# Roussillon : Memory This crate provides some structs and trait to manage memory and references for an abstract language. ## Traits * `Allocator` * `Dereference` ## Structures * `Region` : a vector containing `ValueCell`s, * `Area` : a catalog of named `Regions`, * `DroppableRegion` : a `Region` which can be `active` ou `dropped`. * `Heap` : a memory structure (generation-arena like) with : * `HeapReference` : a `DataValue` which contains a `Reference` to a `Region`'s generation in a `Heap`. * `HeapReferenceType` : the `DataType` of a `HeapReference` value. * `Stack` : a FIFO memory structure with : * `StackReference` : a `DataValue` which contains a `Reference` to a `Region` in a `Stack`. * `StackReferenceType` : the `DataType` of a `StackReference` value. ## License (c) 2024 Sébastien Geldreich This work is published under the MIT License.