function f() { return observableFromSubscribeFunction() // Debounce manually rather than using editor.onDidStopChanging so that the debounce time is // configurable. .debounceTime(debounceInterval); } _.a(a) /* very very very very very very very long such that it is longer than 80 columns */ .a() _.a( a )/* very very very very very very very long such that it is longer than 80 columns */ .a(); _.a( a ) /* very very very very very very very long such that it is longer than 80 columns */.a(); Something // $FlowFixMe(>=0.41.0) .getInstance(this.props.dao) .getters() // Warm-up first measure() .then(() => { SomethingLong(); }); measure() // Warm-up first .then(() => { SomethingLong(); }); const configModel = this.baseConfigurationService.getCache().consolidated // global/default values (do NOT modify) .merge(this.cachedWorkspaceConfig); this.doWriteConfiguration(target, value, options) // queue up writes to prevent race conditions .then(() => null, error => { return options.donotNotifyError ? TPromise.wrapError(error) : this.onError(error, target, value); }); ret = __DEV__ ? // $FlowFixMe: this type differs according to the env vm.runInContext(source, ctx) : a angular.module('AngularAppModule') // Hello, I am comment. .constant('API_URL', 'http://localhost:8080/api');