# Getting started 1. Make sure you have [Rust, Cargo](https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started), and [rustup](https://rustup.rs/) installed on your device 2. Install nightly toolchain: `rustup toolchain install nightly` 3. Install rustfmt nightly: `rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain nightly` 4. Install clippy: `rustup component add clippy` # Style Guidelines It is recommended to use VSCode and use the recommended extensions. This will ensure that rustfmt and clippy are run automatically on save. - Run clippy, and fix any warnings or errors: `cargo clippy` - Run rustfmt nightly: `cargo +nightly fmt` # Tests ## Running tests In the project directory, run tests by running `cargo test` To run a single test, use `cargo test name_of_test` For example, to run the creates_html_file test, use `cargo test creates_html_file` ## Adding tests Tests should be added to the test module at the end of the main.rs file. _Note: This file should eventually be split into multiple smaller files, which would allow better test organization._