use std::env; use std::fs; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; use std::str; const DPDK_VERSION: &str = "21.11"; const DPDK_GIT_REPO: &str = ""; // On Ubuntu server, we need the following packages: // 1. meson (apt install meson) for meson build // 2. pyelf-tool (apt install python3-pyelftools) for meson configuration // 3. clang (apt install clang) for bindgen // 4. libnuma-dev (apt install libnuma-dev) for NUMA support // To rebuild everything, remove dpdk-sys/deps/configure-finish file. // Build the dpdk ffi library. // The library information is acquired through pkg-config. // The ffi interface is generated with the bindgen. fn build_dpdk_ffi() { // Probe the cflags of the installed DPDK library. let output = Command::new("pkg-config") .args(&["--cflags", "libdpdk"]) .output() .unwrap(); assert!(output.status.success() == true); let cflags = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); // Compile the csrc/impl.c file into a static library. let cflags_iter = cflags.trim().split(' '); let mut cbuild = cc::Build::new(); cbuild.opt_level(3); for cflag in cflags_iter.clone() { cbuild.flag(cflag); } cbuild.file("csrc/impl.c").compile("impl"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=csrc/impl.c"); // Generate the dpdk rust bindings. let outdir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); let mut bgbuilder = bindgen::builder() // generate all the wrapper functions defined in csrc/header.h .allowlist_function("rte_.*_") // generate useful dpdk functions .allowlist_function("rte_thread_set_affinity") .allowlist_function("rte_thread_register") .allowlist_function("rte_pktmbuf_pool_create") .allowlist_function("rte_mempool_free") .allowlist_function("rte_pktmbuf_free_bulk") .allowlist_function("rte_mempool_avail_count") // this can be removed .allowlist_function("rte_eth_dev_info_get") .allowlist_function("rte_eth_dev_count_avail") .allowlist_function("rte_eth_macaddr_get") .allowlist_function("rte_eth_stats_get") .allowlist_function("rte_eth_dev_socket_id") .allowlist_function("rte_eth_dev_configure") .allowlist_function("rte_eth_dev_start") .allowlist_function("rte_eth_dev_stop") .allowlist_function("rte_eth_dev_close") .allowlist_function("rte_eth_rx_queue_setup") .allowlist_function("rte_eth_tx_queue_setup") .allowlist_function("rte_eth_promiscuous_enable") .allowlist_function("rte_eth_promiscuous_disable") .allowlist_function("rte_eal_init") .allowlist_function("rte_eal_cleanup") // generate useful dpdk types .allowlist_type("rte_eth_conf") .allowlist_type("rte_eth_dev_info") .allowlist_type("rte_ether_addr") .allowlist_type("rte_mempool") .allowlist_type("rte_mbuf") .allowlist_type("rte_eth_stats") // generate useful dpdk macros defined in rte_build_config.h. .allowlist_var("RTE_MAX_LCORE") .allowlist_var("RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES") .allowlist_var("RTE_MBUF_MAX_NB_SEGS") .allowlist_var("RTE_MBUF_DEFAULT_DATAROOM") .allowlist_var("RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM") .allowlist_var("RTE_ETHDEV_QUEUE_STAT_CNTRS") .header("csrc/header.h"); for cflag in cflags_iter { bgbuilder = bgbuilder.clang_arg(cflag); } bgbuilder .rustfmt_bindings(true) .generate() .expect("Unable to generate rust bingdings from csrc/header.h.") .write_to_file(outdir.join("")) .unwrap(); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=csrc/header.h"); // Generate linker option hints. let output = Command::new("pkg-config") .args(&["--libs", "--static", "libdpdk"]) .output() .unwrap(); assert!(output.status.success() == true); let ldflags = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); for ldflag in ldflags.trim().split(' ') { if ldflag.starts_with("-L") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", &ldflag[2..]); } else if ldflag.starts_with("-l") { if ldflag.ends_with(".a") { if !ldflag.starts_with("-l:lib") { panic!("Invalid linker option: {}", ldflag); } let end_range = ldflag.len() - 2; println!( "cargo:rustc-link-lib=static:+whole-archive,-bundle={}", &ldflag[6..end_range] ); } else { if !ldflag.starts_with("-lrte") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", &ldflag[2..]); } } } else { if ldflag == "-pthread" { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", &ldflag[1..]); } else if ldflag.starts_with("-Wl") { // We do nothing with -Wl linker options. } else { panic!("Invalid linker option: {}.", ldflag); } } } } fn main() { // Check DPDK version. let output = Command::new("pkg-config") .args(&["--modversion", "libdpdk"]) .output() .expect("Cannot find pkg-config. Please install pkg-config."); if output.status.success() { let s = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); let version_str = s.trim(); if !version_str.starts_with(DPDK_VERSION) { panic!( "pkg-config finds DPDK library with version {}.\nPlease install a supported version.\n", version_str ); } // Found a matching dpdk library installed globally. build_dpdk_ffi(); return; } // Save the absolute path of the root directory. let pwd = fs::canonicalize(PathBuf::from("./")).unwrap(); // Download DPDK source from the official git repo. if !Path::new("deps/dpdk").is_dir() { let mut tag = "v".to_string(); tag.push_str(DPDK_VERSION); let res = Command::new("git") .args(&["clone", "-b", &tag, DPDK_GIT_REPO, "deps/dpdk"]) .status() .expect("Cannot find git. Please install git.\n"); if !res.success() { panic!("Fail to clone DPDK repo {} at tag {}.", DPDK_GIT_REPO, &tag); } } // Configure DPDK with meson. if !Path::new("deps/configure-finish").is_file() { // Remove dpdk/build directory if they exist. let build_dir = Path::new("deps/dpdk/build"); if build_dir.is_dir() { fs::remove_dir_all(build_dir) .expect("Fail to remove existing deps/dpdk/build directory.\n"); } // Configure DPDK for build. let mut meson_dprefix = String::from("-Dprefix="); meson_dprefix.push_str(pwd.join("deps/dpdk-install").to_str().unwrap()); let res = Command::new("meson") .current_dir("deps/dpdk") .args(&[&meson_dprefix[..], "build"]) .status() .expect("Cannot find meson. Please install meson.\n"); if !res.success() { panic!("Fail to configure DPDK source with meson."); } fs::File::create(Path::new("deps/configure-finish")) .expect("Fail to create deps/configure-finish.\n"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=deps/configure-finish"); } // Build and install DPDK. let res = Command::new("ninja") .current_dir("deps/dpdk/build") .status() .expect("Cannot find ninja. Please install ninja.\n"); if !res.success() { panic!("Fail to build DPDK with ninja."); } let res = Command::new("ninja") .current_dir("deps/dpdk/build") .args(&["install"]) .status() .unwrap(); assert!(res.success()); // Set PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to point to the installed DPDK library. env::set_var( "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", pwd.join("deps/dpdk-install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig") .to_str() .unwrap(), ); build_dpdk_ffi(); }