--- sidebar_position: 2 --- # Installation ### Method 1 - Quick and Dirty 1. In Roblox Studio, select the folder where you keep your third party modules / utilities. 2. Run this in the command bar: ### Method 2 - Manual 1. Visit the [latest release](https://github.com/evaera/roblox-lua-promise/releases/latest) 2. Under *Assets*, click `Promise.lua` 3. - Using [Rojo](https://rojo.space/)? Put the file into your game directly. - Using Roblox Studio? Open the file, copy its contents, and paste into a ModuleScript and call it `Promise`. ### Method 3 - Git Submodule 1. Add the Promise repository as a git submodule (ideally within a folder called `submodules`) (tutorial [here](https://gist.github.com/gitaarik/8735255)) 2. Update your [Rojo configuration](https://rojo.space/docs/6.x/project-format/) to point to the appropriate path and sync the file in. ### Method 4 - Package Manager Using a package manager? The repository has a [`rotriever.toml`](https://github.com/evaera/roblox-lua-promise/blob/master/rotriever.toml). ## Next Now, check out the [API reference](/api/Promise)!