### Tests - attrs_001 - simple attribute - attrs_002 - attribute value with new lines - attrs_003 - attribute value with escaped text - attrs_004 - attribute value with escaped text - attrs_005 - attribute value with \r\n - attrs_006 - escaped `<` - attrs_err_001 - duplicated attributes - attrs_err_002 - duplicated attributes via namespaces - cdata_001 - simple case - cdata_002 - simple case - cdata_003 - empty - cdata_004 - simple case - cdata_005 - mixed text and cdata - cdata_006 - simple case - cdata_007 - with \r - comments_001 - comment before and after the root element - elems_err_001 - invalid tree structure - elems_err_002 - invalid tree structure with namespace - entity_001 - entity reference to an element - entity_002 - entity reference to an attribute value - entity_003 - many entity references to an attribute value - entity_004 - entity reference to a text - entity_005 - unused entity reference - entity_006 - entity reference to an escaped text - entity_007 - indirect entity reference to an attribute value - entity_008 - entity reference to an element - entity_009 - entity reference to a mixed content - entity_010 - entity reference to an element with an entity reference - entity_011 - character and entity references in attributes - entity_012 - mixed entity references in text - entity_013 - many entity references in text - entity_014 - many entity references in attribute - entity_err_001 - unknown entity reference - entity_err_002 - recursive entity references - entity_err_003 - reference to a close tag - entity_err_004 - reference to a close tag - entity_err_005 - billion laughs - entity_err_006 - billion laughs - entity_err_007 - malformed entity inside an attribute - entity_err_008 - malformed entity inside a character data/text - entity_err_009 - escaped `<` inside an attribute inside an entity is an error - ns_001 - attributes with different namespaces - ns_002 - attribute is not affected by the default namespace - ns_003 - attributes with different namespaces - ns_004 - `href` with a custom prefix - ns_005 - `xml` namespace resolving - ns_006 - `xml` namespace overriding - ns_007 - many namespaces - ns_008 - namespace propagation - ns_009 - namespace overwriting - ns_010 - indirect namespace propagation - ns_011 - empty URI - ns_012 - namespace propagation - ns_013 - namespace from entity - ns_014 - no namespaces - ns_015 - duplicated namespaces with different prefixes and a child element without prefix - ns_016 - an empty element with namespace on parent - ns_017 - duplicated namespaces with different prefixes and a child element with prefix - ns_err_001 - invalid `xml` URI - ns_err_002 - reserved URI - ns_err_003 - reserved URI - ns_err_004 - duplicated namespaces - ns_err_005 - escaped namespace - ns_err_006 - escaped namespace - ns_err_007 - reserved URI - ns_err_008 - reserved URI - ns_err_009 - `xmlns` cannot be used as an element prefix - ns_err_010 - an element with an unknown namespace - ns_err_011 - an attribute with an unknown namespace - ns_err_012 - closing tag with missing namespace prefix - ns_err_013 - closing tag with missing namespace prefix and default namespace - text_001 - single space text - text_002 - single escaped space text - text_003 - escaped text - text_004 - '>' text - text_005 - '\n\r\r\n' text - text_006 - '\r\r\r' text - text_007 - '\r\n\r\n' text - text_008 - only whitespaces - text_009 - escaped text - text_010 - text around elements - text_011 - mixed character references in text - text_012 - non-ASCII text - tree_001 - all node types - tree_002 - BOM - tree_003 - Windows-1251 encoding - tree_err_001 - no elements - tree_err_002 - root element not closed - tree_err_003 - child element not closed