const render1 = ({ styles }) => (
Keep the wrapping parens. Put each key on its own line.
); const render2 = ({ styles }) => (
Create wrapping parens.
); const render3 = ({ styles }) => (
Create wrapping parens.
); const render4 = ({ styles }) => (
Create wrapping parens and indent all the things.
); const render5 = ({ styles }) =>
Keep it on one line.
; const render6 = ({ styles }) => (
ddd d dd d d dddd dddd hello
ddd d dd d d dddd dddd hello
ddd d dd d d dddd dddd hello
{" "} hello
); const render7 = () => (
Dont break each elem onto its own line.
); const render7A = () => (
); const render7B = () => (
{" "} Dont break plz Dont break plz Dont break plz
); const render8 = (props) =>
; const render9 = (props) => (
); const render10 = (props) => (
); const notJSX = (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbb) => this.someLongCallWithParams(aaaaaa, bbbbbbb).anotherLongCallWithParams( cccccccccccc, dddddddddddddddddddddd, ); React.render( , document.querySelector("#react-root"), ); const renderTernary = (props) => ( {props.showTheThing ? ( Hello world ) : ( "hello " + "howdy! " )} {props.showTheThing ? ( Hello world ) : null} {props.showTheThing ? null : ( Hello world )} {props.showTheOtherThing ?
I am here
} {props.showTheOtherThing ?
I am here!!
: null} );