--- layout: page title: fi_version(3) tagline: Libfabric Programmer's Manual --- {% include JB/setup %} # NAME fi_version \- Version of the library interfaces # SYNOPSIS ```c #include uint32_t fi_version(void); FI_MAJOR(version) FI_MINOR(version) ``` # DESCRIPTION This call returns the current version of the library interfaces. The version includes major and minor numbers. These may be extracted from the returned value using the FI_MAJOR() and FI_MINOR() macros. # NOTES The library may support older versions of the interfaces. # RETURN VALUE Returns the current library version. The upper 16-bits of the version correspond to the major number, and the lower 16-bits correspond with the minor number. # SEE ALSO [`fabric`(7)](fabric.7.html), [`fi_getinfo`(3)](fi_getinfo.3.html)