describe.each` a|b|expected ${11 } | ${ 1 }|${222} ${1-1}|${2+2}|${ 3333} ${2+1+2}|${1111}|${3} `('$a + $b', ({a, b, expected}) => { test(`returns ${expected}`, () => { expect(a + b).toBe(expected); }); test(`returned value not be greater than ${expected}`, () => { expect(a + b).not.toBeGreaterThan(expected); }); test(`returned value not be less than ${expected}`, () => { expect(a + b).not.toBeLessThan(expected); }); }); describe.only.each` a|b|expected ${11 } | ${ 1 }|${222}|${'unknown column 1'}|${'unknown column 2'} ${1-1}|${2+2}|${ 3333} ${2+1+2}|${1111}|${3} |${'unknown column xyz'} ` describe.only.each` || ${11 } | ${ 1 }|${222}|${'unknown column 1'}|${'unknown column 2'} ${1-1}|${2+2}|${ 3333} ${2+1+2}|${1111}|${3} |${'unknown column xyz'} ` describe.each`a | b | expected ${1} | ${1} | ${2} ${1} | ${2} | ${3} ${2} | ${1} | ${3}` // an example to demo multiline quasi describe.each`a | b | expected ${11111111111} | ${a().b(x => x).c().d()} | ${2} ${1} | ${2} | ${3} ${2} | ${1} | ${3}` describe.each([1, 2, 3])("test", a => { expect(a).toBe(a); }); test.only.each([[1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3]])( ".add(%i, %i)", (a, b, expected) => { expect(a + b).toBe(expected); } ); test.each([ { a: "1", b: 1 }, { a: "2", b: 2 }, { a: "3", b: 3 }, ])("test", ({ a, b }) => { expect(Number(a)).toBe(b); } );