.TH "rotonda" "1" "NLnet Labs" .SH NAME rotonda - a modular analytical BGP engine .SH SYNOPSIS .B rotonda [options] .SH DESCRIPTION Roll your own BGP/BMP applications with programmable RIBs and Filters For more information please consult the online documentation at: https://rotonda.docs.nlnetlabs.nl/en/latest/ .SH OPTIONS The available options are: .TP .BI \-c\ path \fR,\ \fB\-\-config= path Specify the path to the config file to load. If no file is specified, default values will be used for all settings .TP .BI -h,\ --help Prints help information .TP .BI -V,\ --version Prints version information .SH OPTIONS RELATED TO LOGGING .TP .BI -q,\ --quiet Log less information, twice for no information .TP .BI -v,\ --verbose Log more information, twice or thrice for even more .TP .BI --logfile= path Log to this file .TP .BI --syslog Log to syslog .TP .BI --syslog-facility= facility Facility to use for syslog logging [default: daemon] .SH OPTIONS FOR USE WITH THE EMBEDDED CONFIG FILE .TP .BI --print-config-and-exit Prints the configuration that will be used and then exits .TP .BI --http-listen= addr:port Listen for HTTP connections on this address .TP .BI --bgp-listen= addr:port Listen for BGP connections on this address .TP .BI --bmp-tracing-mode= Off | IfRequested | On Whether and how to enable tracing of BMP messages .TP .BI --bmp-listen= addr:port Listen for BMP connections on this address .TP .BI --bmp-proxy-destination= addr:port Proxy BMP connections to this address .TP .BI --mqtt-destination= addr | addr:port Publish MQTT messages to this address [default port: 1883]