# ROS-core implementation in Rust ![Rust](https://img.shields.io/badge/Rust-1.55+-orange.svg) ![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg) [![Rust CI](https://github.com/PatWie/ros-core-rs/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/PatWie/ros-core-rs/actions/workflows/ci.yml) This Rust library provides a standalone implementation of the ROS (Robot Operating System) core. It allows you to run a ROS master and communicate with other ROS nodes without relying on an external ROS installation. You can use this library to build ROS nodes entirely in Rust, including publishers and subscribers, without needing to use any other ROS dependencies. ## Examples ### Standalone ROS core To start the ROS core, run the following command: ```bash # start the ros-core RUST_LOG=debug cargo run ``` And run any of your ROS stack, eg., the [python chatter example](http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/WritingPublisherSubscriber%28python%29). ### Talker/Listener This [example](./examples/chatter/main.rs) creates a single binary which contains: - ROS core - ROS publisher - ROS subscriber To run the talker/listener example, execute the following command: ```bash RUST_LOG=info ROSRUST_MSG_PATH=`realpath examples/chatter/msgs` cargo run --example chatter --release ``` This example creates a single binary that includes a standalone implementation of the ROS core, as well as a ROS publisher and ROS subscriber. This implementation is inspired by the official chatter python example from the ROS wiki, which demonstrates a simple communication between two nodes using ROS messages. ### Debugging with official ROS docker image To showcase that this ROS core implementation can be used with official ROS publishers and subscribers in Python, we have provided a debugging script that launches a ROS Docker image and runs a talker and listener example. To run the script, execute the following commands: ```bash # change directory to debugging folder cd debugging # make the script executable chmod +x run.sh # execute the script ./run.sh ``` This script will download the official ROS Docker image and launch a container with a ROS environment. Then, it will run a Python script that uses the ROS talker and listener nodes to communicate with the standalone ROS core implementation from this repository. This is intended as an example of how to use the standalone ROS core (ros-core-rs) implementation with other ROS nodes, but it is not necessary to use this script to use the standalone implementation on its own. ## Contributions We welcome contributions to this project! If you find a bug or have a feature request, please create an issue on the GitHub repository. If you want to contribute code, feel free to submit a pull request. ## Cross-compilation to arm64 ```bash apt install libssl-dev:arm64 export AARCH64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_OPENSSL_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ export AARCH64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/ cargo build --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu --release ```