use clap::Parser; use rosetta_client::{create_wallet, EthereumExt, Wallet}; #[derive(Parser)] pub enum Command { Faucet, Deploy, Vote(VoteOpts), } #[derive(Parser)] pub struct VoteOpts { #[clap(long, short)] pub contract_address: String, #[clap(long, short)] pub vote_yes: bool, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let args = Command::parse(); let wallet = create_wallet( Some("ethereum".to_owned()), Some("dev".to_owned()), Some("".to_owned()), None, ) .await .unwrap(); match args { Command::Faucet => { faucet_etheruem(&wallet).await; } Command::Deploy => { deploy_contract(&wallet).await; } Command::Vote(vote_opts) => { vote(&wallet, vote_opts).await; } } } async fn faucet_etheruem(wallet: &Wallet) { println!( "Faucet transaction: {:?}", wallet.faucet(1000000000000000).await ); println!("Current account balance: {:?}", wallet.balance().await); } async fn deploy_contract(wallet: &Wallet) { //getting compiled contract data let compiled_contract_bin = include_str!("../examples/voting_contract.bin") .strip_suffix('\n') .unwrap(); let bytes = hex::decode(compiled_contract_bin).unwrap(); //deploying contract let response = wallet.eth_deploy_contract(bytes).await.unwrap(); //getting contract address let tx_receipt = wallet .eth_transaction_receipt(&response.hash) .await .unwrap(); let contract_address = tx_receipt.result["contractAddress"].clone(); println!("Deployed contract address: {}", contract_address); } async fn vote(wallet: &Wallet, data: VoteOpts) { // doing a vote on contract let function_signature = if data.vote_yes { "function vote_yes()" } else { "function vote_no()" }; println!( "{:?}", wallet .eth_send_call(&data.contract_address, function_signature, &[], 0) .await ); //doing a view call to check the vote let function_signature = "function get_votes_stats() external view returns (uint, uint)"; println!( "{:?}", wallet .eth_view_call(&data.contract_address, function_signature, &[]) .await ); }