const ElectrumCli = require('electrum-client') const BITBOX = require('bitbox-sdk').BITBOX const assert = require('assert') const crypto = require('crypto') const progress = require('cli-progress') const {stopwatch} = require('durations'); const bitbox = new BITBOX() let xpub = "tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4YRDtddy5nLmvdH7Qn6oR7euDpjqnZdniaJDTbaL17Gq86bsVNhKMkYwGvSvhamz5QkouzGJ4e2rkyHWbF5mHGX5Up377zBM"; let num_addresses = 2000; servers = [ [60002, '', 'tls'], [50002, '', 'tls'], ]; test_request = async (ecl, scripthashes, method) => { process.stdout.write("* " + scripthashes.length + "x " + method + " " + ecl['host']) promises = []; for (let i = 0; i < scripthashes.length; ++i) { promises.push(ecl.request(method, [scripthashes[i]])); } return Promise.all(promises) } const main = async () => { console.log("Initiating test. Deriving " + num_addresses + " addresses from xpub"); const derive_bar = new progress.SingleBar({}, progress.Presets.shades_classic); derive_bar.start(num_addresses, 0); scripthashes = []; for (let i = 0; i < num_addresses; ++i) { scripthashes.push(toScriptHash(bitbox.Address.fromXPub(xpub, "0/" + i))); derive_bar.increment(); } derive_bar.stop() let connections = []; for (let s of servers) { console.log("Connecting to ", s) let c = new ElectrumCli(s[0], s[1], s[2]) await c.connect() connections.push(c) } runtest = async (iterations, test) => { let total = new Map() for (let i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { const watch = stopwatch() for (let c of connections) { watch.reset() watch.start() await test(c) let duration = watch.duration() if (!total[c['host']]) { total[c['host']] = 0 } total[c['host']] += duration.millis() console.log("(" + duration.format() + ")") } } for (let c of connections) { console.log("MEAN TIME " + (total[c['host']] / iterations) + "ms for " + c['host']) } } await runtest(10, async (c) => { await test_request(c, scripthashes, "blockchain.scripthash.subscribe"); }) await runtest(10, async (c) => { await test_request(c, scripthashes, "blockchain.scripthash.get_history"); }) await runtest(10, async (c) => { await test_request(c, scripthashes, "blockchain.scripthash.get_balance"); }) for (let i = 0; i < connections.length; ++i) { await connections[i].close(); } console.log("done"); } // Convert cashaddr to scripthash // See function toScriptHash(cashaddr) { const hash160 = bitbox.Address.cashToHash160(cashaddr); let scriptHash = bitbox.Script.fromASM( "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 " + hash160 + " OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG") scriptHash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(scriptHash).digest() scriptHash.reverse() return scriptHash.toString('hex') } main().catch((e) => { console.log("Error:", e) })