/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause OR GPL-2.0-only */ /* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ #include "efa_unit_tests.h" #include "ofi_util.h" #include "efa_rdm_ep.h" #define MSG_SIZE 10 void test_efa_rdm_msg_send_to_local_peer_with_null_desc(struct efa_resource **state) { struct efa_resource *resource = *state; char buf[MSG_SIZE]; int i; struct iovec iov; struct efa_ep_addr raw_addr; size_t raw_addr_len = sizeof(raw_addr); fi_addr_t addr; int ret; struct fi_msg msg = {0}; struct fi_msg_tagged tmsg = {0}; efa_unit_test_resource_construct(resource, FI_EP_RDM); ret = fi_getname(&resource->ep->fid, &raw_addr, &raw_addr_len); assert_int_equal(ret, 0); raw_addr.qpn = 1; raw_addr.qkey = 0x1234; ret = fi_av_insert(resource->av, &raw_addr, 1, &addr, 0 /* flags */, NULL /* context */); assert_int_equal(ret, 1); for (i = 0; i < MSG_SIZE; i++) buf[i] = 'a' + i; iov.iov_base = buf; iov.iov_len = MSG_SIZE; efa_unit_test_construct_msg(&msg, &iov, 1, addr, NULL, 0, NULL); efa_unit_test_construct_tmsg(&tmsg, &iov, 1, addr, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0); /* The peer won't be verified by shm so it is expected that EAGAIN will be returned */ ret = fi_send(resource->ep, buf, MSG_SIZE, NULL, addr, NULL); assert_int_equal(ret, -FI_EAGAIN); ret = fi_sendv(resource->ep, &iov, NULL, 1, addr, NULL); assert_int_equal(ret, -FI_EAGAIN); ret = fi_senddata(resource->ep, buf, MSG_SIZE, NULL, 0, addr, NULL); assert_int_equal(ret, -FI_EAGAIN); ret = fi_sendmsg(resource->ep, &msg, 0); assert_int_equal(ret, -FI_EAGAIN); ret = fi_tsend(resource->ep, buf, MSG_SIZE, NULL, addr, 0, NULL); assert_int_equal(ret, -FI_EAGAIN); ret = fi_tsendv(resource->ep, &iov, NULL, 1, addr, 0, NULL); assert_int_equal(ret, -FI_EAGAIN); ret = fi_tsenddata(resource->ep, buf, MSG_SIZE, NULL, 0, addr, 0, NULL); assert_int_equal(ret, -FI_EAGAIN); ret = fi_tsendmsg(resource->ep, &tmsg, 0); assert_int_equal(ret, -FI_EAGAIN); }