JsModule { interpreter_token: missing (optional), directives: JsDirectiveList [], items: JsModuleItemList [ JsClassDeclaration { abstract_token: missing (optional), class_token: CLASS_KW@0..6 "class" [] [Whitespace(" ")], id: JsIdentifierBinding { name_token: IDENT@6..8 "A" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, type_parameters: missing (optional), extends_clause: missing (optional), implements_clause: missing (optional), l_curly_token: L_CURLY@8..9 "{" [] [], members: JsClassMemberList [ JsPropertyClassMember { modifiers: JsPropertyModifierList [], name: JsPrivateClassMemberName { hash_token: HASH@9..12 "#" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace("\t")] [], id_token: IDENT@12..16 "prop" [] [], }, property_annotation: missing (optional), value: missing (optional), semicolon_token: SEMICOLON@16..17 ";" [] [], }, JsMethodClassMember { modifiers: JsMethodModifierList [], async_token: missing (optional), star_token: missing (optional), name: JsLiteralMemberName { value: IDENT@17..23 "test" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace("\t")] [], }, question_mark_token: missing (optional), type_parameters: missing (optional), parameters: JsParameters { l_paren_token: L_PAREN@23..24 "(" [] [], items: JsParameterList [], r_paren_token: R_PAREN@24..26 ")" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, return_type_annotation: missing (optional), body: JsFunctionBody { l_curly_token: L_CURLY@26..27 "{" [] [], directives: JsDirectiveList [], statements: JsStatementList [ JsExpressionStatement { expression: JsInExpression { property: JsInExpression { property: JsPrivateName { hash_token: HASH@27..32 "#" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace(" ")] [], value_token: IDENT@32..37 "prop" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, in_token: IN_KW@37..40 "in" [] [Whitespace(" ")], object: JsBogusExpression { items: [ HASH@40..41 "#" [] [], IDENT@41..46 "prop" [] [Whitespace(" ")], ], }, }, in_token: IN_KW@46..49 "in" [] [Whitespace(" ")], object: JsThisExpression { this_token: THIS_KW@49..53 "this" [] [], }, }, semicolon_token: SEMICOLON@53..54 ";" [] [], }, JsExpressionStatement { expression: JsBinaryExpression { left: JsNumberLiteralExpression { value_token: JS_NUMBER_LITERAL@54..60 "5" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace(" ")] [Whitespace(" ")], }, operator_token: PLUS@60..62 "+" [] [Whitespace(" ")], right: JsBogusExpression { items: [ HASH@62..63 "#" [] [], IDENT@63..67 "prop" [] [], ], }, }, semicolon_token: SEMICOLON@67..68 ";" [] [], }, JsExpressionStatement { expression: JsBogusExpression { items: [ HASH@68..73 "#" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace(" ")] [], IDENT@73..77 "prop" [] [], ], }, semicolon_token: missing (optional), }, JsExpressionStatement { expression: JsBinaryExpression { left: JsBogusExpression { items: [ HASH@77..82 "#" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace(" ")] [], IDENT@82..87 "prop" [] [Whitespace(" ")], ], }, operator_token: PLUS@87..89 "+" [] [Whitespace(" ")], right: JsNumberLiteralExpression { value_token: JS_NUMBER_LITERAL@89..90 "5" [] [], }, }, semicolon_token: SEMICOLON@90..91 ";" [] [], }, ], r_curly_token: R_CURLY@91..94 "}" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace(" ")] [], }, }, ], r_curly_token: R_CURLY@94..96 "}" [Newline("\n")] [], }, ], eof_token: EOF@96..97 "" [Newline("\n")] [], } 0: JS_MODULE@0..97 0: (empty) 1: JS_DIRECTIVE_LIST@0..0 2: JS_MODULE_ITEM_LIST@0..96 0: JS_CLASS_DECLARATION@0..96 0: (empty) 1: CLASS_KW@0..6 "class" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_IDENTIFIER_BINDING@6..8 0: IDENT@6..8 "A" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 3: (empty) 4: (empty) 5: (empty) 6: L_CURLY@8..9 "{" [] [] 7: JS_CLASS_MEMBER_LIST@9..94 0: JS_PROPERTY_CLASS_MEMBER@9..17 0: JS_PROPERTY_MODIFIER_LIST@9..9 1: JS_PRIVATE_CLASS_MEMBER_NAME@9..16 0: HASH@9..12 "#" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace("\t")] [] 1: IDENT@12..16 "prop" [] [] 2: (empty) 3: (empty) 4: SEMICOLON@16..17 ";" [] [] 1: JS_METHOD_CLASS_MEMBER@17..94 0: JS_METHOD_MODIFIER_LIST@17..17 1: (empty) 2: (empty) 3: JS_LITERAL_MEMBER_NAME@17..23 0: IDENT@17..23 "test" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace("\t")] [] 4: (empty) 5: (empty) 6: JS_PARAMETERS@23..26 0: L_PAREN@23..24 "(" [] [] 1: JS_PARAMETER_LIST@24..24 2: R_PAREN@24..26 ")" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 7: (empty) 8: JS_FUNCTION_BODY@26..94 0: L_CURLY@26..27 "{" [] [] 1: JS_DIRECTIVE_LIST@27..27 2: JS_STATEMENT_LIST@27..91 0: JS_EXPRESSION_STATEMENT@27..54 0: JS_IN_EXPRESSION@27..53 0: JS_IN_EXPRESSION@27..46 0: JS_PRIVATE_NAME@27..37 0: HASH@27..32 "#" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace(" ")] [] 1: IDENT@32..37 "prop" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: IN_KW@37..40 "in" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_BOGUS_EXPRESSION@40..46 0: HASH@40..41 "#" [] [] 1: IDENT@41..46 "prop" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: IN_KW@46..49 "in" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_THIS_EXPRESSION@49..53 0: THIS_KW@49..53 "this" [] [] 1: SEMICOLON@53..54 ";" [] [] 1: JS_EXPRESSION_STATEMENT@54..68 0: JS_BINARY_EXPRESSION@54..67 0: JS_NUMBER_LITERAL_EXPRESSION@54..60 0: JS_NUMBER_LITERAL@54..60 "5" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace(" ")] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: PLUS@60..62 "+" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_BOGUS_EXPRESSION@62..67 0: HASH@62..63 "#" [] [] 1: IDENT@63..67 "prop" [] [] 1: SEMICOLON@67..68 ";" [] [] 2: JS_EXPRESSION_STATEMENT@68..77 0: JS_BOGUS_EXPRESSION@68..77 0: HASH@68..73 "#" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace(" ")] [] 1: IDENT@73..77 "prop" [] [] 1: (empty) 3: JS_EXPRESSION_STATEMENT@77..91 0: JS_BINARY_EXPRESSION@77..90 0: JS_BOGUS_EXPRESSION@77..87 0: HASH@77..82 "#" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace(" ")] [] 1: IDENT@82..87 "prop" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: PLUS@87..89 "+" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_NUMBER_LITERAL_EXPRESSION@89..90 0: JS_NUMBER_LITERAL@89..90 "5" [] [] 1: SEMICOLON@90..91 ";" [] [] 3: R_CURLY@91..94 "}" [Newline("\n"), Whitespace(" ")] [] 8: R_CURLY@94..96 "}" [Newline("\n")] [] 3: EOF@96..97 "" [Newline("\n")] [] -- private_name_presence_check_recursive.js:4:13 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × Private names are only allowed on the left side of a 'in' expression 2 │ #prop; 3 │ test() { > 4 │ #prop in #prop in this; │ ^^^^^ 5 │ 5 + #prop; 6 │ #prop -- private_name_presence_check_recursive.js:5:8 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × Private names are only allowed on the left side of a 'in' expression 3 │ test() { 4 │ #prop in #prop in this; > 5 │ 5 + #prop; │ ^^^^^ 6 │ #prop 7 │ #prop + 5; -- private_name_presence_check_recursive.js:6:4 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × Private names are only allowed on the left side of a 'in' expression 4 │ #prop in #prop in this; 5 │ 5 + #prop; > 6 │ #prop │ ^^^^^ 7 │ #prop + 5; 8 │ } -- private_name_presence_check_recursive.js:7:4 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × Private names are only allowed on the left side of a 'in' expression 5 │ 5 + #prop; 6 │ #prop > 7 │ #prop + 5; │ ^^^^^ 8 │ } 9 │ } -- class A { #prop; test() { #prop in #prop in this; 5 + #prop; #prop #prop + 5; } }