } function cleanup { ${CLIENT_CMD} "ps -eo comm,pid | grep '^fi_' | awk '{print \$2}' | xargs kill -9" >& /dev/null ${SERVER_CMD} "ps -eo comm,pid | grep '^fi_' | awk '{print \$2}' | xargs kill -9" >& /dev/null rm -f $c_outp $s_outp } function cleanup_and_exit { cleanup exit 1 } # compute the duration in seconds between two integer values # measured since the start of the UNIX epoch and print the result to stdout function compute_duration { local -i s=$1 local -i e=$2 echo $(( $2 - $1)) } function read_exclude_file { local excl_file=$1 if [ ! -f $excl_file ]; then echo "Given exclusion file does not exist!" exit 1 fi while read -r pattern || [[ -n "$pattern" ]]; do # Ignore patterns that are comments or just whitespaces ignore_pattern="#.*|^[\t ]*$" if [[ ! "$pattern" =~ $ignore_pattern ]]; then if [ -z "$file_excludes" ]; then file_excludes="$pattern" else file_excludes="${file_excludes},$pattern" fi fi done < "$excl_file" } function auto_exclude { local excl_file local name=$UTIL if [ -z $UTIL ]; then name=$CORE fi excl_file="./fabtests/test_configs/${name}/${name}.exclude" if [[ ! -f "$excl_file" ]]; then excl_file="./test_configs/${name}/${name}.exclude" if [[ ! -f "$excl_file" ]]; then excl_file="../test_configs/${name}/${name}.exclude" if [[ ! -f "$excl_file" ]]; then return fi fi fi read_exclude_file ${excl_file} cur_excludes=${file_excludes} file_excludes="" } function set_excludes { if [[ -n "$input_excludes" ]]; then cur_excludes=${input_excludes} fi if [[ -n "$file_excludes" ]]; then [[ -z "$cur_excludes" ]] && cur_excludes=${file_excludes} || \ cur_excludes="${cur_excludes},${file_excludes}" fi if [[ -n "$cur_excludes" ]]; then return fi auto_exclude } function is_excluded { test_name=$1 [[ -z "$cur_excludes" ]] && return 1 IFS="," read -ra exclude_array <<< "$cur_excludes" for pattern in "${exclude_array[@]}"; do if [[ "$test_name" =~ $pattern ]]; then print_results "$test_exe" "Excluded" "0" "" "" skip_count+=1 return 0 fi done return 1 } function unit_test { local test=$1 local is_neg=$2 local ret1=0 local s_interface=$(eval "if [ $OOB -eq 1 ]; \ then echo $GOOD_ADDR; \ else echo $S_INTERFACE; \ fi") local test_exe=$(echo "${test} -p \"$PROV\"" | \ sed -e "s/GOOD_ADDR/$GOOD_ADDR/g" -e "s/SERVER_ADDR/$s_interface/g") local start_time local end_time local test_time is_excluded "$test" && return start_time=$(date '+%s') cmd="${gdb_cmd} ${BIN_PATH}${test_exe}" ${SERVER_CMD} "${EXPORT_ENV} $cmd" &> $s_outp & p1=$! wait $p1 ret=$? end_time=$(date '+%s') test_time=$(compute_duration "$start_time" "$end_time") if [ $is_neg -eq 1 -a $ret -eq $FI_ENODATA ]; then # negative test passed ret=0 elif [ $is_neg -eq 1 ]; then # negative test failed ret=1 fi if [[ $STRICT_MODE -eq 0 && $ret -eq $FI_ENODATA || $ret -eq $FI_ENOSYS ]]; then print_results "$test_exe" "Notrun" "$test_time" "$s_outp" "$cmd" skip_count+=1 elif [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then print_results "$test_exe" "Fail" "$test_time" "$s_outp" "$cmd" if [ $ret -eq 124 ]; then cleanup fi fail_count+=1 else print_results "$test_exe" "Pass" "$test_time" "$s_outp" "$cmd" pass_count+=1 fi } function cs_test { local test=$1 local s_ret=0 local c_ret=0 local test_exe="${test} -p \"${PROV}\"" local start_time local end_time local test_time local pin_core if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then pin_core=$2 fi is_excluded "$test" && return start_time=$(date '+%s') if [[ $OOB -eq 1 ]]; then s_arg="-E" else s_arg="-s $S_INTERFACE" fi s_cmd="${gdb_cmd} ${BIN_PATH}${test_exe} ${S_ARGS} ${pin_core} $s_arg" ${SERVER_CMD} "${EXPORT_ENV} $s_cmd" &> $s_outp & s_pid=$! sleep 1 if [[ $OOB -eq 1 ]]; then c_arg="-E $S_INTERFACE" else c_arg="-s $C_INTERFACE $S_INTERFACE" fi c_cmd="${gdb_cmd} ${BIN_PATH}${test_exe} ${C_ARGS} ${pin_core} $c_arg" ${CLIENT_CMD} "${EXPORT_ENV} $c_cmd" &> $c_outp & c_pid=$! wait $c_pid c_ret=$? if [[ $c_ret -ne 0 ]] && ps -p $s_pid > /dev/null; then if [[ $STRICT_MODE -eq 0 ]]; then sleep 2 fi kill -9 $s_pid 2> /dev/null fi wait $s_pid s_ret=$? end_time=$(date '+%s') test_time=$(compute_duration "$start_time" "$end_time") if [[ $STRICT_MODE -eq 0 && $s_ret -eq $FI_ENODATA && $c_ret -eq $FI_ENODATA ]] || [[ $STRICT_MODE -eq 0 && $s_ret -eq $FI_ENOSYS && $c_ret -eq $FI_ENOSYS ]]; then print_results "$test_exe" "Notrun" "$test_time" "$s_outp" "$s_cmd" "$c_outp" "$c_cmd" skip_count+=1 elif [ $s_ret -ne 0 -o $c_ret -ne 0 ]; then print_results "$test_exe" "Fail" "$test_time" "$s_outp" "$s_cmd" "$c_outp" "$c_cmd" if [ $s_ret -eq 124 -o $c_ret -eq 124 ]; then cleanup fi fail_count+=1 else print_results "$test_exe" "Pass" "$test_time" "$s_outp" "$s_cmd" "$c_outp" "$c_cmd" pass_count+=1 fi } function set_cfg_file { local cfg_file local parent=$UTIL local name=$CORE if [[ ! -z "$COMPLEX_CFG" ]]; then return fi if [ -z $UTIL ]; then parent=$CORE name=$1 fi cfg_file="${PWD}/fabtests/test_configs/${parent}/${name}.test" if [[ ! -f "$cfg_file" ]]; then cfg_file="${PWD}/test_configs/${parent}/${name}.test" if [[ ! -f "$cfg_file" ]]; then return fi fi COMPLEX_CFG=${cfg_file} } function complex_test { local test=$1 local config=$2 local path=${PROV/;/\/} local test_exe="${test}" local s_ret=0 local c_ret=0 local start_time local end_time local test_time set_cfg_file $config if [[ -z "$COMPLEX_CFG" ]]; then return fi is_excluded "$test" && return start_time=$(date '+%s') if [[ $FORK -eq 1 ]]; then opts="-f" else opts="" fi if [[ $OOB -eq 1 ]]; then opts+=" -E" fi s_cmd="${gdb_cmd} ${BIN_PATH}${test_exe} ${S_ARGS} -x $opts" FI_LOG_LEVEL=error ${SERVER_CMD} "${EXPORT_ENV} $s_cmd" &> $s_outp & s_pid=$! sleep 1 c_cmd="${gdb_cmd} ${BIN_PATH}${test_exe} ${C_ARGS} -u "${COMPLEX_CFG}" $S_INTERFACE $opts" FI_LOG_LEVEL=error ${CLIENT_CMD} "${EXPORT_ENV} $c_cmd" &> $c_outp & c_pid=$! wait $c_pid c_ret=$? [[ c_ret -ne 0 ]] && kill -9 $s_pid wait $s_pid s_ret=$? end_time=$(date '+%s') test_time=$(compute_duration "$start_time" "$end_time") # case: config file doesn't exist or invalid option provided if [ $s_ret -eq 1 -o $c_ret -eq 1 ]; then print_results "$test_exe" "Notrun" "0" "$s_outp" "$s_cmd" "$c_outp" "$c_cmd" cleanup skip_count+=1 return # case: test didn't run becasue some error occured elif [ $s_ret -ne 0 -o $c_ret -ne 0 ]; then printf "%-50s%s\n" "$test_exe:" "Server returns $s_ret, client returns $c_ret" print_results "$test_exe" "Fail [$f_cnt/$total]" "$test_time" "$s_outp" "$s_cmd" "$c_outp" "$c_cmd" cleanup fail_count+=1 else local f_cnt=$(cat $c_outp | awk -F': ' '/ENOSYS|ERROR/ {total += $2} END {print total}') local s_cnt=$(cat $c_outp | awk -F': ' '/Success/ {total += $2} END {print total}') local total=$(cat $c_outp | awk -F': ' '/Success|ENODATA|ENOSYS|ERROR/ {total += $2} END {print total}') if [ $f_cnt -eq 0 ]; then print_results "$test_exe" "Pass [$s_cnt/$total]" "$test_time" "$s_outp" "$s_cmd" "$c_outp" "$c_cmd" pass_count+=1 else print_results "$test_exe" "Fail [$f_cnt/$total]" "$test_time" "$s_outp" "$s_cmd" "$c_outp" "$c_cmd" cleanup fail_count+=1 fi fi } function multinode_test { local test="$1" local s_ret=0 local c_ret=0 local c_out_arr=() local num_procs=$2 local test_exe="${test} -n $num_procs -p \"${PROV}\"" local c_out local start_time local end_time local test_time is_excluded "$test" && return start_time=$(date '+%s') s_cmd="${gdb_cmd} ${BIN_PATH}${test_exe} ${S_ARGS} -s ${S_INTERFACE}" ${SERVER_CMD} "${EXPORT_ENV} $s_cmd" &> $s_outp & s_pid=$! sleep 1 c_pid_arr=() for ((i=1; i $c_out & c_pid_arr+=($!) c_out_arr+=($c_out) done for pid in ${c_pid_arr[*]}; do wait $pid c_ret=($?)||$c_ret done if [[ $c_ret -ne 0 ]] && ps -p $s_pid > /dev/null; then if [[ $STRICT_MODE -eq 0 ]]; then sleep 2 fi kill -9 $s_pid 2> /dev/null fi wait $s_pid s_ret=$? echo "server finished" end_time=$(date '+%s') test_time=$(compute_duration "$start_time" "$end_time") pe=1 if [[ $STRICT_MODE -eq 0 && $s_ret -eq $FI_ENODATA && $c_ret -eq $FI_ENODATA ]] || [[ $STRICT_MODE -eq 0 && $s_ret -eq $FI_ENOSYS && $c_ret -eq $FI_ENOSYS ]]; then print_results "$test_exe" "Notrun" "$test_time" "$s_outp" "$s_cmd" "" "$c_cmd" for c_out in "${c_out_arr[@]}" do printf -- " client_stdout $pe: |\n" sed -e 's/^/ /' < $c_out pe=$((pe+1)) done skip_count+=1 elif [ $s_ret -ne 0 -o $c_ret -ne 0 ]; then print_results "$test_exe" "Fail" "$test_time" "$s_outp" "$s_cmd" "" "$c_cmd" printf -- " client_cmd: %s\n" "$c_cmd" for c_out in "${c_out_arr[@]}" do printf -- " client_stdout $pe: |\n" sed -e 's/^/ /' < $c_out pe=$((pe+1)) done if [ $s_ret -eq 124 -o $c_ret -eq 124 ]; then cleanup fi fail_count+=1 else print_results "$test_exe" "Pass" "$test_time" "$s_outp" "$s_cmd" "" "$c_cmd" printf -- " client_cmd: %s\n" "$c_cmd" for c_out in "${c_out_arr[@]}" do printf -- " client_stdout $pe: |\n" sed -e 's/^/ /' < $c_out pe=$((pe+1)) done pass_count+=1 fi } function prov_efa_test { for test in "${prov_efa_tests[@]}"; do cs_test "$test" done } function set_core_util { prov_arr=$(echo $PROV | tr ";" " ") CORE="" UTIL="" for p in $prov_arr; do if [[ -z $CORE ]]; then CORE=$p else UTIL=$p fi done } function main { skip_count=0 pass_count=0 fail_count=0 local complex_type="quick" set_core_util set_excludes if [[ $1 == "quick" ]]; then local -r tests="unit functional short" elif [[ $1 == "verify" ]]; then local -r tests="complex" complex_type=$1 else local -r tests=$(echo $1 | sed 's/all/unit,regression,functional,standard,complex,multinode/g' | tr ',' ' ') if [[ $1 == "all" || $1 == "complex" ]]; then complex_type="all" fi fi if [ $VERBOSE -eq 0 ] ; then printf "# %-68s%10s\n" "Test" "Result" print_border fi for ts in ${tests}; do case ${ts} in unit) for test in "${unit_tests[@]}"; do unit_test "$test" "0" done if [ $SKIP_NEG -eq 0 ] ; then for test in "${neg_unit_tests[@]}"; do unit_test "$test" "1" done fi ;; regression) for test in "${regression_tests[@]}"; do unit_test "$test" "0" done ;; functional) for test in "${functional_tests[@]}"; do cs_test "$test" done ;; short) for test in "${short_tests[@]}"; do cs_test "$test" done ;; standard) for test in "${standard_tests[@]}"; do if [ ! -z $PIN_CORE ]; then cs_test "$test" "--pin-core $PIN_CORE" else cs_test "$test" fi done ;; complex) for test in "${complex_tests[@]}"; do complex_test $test $complex_type done ;; multinode) for test in "${multinode_tests[@]}"; do multinode_test "$test" 3 done ;; *) errcho "Unknown test set: ${ts}" exit 1 ;; esac done if [[ $PROVIDER_TESTS -eq 1 ]]; then prov_${PROV}_test fi total=$(( $pass_count + $fail_count )) print_border printf "# %-50s%10d\n" "Total Pass" $pass_count printf "# %-50s%10d\n" "Total Notrun/Excluded" $skip_count printf "# %-50s%10d\n" "Total Fail" $fail_count if [[ "$total" > "0" ]]; then printf "# %-50s%10d\n" "Percentage of Pass" $(( $pass_count * 100 / $total )) fi print_border cleanup total_failures+=$fail_count } function usage { errcho "Usage:" errcho " $0 [OPTIONS] [provider] [host] [client]" errcho errcho "Run fabtests using provider between host and client (default" errcho "'sockets' provider in loopback-mode). Report pass/fail/notrun status." errcho errcho "Options:" errcho -e " -g\tgood IP address from 's perspective (default $GOOD_ADDR)" errcho -e " -v\tprint output of failing" errcho -e " -vv\tprint output of failing/notrun" errcho -e " -vvv\tprint output of failing/notrun/passing" errcho -e " -t\ttest set(s): all,quick,unit,functional,standard,short,complex (default quick)" errcho -e " -e\texclude tests: comma delimited list of test names / regex patterns e.g. \"dgram,rma.*write\"" errcho -e " -E\texport provided variable name and value to ssh client and server processes. options must of of the form '-E var=value'" errcho -e " -U\trun fabtests with FI_DELIVERY_COMPLETE set" errcho -e " -f\texclude tests file: File containing list of test names / regex patterns to exclude (one per line)" errcho -e " -N\tskip negative unit tests" errcho -e " -p\tpath to test bins (default PATH)" errcho -e " -c\tclient interface" errcho -e " -s\tserver/host interface" errcho -e " -u\tconfigure option for complex tests" errcho -e " -T\ttimeout value in seconds" errcho -e " -S\tStrict mode: -FI_ENODATA, -FI_ENOSYS errors would be treated as failures instead of skipped/notrun" errcho -e " -C\tAdditional client test arguments: Parameters to pass to client fabtests" errcho -e " -L\tAdditional server test arguments: Parameters to pass to server fabtests" errcho -e " -b\tenable out-of-band address exchange over the default port" errcho -e " -P\tRun provider specific tests" errcho -e " --pin-core\tSpecify cores to pin when running standard tests. Cores can specified via a comma-delimited list, e.g. 0,2-4" errcho -e " -G\tRun with gdb and print backtraces" exit 1 } Options=$(getopt --options v,t:,p:,g:,e:,f:,c:,s:,u:,T:,C:,L:,N,R,S,b,k,P,E:,G,h \ --longoptions pin-core:,help \ --quiet \ -- "$@") eval set -- "$Options" while true; do case "$1" in -t) TEST_TYPE=$2; shift 2 ;; -v) VERBOSE+=1; shift ;; -p) BIN_PATH="$2/"; shift 2 ;; -g) GOOD_ADDR=$2; shift 2 ;; -f) read_exclude_file $2; shift 2 ;; -e) [[ -z "$input_excludes" ]] && input_excludes=${2} || \ input_excludes="${input_excludes},${2}" shift 2 ;; -c) C_INTERFACE=$2; shift 2 ;; -s) S_INTERFACE=$2; shift 2 ;; -u) COMPLEX_CFG=$2; shift 2 ;; -T) TIMEOUT_VAL=$2; shift 2 ;; -N) SKIP_NEG+=1; shift ;; -P) PROVIDER_TESTS=1; shift ;; -R) shift ;; -S) STRICT_MODE=1; shift ;; -b) OOB=1; shift ;; -k) FORK=1; shift ;; -C) C_ARGS=$2; shift 2 ;; -L) S_ARGS=$2; shift 2 ;; -E) delimiter="=" value=${2#*$delimiter} var=${2:0:$(( ${#2} - ${#value} - ${#delimiter} ))} EXPORT_STRING="export $var=\"$value\"" if [[ -z $EXPORT_ENV ]] ; then EXPORT_ENV="$EXPORT_STRING ;" else EXPORT_ENV="$EXPORT_ENV $EXPORT_STRING ;" fi shift 2 ;; -G) gdb_cmd="gdb -batch -ex run -ex bt -ex quit --args"; shift ;; --pin-core) PIN_CORE=$2; shift 2 ;; -h | --help) usage ;; --) shift ; break ;; *) usage ;; esac done # base ssh command declare bssh="ssh -n -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o BatchMode=yes" if [ -z "$(which timeout 2> /dev/null)" ]; then # forego timeout declare SERVER_CMD="eval" declare CLIENT_CMD="eval" else declare SERVER_CMD="eval timeout ${TIMEOUT_VAL}" declare CLIENT_CMD="eval timeout ${TIMEOUT_VAL}" bssh="timeout ${TIMEOUT_VAL} ${bssh}" fi # shift past options shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [[ $# -ge 4 ]]; then usage fi if [[ $# -ge 1 ]]; then PROV=$1 fi if [[ $# -ge 2 ]]; then SERVER=$2 SERVER_CMD="${bssh} ${SERVER}" fi if [[ $# -ge 3 ]]; then CLIENT=$3 CLIENT_CMD="${bssh} ${CLIENT}" fi [ -z $C_INTERFACE ] && C_INTERFACE=$CLIENT [ -z $S_INTERFACE ] && S_INTERFACE=$SERVER [ -z $GOOD_ADDR ] && GOOD_ADDR=$S_INTERFACE if [[ -z $PROV ]]; then PROV="tcp" main ${TEST_TYPE} PROV="udp" main ${TEST_TYPE} else main ${TEST_TYPE} fi exit $total_failures