## rpy Do you deal with lots of virtual python environments? `rpy` is for you! Before `rpy`: ``` ~/dev/prj$ env PYTHONPATH=src/py path/to/my/interpreter src/py/my/script.py --my --args here ``` After: ``` ~/dev/prj$ rpy src/py/my/script.py --my --args here ``` ### The magic `rpy` looks for a `pyproject.toml` file relating to the script, and then looks for a `tool.py` section of the form: ```toml [tool.rpy] # All paths are relative to the project root (which is wherever we found the pyproject.toml interpreter = 'out/env/bin/python' # path relative to the project root source_root = 'src/py' # Optional PYTHONPATH to set up (defaults to project root) pre_run = 'make --quiet deps' # Optional command to run in the project root first ```