# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).

## [0.0.15] - 2016-09-04
### Added
- `rosalind::cons::{consensus, profile}` added for `Consensus and Profile`
### Changed
- code style follows Rust code conventions

## [0.0.14] - 2016-05-19
### Added
- `rosalind::prot::get_protein_mass` added for `Calculating Protein Mass`

## [0.0.13] - 2016-04-17
### Added
- Documentation added
### Changed
- `do_task` method re-factored

## [0.0.12] - 2016-04-12
### Added
- `rosalind::prot::get_number_of_rna_from_protein` added for `Inferring mRNA from Protein`

## [0.0.11] - 2016-03-18
### Added
- `rosalind::fib::recurrence_relation_with_stop` added for `Mortal Fibonacci Rabbits`

## [0.0.10] - 2016-03-04
### Changed
- Updated rosalind library methods call interface

## [0.0.9] - 2016-02-23
### Added
- `rosalind::gc` module

## [0.0.8] - 2016-02-09
### Added
- `rosalind::subs` module

## [0.0.7] - 2016-02-05
### Changed
- `rosalind::fib` return type now `Result`, all modules now return `Result`

## [0.0.6] - 2016-02-04
### Added
- `rosalind::hamm` module

## [0.0.5] - 2016-01-25
### Added
- `rosalind::prot` module

## [0.0.4] - 2016-01-06
### Added
- `rosalind::fib` module

## [0.0.3] - 2015-12-23
### Added
- `rosalind::revc` module

## [0.0.2] - 2015-12-23
### Changed
- Updated `rosalind` dependency to public crate

## [0.0.1] - 2015-12-22
### Added
- `rosalind::rna` module
- `rosalind::dna` module