#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Codesign utility"""
import argparse
import subprocess
import os
import time
import shutil
import json
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Codesign utility for Ninja builds')
parser.add_argument('file', type=str,
help = 'Bundle/package to sign')
parser.add_argument('--target', type=str,
help = 'Target',
choices = ['macos', 'ios', 'android'],
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--bundle', type=str,
help = 'Bundle identifier (OSX/iOS)',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--organisation', type=str,
help = 'Organisation identifier (OSX/iOS)',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--provisioning', type=str,
help = 'Provisioning profile (OSX/iOS)',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--builddir', type=str,
help = 'Build directory (OSX/iOS)',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--binname', type=str,
help = 'Binary name (OSX/iOS)',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--zipfile', type=str,
help = 'Zip file (Android)',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--tsacert', type=str,
help = 'TSA cert (Android)',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--tsa', type=str,
help = 'TSA (Android)',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--keystore', type=str,
help = 'Keystore (Android)',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--keystorepass', type=str,
help = 'Keystore password (Android)',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--keyalias', type=str,
help = 'Key alias (Android)',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--keypass', type=str,
help = 'Key password (Android)',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--jarsigner', type=str,
help = 'JAR signer (Android)',
default = 'jarsigner')
parser.add_argument('--prefs', type=str,
help = 'Preferences file',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--config', type=str,
help = 'Build configuration',
default = '')
parser.add_argument('--entitlements', type=str,
help = 'Entitlements file',
default = '')
options = parser.parse_args()
androidprefs = {}
iosprefs = {}
macosprefs = {}
def parse_prefs( prefsfile ):
global androidprefs
global iosprefs
global macosprefs
if not os.path.isfile( prefsfile ):
file = open( prefsfile, 'r' )
prefs = json.load( file )
if 'android' in prefs:
androidprefs = prefs['android']
if 'ios' in prefs:
iosprefs = prefs['ios']
if 'macos' in prefs:
macosprefs = prefs['macos']
def codesign_ios():
if not 'organisation' in iosprefs:
iosprefs['organisation'] = options.organisation
if not 'bundleidentifier' in iosprefs:
iosprefs['bundleidentifier'] = options.bundle
if not 'provisioning' in iosprefs:
iosprefs['provisioning'] = options.provisioning
sdkdir = subprocess.check_output( [ 'xcrun', '--sdk', 'iphoneos', '--show-sdk-path' ] ).decode().strip().splitlines()[-1]
entitlements = os.path.join( sdkdir, 'Entitlements.plist' )
plistpath = os.path.join( options.builddir, 'Entitlements.xcent' )
platformpath = subprocess.check_output( [ 'xcrun', '--sdk', 'iphoneos', '--show-sdk-platform-path' ] ).decode().strip().splitlines()[-1]
localpath = platformpath + "/Developer/usr/bin:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
plutil = "PATH=" + localpath + " " + subprocess.check_output( [ 'xcrun', '--sdk', 'iphoneos', '-f', 'plutil' ] ).decode().strip().splitlines()[-1]
shutil.copyfile( entitlements, plistpath )
os.system( plutil + ' -convert xml1 ' + plistpath )
f = open( plistpath, 'r' )
lines = [ line.strip( '\n\r' ) for line in f ]
for i in range( 0, len( lines ) ):
if lines[i].find( '$(AppIdentifierPrefix)' ) != -1:
lines[i] = lines[i].replace( '$(AppIdentifierPrefix)', iosprefs['organisation'] + '.' )
if lines[i].find( '$(CFBundleIdentifier)' ) != -1:
lines[i] = lines[i].replace( '$(CFBundleIdentifier)', iosprefs['bundleidentifier'] )
if lines[i].find( '$(binname)' ) != -1:
lines[i] = lines[i].replace( '$(binname)', options.binname )
with open( plistpath, 'w' ) as plist_file:
for line in lines:
if options.config != 'deploy' and line == '':
plist_file.write( '\tget-task-allow\n' )
plist_file.write( '\t\n' )
plist_file.write( line + '\n' )
if os.path.isfile( os.path.join( options.file, '_CodeSignature', 'CodeResources' ) ):
os.remove( os.path.join( options.file, '_CodeSignature', 'CodeResources' ) )
os.system( '/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign "' + iosprefs['signature'] + '" --entitlements ' + plistpath + ' ' + options.file )
if os.path.isfile( os.path.join( options.file, '_CodeSignature', 'CodeResources' ) ):
os.utime( os.path.join( options.file, '_CodeSignature', 'CodeResources' ), None )
os.utime( os.path.join( options.file, '_CodeSignature' ), None )
os.utime( options.file, None )
def codesign_macos():
if not 'organisation' in macosprefs:
macosprefs['organisation'] = options.organisation
if not 'bundleidentifier' in macosprefs:
macosprefs['bundleidentifier'] = options.bundle
if not 'provisioning' in macosprefs:
macosprefs['provisioning'] = options.provisioning
if not 'entitlements' in macosprefs:
macosprefs['entitlements'] = options.entitlements
codesign_allocate = subprocess.check_output( [ 'xcrun', '--sdk', 'macosx', '-f', 'codesign_allocate' ] ).decode().strip().splitlines()[-1]
sdkdir = subprocess.check_output( [ 'xcrun', '--sdk', 'macosx', '--show-sdk-path' ] ).decode().strip().splitlines()[-1]
entitlements = os.path.join( sdkdir, 'Entitlements.plist' )
if os.path.isfile( os.path.join( options.file, 'Contents', '_CodeSignature', 'CodeResources' ) ):
os.remove( os.path.join( options.file, 'Contents', '_CodeSignature', 'CodeResources' ) )
if 'signature' in macosprefs:
command = 'export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=' + codesign_allocate + '; /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign "' + macosprefs['signature'] + '" -o runtime '
if ('entitlements' in macosprefs) and (macosprefs['entitlements'] != '') and (macosprefs['entitlements'] != 'none'):
command = command + '--entitlements ' + macosprefs['entitlements'] + ' --generate-entitlement-der '
command = command + options.file
# print(command)
if os.path.isfile( os.path.join( options.file, 'Contents', '_CodeSignature', 'CodeResources' ) ):
os.utime( os.path.join( options.file, 'Contents', '_CodeSignature', 'CodeResources' ), None )
os.utime( os.path.join( options.file, 'Contents', '_CodeSignature' ), None )
os.utime( os.path.join( options.file, 'Contents' ), None )
os.utime( options.file, None )
def codesign_android():
if not 'tsacert' in androidprefs:
androidprefs['tsacert'] = options.tsacert
if not 'tsa' in androidprefs:
androidprefs['tsa'] = options.tsa
if not 'keystore' in androidprefs:
androidprefs['keystore'] = options.keystore
if not 'keystorepass' in androidprefs:
androidprefs['keystorepass'] = options.keystorepass
if not 'keyalias' in androidprefs:
androidprefs['keyalias'] = options.keyalias
if not 'keypass' in androidprefs:
androidprefs['keypass'] = options.keypass
if not 'jarsigner' in androidprefs:
androidprefs['jarsigner'] = options.jarsigner
timestamp = ''
if androidprefs['tsacert'] != '':
timestamp = '-tsacert ' + androidprefs['tsacert']
elif androidprefs['tsa'] != '':
timestamp = '-tsa ' + androidprefs['tsa']
proxy = ''
if 'proxy' in androidprefs and androidprefs['proxy'] != '' and androidprefs['proxy'] != 'None':
proxy = androidprefs['proxy']
if proxy != '' and proxy != 'None':
defstr = "-J-Dhttp.proxy"
url = urlparse.urlparse(proxy)
if url.scheme == 'https':
defstr = "-J-Dhttps.proxy"
host = url.netloc
port = ''
username = ''
password = ''
if '@' in host:
username, host = host.split(':', 1)
password, host = host.split('@', 1)
if ':' in host:
host, port = host.split(':', 1)
proxy = defstr + "Host=" + host
if port != '':
proxy += " " + defstr + "Port=" + port
if username != '':
proxy += " " + defstr + "User=" + username
if password != '':
proxy += " " + defstr + "Password=" + password
signcmd = androidprefs['jarsigner'] + ' ' + timestamp + ' -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ' + androidprefs['keystore'] + ' -storepass ' + androidprefs['keystorepass'] + ' -keypass ' + androidprefs['keypass'] + ' -signedjar ' + options.file + ' ' + options.zipfile + ' ' + androidprefs['keyalias'] + ' ' + proxy
parse_prefs( options.prefs )
if options.target == 'ios':
elif options.target == 'macos':
elif options.target == 'android':