INSERT INTO public.users (username, status, age_range, catchphrase) VALUES ('supabot', 'ONLINE', '[1,2)'::int4range, 'fat cat'::tsvector), ('kiwicopple', 'OFFLINE', '[25,35)'::int4range, 'cat bat'::tsvector), ('awailas', 'ONLINE', '[25,35)'::int4range, 'bat rat'::tsvector), ('dragarcia', 'ONLINE', '[20,30)'::int4range, 'rat fat'::tsvector), ('ihave.special,c:haracter(s)', 'ONLINE', '[20,30)'::int4range, 'fat bat'); INSERT INTO public.channels (slug) VALUES ('public'), ('random'); INSERT INTO public.messages (message, channel_id, username) VALUES ('Hello World 👋', 1, 'supabot'), ('Perfection is attained, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.', 2, 'supabot'); INSERT INTO personal.users (username, status, age_range) VALUES ('supabot', 'ONLINE', '[1,2)'::int4range), ('kiwicopple', 'OFFLINE', '[25,35)'::int4range), ('awailas', 'ONLINE', '[25,35)'::int4range), ('dragarcia', 'ONLINE', '[20,30)'::int4range), ('leroyjenkins', 'ONLINE', '[20,40)'::int4range);