//! # PWM IRQ Input Example //! //! Read a 5V 50Hz PWM servo input signal from gpio pin 1 and turn the LED on when //! the input signal is high ( > 1600 us duty pulse width ) and off when low ( < 1400 us ). //! //! This signal is commonly used with radio control model systems and small servos. //! //! It may need to be adapted to your particular board layout and/or pin assignment. //! //! See the `Cargo.toml` file for Copyright and license details. #![no_std] #![no_main] // Ensure we halt the program on panic (if we don't mention this crate it won't // be linked) use panic_halt as _; // Alias for our HAL crate use rp2040_hal as hal; // Some traits we need use embedded_hal::digital::OutputPin; // Our interrupt macro use hal::pac::interrupt; // A shorter alias for the Peripheral Access Crate, which provides low-level // register access use hal::pac; // Shorter alias for gpio and pwm modules use hal::gpio; use hal::pwm; // Some short-cuts to useful types for sharing data with the interrupt handlers use core::cell::RefCell; use critical_section::Mutex; /// The linker will place this boot block at the start of our program image. We /// need this to help the ROM bootloader get our code up and running. /// Note: This boot block is not necessary when using a rp-hal based BSP /// as the BSPs already perform this step. #[link_section = ".boot2"] #[used] pub static BOOT2: [u8; 256] = rp2040_boot2::BOOT_LOADER_GENERIC_03H; /// 50 Hz PWM servo signals have a pulse width between 1000 us and 2000 us with /// 1500 us as the centre point. us is the abbreviation for micro seconds. /// The PWM threshold value for turning off the LED in us const LOW_US: u16 = 1475; /// The PWM threshold value for turning on the LED in us const HIGH_US: u16 = 1525; /// External high-speed crystal on the Raspberry Pi Pico board is 12 MHz. Adjust /// if your board has a different frequency const XTAL_FREQ_HZ: u32 = 12_000_000u32; /// Pin types quickly become very long! /// We'll create some type aliases using `type` to help with that /// This pin will be our output - it will drive an LED if you run this on a Pico type LedPin = gpio::Pin, gpio::PullNone>; /// This pin will be our input for a 50 Hz servo PWM signal type InputPwmPin = gpio::Pin; /// This will be our PWM Slice - it will interpret the PWM signal from the pin type PwmSlice = pwm::Slice; /// Since we're always accessing these pins together we'll store them in a tuple. /// Giving this tuple a type alias means we won't need to use () when putting them /// inside an Option. That will be easier to read. type LedInputAndPwm = (LedPin, InputPwmPin, PwmSlice); /// This how we transfer our LED pin, input pin and PWM slice into the Interrupt Handler. /// We'll have the option hold both using the LedAndInput type. /// This will make it a bit easier to unpack them later. static GLOBAL_PINS: Mutex>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(None)); /// Entry point to our bare-metal application. /// /// The `#[rp2040_hal::entry]` macro ensures the Cortex-M start-up code calls this function /// as soon as all global variables and the spinlock are initialised. /// /// The function configures the RP2040 peripherals, then fades the LED in an /// infinite loop. #[rp2040_hal::entry] fn main() -> ! { // Grab our singleton objects let mut pac = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap(); // Set up the watchdog driver - needed by the clock setup code let mut watchdog = hal::Watchdog::new(pac.WATCHDOG); // Configure the clocks // // The default is to generate a 125 MHz system clock hal::clocks::init_clocks_and_plls( XTAL_FREQ_HZ, pac.XOSC, pac.CLOCKS, pac.PLL_SYS, pac.PLL_USB, &mut pac.RESETS, &mut watchdog, ) .unwrap(); // The single-cycle I/O block controls our GPIO pins let sio = hal::Sio::new(pac.SIO); // Set the pins up according to their function on this particular board let pins = gpio::Pins::new( pac.IO_BANK0, pac.PADS_BANK0, sio.gpio_bank0, &mut pac.RESETS, ); // Init PWMs let pwm_slices = pwm::Slices::new(pac.PWM, &mut pac.RESETS); // Configure PWM0 slice // The PWM slice clock should only run when the input is high (InputHighRunning) let mut pwm: pwm::Slice<_, pwm::InputHighRunning> = pwm_slices.pwm0.into_mode(); // Divide the 125 MHz system clock by 125 to give a 1 MHz PWM slice clock (1 us per tick) pwm.set_div_int(125); pwm.enable(); // Connect to GPI O1 as the input to channel B on PWM0 let input_pin = pins.gpio1.reconfigure(); let channel = &mut pwm.channel_b; channel.set_enabled(true); // Enable an interrupt whenever GPI O1 goes from high to low (the end of a pulse) input_pin.set_interrupt_enabled(gpio::Interrupt::EdgeLow, true); // Configure GPIO 25 as an output to drive our LED. // we can use reconfigure() instead of into_pull_up_input() // since the variable we're pushing it into has that type let led = pins.gpio25.reconfigure(); // Give away our pins by moving them into the `GLOBAL_PINS` variable. // We won't need to access them in the main thread again critical_section::with(|cs| { GLOBAL_PINS.borrow(cs).replace(Some((led, input_pin, pwm))); }); // Unmask the IO_BANK0 IRQ so that the NVIC interrupt controller // will jump to the interrupt function when the interrupt occurs. // We do this last so that the interrupt can't go off while // it is in the middle of being configured unsafe { pac::NVIC::unmask(pac::Interrupt::IO_IRQ_BANK0); } loop { // interrupts handle everything else in this example. cortex_m::asm::wfi(); } } #[interrupt] fn IO_IRQ_BANK0() { // The `#[interrupt]` attribute covertly converts this to `&'static mut Option` static mut LED_INPUT_AND_PWM: Option = None; // This is one-time lazy initialisation. We steal the variables given to us // via `GLOBAL_PINS`. if LED_INPUT_AND_PWM.is_none() { critical_section::with(|cs| { *LED_INPUT_AND_PWM = GLOBAL_PINS.borrow(cs).take(); }); } // Need to check if our Option contains our pins and pwm slice // borrow led, input and pwm by *destructuring* the tuple // these will be of type `&mut LedPin`, `&mut InputPwmPin` and `&mut PwmSlice`, so we // don't have to move them back into the static after we use them if let Some((led, input, pwm)) = LED_INPUT_AND_PWM { // Check if the interrupt source is from the input pin going from high-to-low. // Note: this will always be true in this example, as that is the only enabled GPIO interrupt source if input.interrupt_status(gpio::Interrupt::EdgeLow) { // Read the width of the last pulse from the PWM Slice counter let pulse_width_us = pwm.get_counter(); // if the PWM signal indicates low, turn off the LED if pulse_width_us < LOW_US { // set_low can't fail, but the embedded-hal traits always allow for it // we can discard the Result let _ = led.set_low(); } // if the PWM signal indicates high, turn on the LED else if pulse_width_us > HIGH_US { // set_high can't fail, but the embedded-hal traits always allow for it // we can discard the Result let _ = led.set_high(); } // If the PWM signal was in the dead-zone between LOW and HIGH, don't change the LED's // state. The dead-zone avoids the LED flickering rapidly when receiving a signal close // to the mid-point, 1500 us in this case. // Reset the pwm counter back to 0, ready for the next pulse pwm.set_counter(0); // Our interrupt doesn't clear itself. // Do that now so we don't immediately jump back to this interrupt handler. input.clear_interrupt(gpio::Interrupt::EdgeLow); } } } // End of file