use roperator::prelude::*; use roperator::resource::{K8sResource, ObjectIdRef}; use roperator::runner::testkit::{HandlerErrors, TestKit}; use roperator::serde_json::{json, Value}; use std::fmt::{self, Display}; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; fn make_client_config(operator_name: &str) -> ClientConfig { if let Ok(conf) = ClientConfig::from_service_account(operator_name) { conf } else { ClientConfig::from_kubeconfig(operator_name).expect("Failed to create client configuration") } } fn unique_namespace(prefix: &str) -> String { let ts = std::time::SystemTime::now(); let epoch_time = ts .duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH) .expect("System time is set to before the unix epoch") .as_secs(); format!("{}-{}", prefix, epoch_time) } static PARENT_TYPE: &K8sType = &K8sType { api_version: "", kind: "TestParent", plural_kind: "testparents", }; static CHILD_ONE_TYPE: &K8sType = &K8sType { api_version: "", kind: "TestChildOne", plural_kind: "testchildones", }; fn setup(name: &str, handler: impl Handler) -> TestKit { let operator_config = OperatorConfig::new(name, PARENT_TYPE) .within_namespace(name) .with_child(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, ChildConfig::recreate()) .expose_health(false) .expose_metrics(false); setup_with(name, handler, operator_config) } fn setup_with(name: &str, handler: impl Handler, operator_config: OperatorConfig) -> TestKit { if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_err() { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "roperator=INFO"); } let _ = env_logger::builder().is_test(true).try_init(); let conf = operator_config .within_namespace(name) .expose_health(false) .expose_metrics(false); let client_config = make_client_config(name); TestKit::with_test_namespace(name, conf, client_config, handler) .expect("Failed to create test kit") } fn parent(namespace: &str, name: &str) -> Value { json!({ "apiVersion": PARENT_TYPE.api_version, "kind": PARENT_TYPE.kind, "metadata": { "namespace": namespace, "name": name, }, "spec": { "foo": "bar", } }) } #[test] fn operator_reconciles_a_parent_with_a_child() { let namespace = unique_namespace("stable-state"); let mut testkit = setup(namespace.as_str(), create_child_handler); let parent_name = "parent-one"; let parent = parent(&namespace, parent_name); testkit .create_resource(PARENT_TYPE, &parent) .expect("failed to create parent resource"); let expected_child = json!({ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "TestChildOne", "metadata": { "namespace": &namespace, "name": parent_name, "labels": { "": parent_name } }, "spec": { "parentSpec": { "foo": "bar", }, } }); let id = ObjectIdRef::new(&namespace, parent_name); testkit.assert_resource_eq_eventually( CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &id, expected_child, Duration::from_secs(15), ); testkit.delete_parent(&id, Duration::from_secs(10)); testkit.assert_resource_deleted_eventually(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &id, Duration::from_secs(30)); } #[test] fn operator_continuously_retries_sync_of_parent_when_handler_returns_error() { let namespace = unique_namespace("error-handler-test"); let error_parent_name = "should-error"; let normal_parent_name = "should-work"; let error_id = ObjectIdRef::new(namespace.as_str(), error_parent_name); let normal_id = ObjectIdRef::new(namespace.as_str(), normal_parent_name); let mut testkit = setup( namespace.as_str(), ReturnErrorHandler::new(create_child_handler, namespace.as_str(), error_parent_name), ); let error_parent = parent(namespace.as_str(), error_parent_name); testkit .create_resource(PARENT_TYPE, &error_parent) .expect("failed to create parent resource"); let err = testkit .reconcile(Duration::from_secs(4)) .err() .expect("reconciliation succeeded but should have returned error"); println!("Got error: {:?}", err); let handler_errors = err .downcast_ref::() .expect("Expected HandlerErrors but got another type"); let error_count = handler_errors.get_sync_error_count_for_parent(&error_id); assert!(error_count > 0); let error_state = testkit .get_current_state_for_parent(&error_id) .expect("failed to get children"); assert!(error_state.children.is_empty()); // We want to assert that the error above does not cause any intterruption to syncing other resources, so we create // this "normal" parent and ensure everything works as normal let normal_parent = parent(namespace.as_str(), normal_parent_name); testkit .create_resource(PARENT_TYPE, &normal_parent) .expect("failed to create parent resource"); let _ = testkit.reconcile(Duration::from_secs(4)); // ensure that the normal parent synced without error. This is kinda just as an extra check to ensure that the fixtures are working as expected let should_be_0 = handler_errors .get_sync_error_count_for_parent(&ObjectIdRef::new(namespace.as_str(), normal_parent_name)); assert_eq!(0, should_be_0); let expected_child = json!({ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "TestChildOne", "metadata": { "namespace": namespace.as_str(), "name": normal_parent_name, "labels": { "": normal_parent_name } }, "spec": { "parentSpec": { "foo": "bar", }, } }); testkit.assert_child_resource_eq(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &normal_id, expected_child); } #[test] fn operator_retries_finalize_when_response_retry_is_some() { use std::sync::{ atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}, Arc, }; const REQUIRED_FINALIZE_CALLS: u64 = 3; // Handler that will increment the counter for each finalize call, and return `finalized: true` once it reaches 3 struct FinalizeHandler(Arc); impl Handler for FinalizeHandler { fn sync(&self, request: &SyncRequest) -> Result { create_child_handler(request) } fn finalize(&self, _request: &SyncRequest) -> Result { let num_calls = self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); let status = json!({ "finalizeCalls": num_calls, }); let retry = if num_calls >= REQUIRED_FINALIZE_CALLS { None } else { Some(Duration::from_millis(5)) }; Ok(FinalizeResponse { status, retry }) } } let finalize_call_count = Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(0)); let namespace = unique_namespace("retry-finalize"); let mut testkit = setup( namespace.as_str(), FinalizeHandler(finalize_call_count.clone()), ); let parent_name = "test-parent"; let parent = parent(namespace.as_str(), parent_name); testkit .create_resource(PARENT_TYPE, &parent) .expect("failed to create parent resource"); // parent and child just happen to have the same name, but different types let id = ObjectIdRef::new(namespace.as_str(), parent_name); testkit.assert_resource_exists_eventually(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &id, Duration::from_secs(10)); let expected_parent_fields = json!({ "metadata": { "finalizers": [namespace.as_str()], } }); testkit.assert_resource_eq_eventually( PARENT_TYPE, &id, expected_parent_fields, Duration::from_secs(5), ); testkit.delete_parent(&id, Duration::from_secs(10)); testkit.assert_resource_deleted_eventually(PARENT_TYPE, &id, Duration::from_secs(30)); testkit.assert_resource_deleted_eventually(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &id, Duration::from_secs(20)); let actual_finalize_calls = finalize_call_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst); assert!(actual_finalize_calls >= REQUIRED_FINALIZE_CALLS); } #[test] fn child_is_recreated_after_being_deleted() { let namespace = unique_namespace("recreate-after-del"); let mut testkit = setup(namespace.as_str(), create_child_handler); let parent_name = "parent"; let parent = parent(&namespace, parent_name); testkit .create_resource(PARENT_TYPE, &parent) .expect("failed to create parent resource"); let id = ObjectIdRef::new(&namespace, parent_name); testkit.assert_resource_exists_eventually(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &id, Duration::from_secs(15)); let old_child = testkit .get_resource_from_api_server(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &id) .expect("Failed to fetch resource") .expect("child did not exist"); let old_child = K8sResource::from_value(old_child).expect("old child was invalid"); testkit .delete_resource(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &id) .expect("failed to delete child"); testkit.reconcile_and_assert_success(Duration::from_secs(10)); let new_child = testkit .get_resource_from_api_server(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &id) .expect("Failed to fetch resource") .expect("child did not exist"); let new_child = K8sResource::from_value(new_child).expect("new_child was invalid"); assert_ne!(old_child.uid(), new_child.uid()); // assert that they're different instances } #[test] fn child_is_not_updated_until_deleted_when_update_strategy_is_on_delete() { let namespace = unique_namespace("on-delete"); let operator_config = OperatorConfig::new(namespace.as_str(), PARENT_TYPE) .with_child(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, ChildConfig::on_delete()); let mut testkit = setup_with(namespace.as_str(), create_child_handler, operator_config); let parent_name = "parent"; let parent = parent(&namespace, parent_name); testkit .create_resource(PARENT_TYPE, &parent) .expect("failed to create parent resource"); let id = ObjectIdRef::new(&namespace, parent_name); testkit.assert_resource_exists_eventually(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &id, Duration::from_secs(15)); let old_child = testkit .get_resource_from_api_server(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &id) .expect("Failed to fetch resource") .expect("child did not exist"); let old_child = K8sResource::from_value(old_child).expect("old child was invalid"); assert_eq!( Some("bar"), old_child .pointer("/spec/parentSpec/foo") .and_then(Value::as_str) ); let prev_generation = old_child.generation(); // now update the parent let mut new_parent = testkit .get_resource_from_api_server(PARENT_TYPE, &id) .expect("failed to fetch parent") .expect("parent was not found"); new_parent .pointer_mut("/spec") .unwrap() .as_object_mut() .unwrap() .insert("foo".to_string(), Value::String("CANARY".to_string())); testkit .replace_resource(PARENT_TYPE, &id, &new_parent) .expect("failed to update parent"); testkit.reconcile_and_assert_success(Duration::from_secs(5)); let old_child = testkit .get_resource_from_api_server(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &id) .expect("Failed to fetch resource") .expect("child did not exist"); let old_child = K8sResource::from_value(old_child).expect("old child was invalid"); assert_eq!( Some("bar"), old_child .pointer("/spec/parentSpec/foo") .and_then(Value::as_str) ); assert_eq!(prev_generation, old_child.generation()); testkit .delete_resource(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &id) .expect("failed to delete child"); testkit.reconcile_and_assert_success(Duration::from_secs(10)); let new_child = testkit .get_resource_from_api_server(CHILD_ONE_TYPE, &id) .expect("Failed to fetch resource") .expect("child did not exist"); let new_child = K8sResource::from_value(new_child).expect("new_child was invalid"); assert_ne!(old_child.uid(), new_child.uid()); // assert that they're different instances } #[test] fn handler_is_invoked_after_waiting_when_resync_is_some() { let namespace = unique_namespace("resync"); // 2 syncs would be normal if nothing changed, since we re-sync so that the handler // can observe the updated status. But for this test we want to ensure that we'll // re-sync anyway if the resync field is Some const EXPECTED_SYNCS: u64 = 5; let counter = Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(0)); struct ResyncHandler(Arc); impl Handler for ResyncHandler { fn sync(&self, _request: &SyncRequest) -> Result { let i = self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); let resync = if i > EXPECTED_SYNCS { None } else { Some(Duration::from_millis(5)) }; Ok(SyncResponse { status: json!({ "foo": "bar" }), children: Vec::new(), resync, }) } } let handler = ResyncHandler(counter.clone()); let mut testkit = setup(namespace.as_str(), handler); let parent_name = "test-parent"; let parent = parent(&namespace, parent_name); testkit .create_resource(PARENT_TYPE, &parent) .expect("failed to create parent resource"); let start = std::time::Instant::now(); while counter.load(Ordering::SeqCst) < EXPECTED_SYNCS && start.elapsed() < Duration::from_secs(5) { testkit .reconcile(Duration::from_secs(1)) .expect("failed to reconcile"); } let actual_syncs = counter.load(Ordering::SeqCst); assert!(actual_syncs >= EXPECTED_SYNCS); } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] struct MockHandlerError(u64); impl Display for MockHandlerError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:?}", self) } } impl std::error::Error for MockHandlerError {} struct ReturnErrorHandler { counter: std::sync::atomic::AtomicU64, match_namespace: String, match_name: String, delegate: T, } impl ReturnErrorHandler { fn new(delegate: T, match_namespace: &str, match_name: &str) -> ReturnErrorHandler { ReturnErrorHandler { counter: std::sync::atomic::AtomicU64::new(0), match_namespace: match_namespace.to_string(), match_name: match_name.to_string(), delegate, } } fn should_return_error(&self, req: &SyncRequest) -> bool { let ns = req.parent.namespace().unwrap_or(""); let name =; self.match_namespace == ns && self.match_name == name } } impl Handler for ReturnErrorHandler { fn sync(&self, req: &SyncRequest) -> Result { if self.should_return_error(req) { let index = self .counter .fetch_add(1, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst); Err(Error::new(MockHandlerError(index))) } else { self.delegate.sync(req) } } } fn create_child_handler(req: &SyncRequest) -> Result { let namespace = req.parent.namespace(); let name =; let child = json!({ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "TestChildOne", "metadata": { "namespace": namespace, "name": name, "labels": { "": name, } }, "spec": { "parentSpec": req.parent.pointer("/spec"), } }); let children = req.children(); let test_child_ones = children.of_type(CHILD_ONE_TYPE); let count = test_child_ones.iter().count(); let message = if count == 0 { "Waiting for children to be created".to_string() } else { format!("Has {} children", count) }; Ok(SyncResponse { status: json!({ "message": message, "childCount": count, }), children: vec![child], resync: None, }) }