use core::future::Future; use pb::{rove_client::RoveClient, Flag, ValidateSeriesRequest, ValidateSpatialRequest}; use rove::{ data_switch::{DataConnector, DataSwitch}, dev_utils::{construct_fake_dag, construct_hardcoded_dag, TestDataSource}, start_server_unix_listener, Dag, }; use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc}; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; use tokio::net::{UnixListener, UnixStream}; use tokio_stream::{wrappers::UnixListenerStream, StreamExt}; use tonic::transport::{Channel, Endpoint}; use tower::service_fn; mod pb { tonic::include_proto!("rove"); } const DATA_LEN_SINGLE: usize = 3; const DATA_LEN_SPATIAL: usize = 1000; pub async fn set_up_rove( data_switch: DataSwitch<'static>, dag: Dag<&'static str>, ) -> (impl Future, RoveClient) { let coordintor_socket = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap(); let coordintor_socket = Arc::new(coordintor_socket.into_temp_path()); std::fs::remove_file(&*coordintor_socket).unwrap(); let coordintor_uds = UnixListener::bind(&*coordintor_socket).unwrap(); let coordintor_stream = UnixListenerStream::new(coordintor_uds); let coordinator_future = async { start_server_unix_listener(coordintor_stream, data_switch, dag) .await .unwrap(); }; let coordinator_channel = Endpoint::try_from("http://any.url") .unwrap() .connect_with_connector(service_fn(move |_: tonic::transport::Uri| { let socket = Arc::clone(&coordintor_socket); async move { UnixStream::connect(&*socket).await } })) .await .unwrap(); let client = RoveClient::new(coordinator_channel); (coordinator_future, client) } // This test exists because the real dag isn't currently complex enough to // verify correct scheduling. In the future we will either decide we don't // need complex dag based scheduling, or the real dag will become complex. // In either case this test will eventually be obsolete, so: // TODO: delete #[tokio::test] async fn integration_test_fake_dag() { // tracing_subscriber::fmt() // .with_max_level(tracing::Level::INFO) // .init(); let data_switch = DataSwitch::new(HashMap::from([( "test", &TestDataSource { data_len_single: DATA_LEN_SINGLE, data_len_series: 1, data_len_spatial: DATA_LEN_SPATIAL, } as &dyn DataConnector, )])); let (coordinator_future, mut client) = set_up_rove(data_switch, construct_fake_dag()).await; let request_future = async { let mut stream = client .validate_series(ValidateSeriesRequest { series_id: String::from("test:single"), tests: vec![String::from("test1")], start_time: Some(prost_types::Timestamp::default()), end_time: Some(prost_types::Timestamp::default()), }) .await .unwrap() .into_inner(); let mut recv_count = 0; while let Some(recv) = { assert_eq!( // TODO: improve recv.unwrap().results.first().unwrap().flag, Flag::Inconclusive as i32 ); recv_count += 1; } assert_eq!(recv_count, 6); }; tokio::select! { _ = coordinator_future => panic!("coordinator returned first"), _ = request_future => (), } } #[tokio::test] async fn integration_test_hardcoded_dag() { // tracing_subscriber::fmt() // .with_max_level(tracing::Level::INFO) // .init(); let data_switch = DataSwitch::new(HashMap::from([( "test", &TestDataSource { data_len_single: DATA_LEN_SINGLE, data_len_series: 1, data_len_spatial: DATA_LEN_SPATIAL, } as &dyn DataConnector, )])); let (coordinator_future, mut client) = set_up_rove(data_switch, construct_hardcoded_dag()).await; let requests_future = async { let mut stream = client .validate_series(ValidateSeriesRequest { series_id: String::from("test:single"), tests: vec![String::from("step_check"), String::from("dip_check")], start_time: Some(prost_types::Timestamp::default()), end_time: Some(prost_types::Timestamp::default()), }) .await .unwrap() .into_inner(); let mut step_recv = false; let mut dip_recv = false; let mut recv_count = 0; while let Some(recv) = { let inner = recv.unwrap(); match inner.test.as_ref() { "dip_check" => { dip_recv = true; } "step_check" => { step_recv = true; } _ => { panic!("unrecognised test name returned") } } let flags: Vec = inner.results.iter().map(|res| res.flag).collect(); assert_eq!(flags, vec![Flag::Pass as i32; 1]); recv_count += 1; } assert_eq!(recv_count, 2); assert!(dip_recv); assert!(step_recv); let mut stream = client .validate_spatial(ValidateSpatialRequest { spatial_id: String::from("test:spatial"), backing_sources: Vec::new(), tests: vec!["buddy_check".to_string(), "sct".to_string()], time: Some(prost_types::Timestamp::default()), polygon: Vec::new(), }) .await .unwrap() .into_inner(); let mut buddy_recv = false; let mut sct_recv = false; let mut recv_count = 0; while let Some(recv) = { let inner = recv.unwrap(); match inner.test.as_ref() { "buddy_check" => { buddy_recv = true; } "sct" => { sct_recv = true; } _ => { panic!("unrecognised test name returned") } } let flags: Vec = inner.results.iter().map(|res| res.flag).collect(); assert_eq!(flags, vec![Flag::Pass as i32; DATA_LEN_SPATIAL]); recv_count += 1; } assert_eq!(recv_count, 2); assert!(buddy_recv); assert!(sct_recv); }; tokio::select! { _ = coordinator_future => panic!("coordinator returned first"), _ = requests_future => (), } }