# Rusted PackFile Manager - Lib ***Rusted PackFile Manager - Lib***, is a crate with functionality for manipulating different kind of files used by Total War games, and it's the backbone of the RPFM Project. It also manages Game-Specific logic, and Schemas. The file types it can edit are: * **Anim Fragments**. * **Anim Packs**. * **Anim Tables**. * **Audio** (only MP3). * **DB Tables**. * **ESF Binaries**. * **Matched Combat Table**. * **Packs** (obviously). * **Portrait Settings** (only v4). * **Unit Variant** (form Empire, Napoleon and Shogun 2). * **Video**. For info on how to use it, check the docs, or RPFM's use of them in their repo. [![become_a_patron_button](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15714929/40394531-2130b9ce-5e24-11e8-91a2-bbf8e6e75d21.png)][Patreon] [Patreon]: https://www.patreon.com/RPFM [Downloads]: https://github.com/Frodo45127/rpfm/releases