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# Rorshach
A watchman for your directories. Rorshach allows you to watch your directories for changes and trigger certain commands when these events occur.
### Usage
* `./rorshach -f
[-config ] [-t ]`
The default config file lies at `~/.rorshach.conf`
### Config File
The config file has rules of the following form
... ... ...
`EVENTS` can be `CREATE`, `DELETE` `RENAME` or `MODIFY`. Each event is trigger when a file in the directory being watched is CREATED, DELETED, MODIFIED or RENAMED respectively.
`PATTERNS` are patterns to match the files in a directory. Example `*.cpp` matches all the C++ files in a directory.
`ACTIONS` are commands that can be executed when a `EVENT` occures
There are following environment variable available while executing an action, they are :-
`{FULLPATH}` - Full path to the file,
`{BASEDIR}` - Path to the directory that rorshach is watching
`{NEWFULLPATH}` - New Path to the file, when a file is renamed else empty.
### Examples
CREATE * echo " New file named ${FULLPATH} created"
The above will print a line of the form `New file named created` every time a new file is created.
MODIFY *.cpp g++ ${FULLPATH} {BASEDIR}/test
Whenver a change is detected in a c++ file, `rorshach` will compile that file and create an executable named `test` in the base directory
### TODO
- [x] Add more events to listen like `Rename`
- [ ] Support execution of a chain of commands for a single event
- [ ] Move Command Line passing to a different struct
- [ ] ~Add a threadpool to execute each task once an event is spawned~
- [x] Add a pub-sub mechanism for events
- [ ] Add Tests?
- [x] Move parse_rules to an enclosing struct
- [x] Use `log` create for logging.
- [x] Provide better messages for errors.
- [x] Add a pub sub mechanism to listening to events and consuming them