import hey from "hey" import hey from "hey"; import "x" assert { type: "json" } import "foo" assert { "type": "json" }; import foo from "foo.json" assert { type: "json" }; import foo from "foo.json" assert { type: "json" }; import foo2 from "foo.json" assert { "type": "json", type: "html", "type": "js" }; import a, * as b from "foo" const foo = {}; foo["bar"] = true; foo["foo-bar"] = true;["bar"]["lorem_ispsum"].foo["lorem-ipsum"] = true; a[ b ] c?.[ d ] let a = { // leading comment "type": "bar" // trailing comment } class Foo extends Boar { static { // some comment this.a = "test"; } method() { return "ipsum"; } static staticMethod() { return "bar" } } export * from "hey" export * as something_bad_will_happen from "something_bad_might_not_happen" export * as something_bad_will_happen from "something_bad_might_not_happen" assert { "type": "json", "type2": "json3"} // this one should switch to use single quotes ("content '' \"\"\" "); // this one should switch to use double quotes ('content \'\' " '); // you should keep all the character as they are ("content \\' \\' "); // you should remove the escape ("content \'\' ")