use std::{ cmp, iter::{repeat, FromIterator}, }; use ron::{Number, Value}; use tabled::{ builder::Builder, grid::{ config::{ AlignmentHorizontal, AlignmentVertical, CompactMultilineConfig, Indent, Sides, SpannedConfig, }, dimension::{CompleteDimension, DimensionPriority, PoolTableDimension}, records::EmptyRecords, util::string::{count_lines, get_line_width, get_lines, get_text_width}, }, settings::{style::Style, TableOption}, tables::{PoolTable, TableValue}, Table, }; use crate::Orientation; /// Converter of [`Value`] to a table, /// with a set of configurations. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct RonTable { cfg: CompactMultilineConfig, plain: bool, object_orientation: Orientation, array_orientation: Orientation, } impl Default for RonTable { fn default() -> Self { Self { plain: true, cfg: configure_grid(), array_orientation: Orientation::Column, object_orientation: Orientation::Column, } } } impl RonTable { /// Creates a default ron configuration. pub fn new() -> Self { Self::default() } /// Collapse tables out instead of tables within tables. pub fn collapse(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.plain = false; self } /// Set a table mode for a [`ron::Value::Map`]. pub fn map_orientation(&mut self, mode: Orientation) -> &mut Self { self.object_orientation = mode; self } /// Set a table mode for a [`ron::Value::Seq`]. pub fn seq_orientation(&mut self, mode: Orientation) -> &mut Self { self.array_orientation = mode; self } /// Apply settings to the table. pub fn with(&mut self, option: O) -> &mut Self where O: TableOption>, { let mut records = EmptyRecords::default(); let mut dims = CompleteDimension::default(); option.change(&mut records, &mut self.cfg, &mut dims); self } /// Build a table. pub fn build(&self, value: &Value) -> String { match self.plain { true => plain_table(value, self), false => collapsed_table(value, self), } } } fn configure_grid() -> CompactMultilineConfig { let pad = Sides::new( Indent::spaced(1), Indent::spaced(1), Indent::default(), Indent::default(), ); let mut cfg = CompactMultilineConfig::new(); cfg.set_padding(pad); cfg.set_alignment_horizontal(AlignmentHorizontal::Left); cfg.set_borders(tabled::grid::config::Borders::from(Style::ascii())); cfg } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)] struct CollapseCtx { map_orientation: Orientation, list_orientation: Orientation, has_horizontal: bool, has_vertical: bool, alignment_horizontal: AlignmentHorizontal, alignment_vertical: AlignmentVertical, } fn collapsed_table(value: &Value, cfg: &RonTable) -> String { let ctx = CollapseCtx { map_orientation: cfg.object_orientation, list_orientation: cfg.array_orientation, has_horizontal: cfg.cfg.get_borders().has_top(), has_vertical: cfg.cfg.get_borders().has_left(), alignment_horizontal: cfg.cfg.get_alignment_horizontal(), alignment_vertical: cfg.cfg.get_alignment_vertical(), }; let value = convert_value_to_table_value(value, ctx); PoolTable::from(value) .with(cfg.cfg) .with(PoolTableDimension::new( DimensionPriority::Last, DimensionPriority::Last, )) .to_string() } fn convert_value_to_table_value(value: &Value, ctx: CollapseCtx) -> TableValue { match value { Value::Map(map) => match ctx.map_orientation { Orientation::Row => convert_map_to_row(map, ctx), Orientation::Column => convert_map_to_column(map, ctx), }, Value::Option(opt) => match opt { Some(value) => convert_value_to_table_value(value, ctx), None => TableValue::Cell(String::new()), }, Value::Seq(list) => convert_list(list, ctx), Value::Bool(value) => TableValue::Cell(value.to_string()), Value::Char(char) => TableValue::Cell(char.to_string()), Value::Number(Number::Integer(number)) => TableValue::Cell(number.to_string()), Value::Number(Number::Float(number)) => TableValue::Cell(number.get().to_string()), Value::String(text) => TableValue::Cell(text.to_owned()), Value::Unit => TableValue::Cell(String::new()), } } fn convert_list(list: &[Value], ctx: CollapseCtx) -> TableValue { let list = list .iter() .map(|value| convert_value_to_table_value(value, ctx)) .collect(); match ctx.list_orientation { Orientation::Row => TableValue::Row(list), Orientation::Column => TableValue::Column(list), } } fn convert_map_to_column(map: &ron::Map, ctx: CollapseCtx) -> TableValue { let mut keys = map .keys() .map(|key| convert_value_to_table_value(key, ctx)) .map(|key| { let width = table_value_width(&key, ctx.has_vertical); (key, width) }) .collect::>(); let key_width = keys.iter().map(|v| v.1).max().unwrap_or(0); keys.iter_mut().for_each(|(key, width)| { let left = key_width - *width; if left > 0 { table_value_increase_width(key, left, ctx.alignment_horizontal); } }); let data = keys .into_iter() .zip(map.values()) .map(|((key, _), value)| (key, convert_value_to_table_value(value, ctx))) .map(|(key, value)| TableValue::Row(vec![key, value])) .collect(); TableValue::Column(data) } fn convert_map_to_row(map: &ron::Map, ctx: CollapseCtx) -> TableValue { let mut keys = map .keys() .map(|key| convert_value_to_table_value(key, ctx)) .map(|key| { let height = table_value_height(&key, ctx.has_horizontal); (key, height) }) .collect::>(); let key_height = keys.iter().map(|v| v.1).max().unwrap_or(0); keys.iter_mut().for_each(|(key, width)| { let left = key_height - *width; if left > 0 { table_value_increase_height(key, left, ctx.alignment_vertical); } }); let data = keys .into_iter() .zip(map.values()) .map(|((key, _), value)| (key, convert_value_to_table_value(value, ctx))) .map(|(key, value)| TableValue::Column(vec![key, value])) .collect(); TableValue::Row(data) } fn table_value_width(value: &TableValue, has_vertical: bool) -> usize { match value { TableValue::Row(list) => { list.iter() .map(|value| table_value_width(value, has_vertical)) .sum::() + (cmp::max(list.len(), 1) - 1) * has_vertical as usize } TableValue::Column(list) => list .iter() .map(|value| table_value_width(value, has_vertical)) .max() .unwrap_or(0), TableValue::Cell(string) => get_text_width(string), } } fn table_value_height(value: &TableValue, has_horizontal: bool) -> usize { match value { TableValue::Row(list) => list .iter() .map(|value| table_value_width(value, has_horizontal)) .max() .unwrap_or(0), TableValue::Column(list) => { list.iter() .map(|value| table_value_height(value, has_horizontal)) .sum::() + (cmp::max(list.len(), 1) - 1) * has_horizontal as usize } TableValue::Cell(string) => count_lines(string), } } fn table_value_increase_width(value: &mut TableValue, by: usize, ah: AlignmentHorizontal) { match value { TableValue::Row(list) => { let mut left = by; while left > 0 { for value in list.iter_mut() { left -= 1; table_value_increase_width(value, 1, ah); } } } TableValue::Column(list) => { for value in list.iter_mut() { table_value_increase_width(value, by, ah); } } TableValue::Cell(string) => *string = increase_string_width(string, by, ah), } } fn table_value_increase_height(value: &mut TableValue, by: usize, av: AlignmentVertical) { match value { TableValue::Row(list) => { for value in list.iter_mut() { table_value_increase_height(value, by, av); } } TableValue::Column(list) => { let mut left = by; while left > 0 { for value in list.iter_mut() { left -= 1; table_value_increase_height(value, 1, av); } } } TableValue::Cell(string) => *string = increase_string_height(string, by, av), } } fn increase_string_width(text: &str, by: usize, ah: AlignmentHorizontal) -> String { let mut out = Vec::new(); for line in get_lines(text) { let w = get_line_width(&line); let (left, right) = indent_horizontal(ah, w + by, w); let mut buf = String::new(); buf.extend(repeat(' ').take(left)); buf.push_str(&line); buf.extend(repeat(' ').take(right)); out.push(buf); } out.join("\n") } fn increase_string_height(text: &str, by: usize, av: AlignmentVertical) -> String { let mut out = Vec::new(); let count_lines = count_lines(text); let (top, bottom) = indent_vertical(av, count_lines + by, count_lines); out.extend(repeat(String::new()).take(top)); for line in get_lines(text) { out.push(line.into_owned()); } out.extend(repeat(String::new()).take(bottom)); out.join("\n") } fn indent_vertical(al: AlignmentVertical, available: usize, real: usize) -> (usize, usize) { let top = indent_top(al, available, real); let bottom = available - real - top; (top, bottom) } fn indent_horizontal(al: AlignmentHorizontal, available: usize, real: usize) -> (usize, usize) { let top = indent_left(al, available, real); let right = available - real - top; (top, right) } fn indent_top(al: AlignmentVertical, available: usize, real: usize) -> usize { match al { AlignmentVertical::Top => 0, AlignmentVertical::Bottom => available - real, AlignmentVertical::Center => (available - real) / 2, } } fn indent_left(al: AlignmentHorizontal, available: usize, real: usize) -> usize { match al { AlignmentHorizontal::Left => 0, AlignmentHorizontal::Right => available - real, AlignmentHorizontal::Center => (available - real) / 2, } } fn plain_table(value: &Value, cfg: &RonTable) -> String { _plain_table(value, cfg, true) } fn _plain_table(value: &Value, cfg: &RonTable, outer: bool) -> String { let config: SpannedConfig = cfg.cfg.into(); match value { Value::Seq(arr) => match cfg.array_orientation { Orientation::Column => seq_column_table(arr, cfg, &config), Orientation::Row => seq_row_table(arr, cfg, &config), }, Value::Map(map) => match cfg.object_orientation { Orientation::Column => map_column_table(map, cfg, &config), Orientation::Row => map_row_table(map, cfg, &config), }, Value::Option(opt) => match opt { Some(value) => _plain_table(value, cfg, outer), None => String::new(), }, Value::Unit => String::new(), Value::String(text) => string_table(text.to_owned(), config, outer), Value::Bool(val) => string_table(val.to_string(), config, outer), Value::Char(char) => string_table(char.to_string(), config, outer), Value::Number(Number::Integer(num)) => string_table(num.to_string(), config, outer), Value::Number(Number::Float(num)) => string_table(num.get().to_string(), config, outer), } } fn seq_column_table(arr: &Vec, cfg: &RonTable, config: &SpannedConfig) -> String { let mut buf = Builder::with_capacity(1, 1); for value in arr { let val = _plain_table(value, cfg, false); buf.push_record([val]); } } fn seq_row_table(arr: &Vec, cfg: &RonTable, config: &SpannedConfig) -> String { let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(arr.len()); for value in arr { let val = _plain_table(value, cfg, false); buf.push(val); } Builder::from(vec![buf]).build().with(config).to_string() } fn map_column_table(map: &ron::Map, cfg: &RonTable, config: &SpannedConfig) -> String { let mut buf = Builder::with_capacity(map.len(), 2); for (key, value) in map.iter() { let key = _plain_table(key, cfg, false); let val = _plain_table(value, cfg, false); buf.push_record([key, val]); } } fn map_row_table(map: &ron::Map, cfg: &RonTable, config: &SpannedConfig) -> String { let mut keys = Vec::with_capacity(map.len()); let mut vals = Vec::with_capacity(map.len()); for (key, value) in map.iter() { let key = _plain_table(key, cfg, false); let val = _plain_table(value, cfg, false); vals.push(val); keys.push(key); } Builder::from(vec![keys, vals]) .build() .with(config) .to_string() } fn string_table(val: String, config: SpannedConfig, outer: bool) -> String { let mut table = Table::from_iter([[val]]); table.with(config); if !outer { table.with(Style::empty()); } table.to_string() }