#!/bin/bash # # ====================================== # EDIT PROGRAMMVERSION="0.0.5" # MSG="Added functionality to edit config file and archive appointments that are past." # COMMIT MSG FOR GIT # ====================================== function check_test_outcome { ret_code=$1 if [ "$ret_code" -ne 0 ] ; then echo -e "\e[31mFAIL: $ret_code\e[0m"; exit 1; else echo -e "\e[32mok\e[0m" fi; } # Installiert als crate für cargo install; # Lädt einen Release by Github hoch # Lädt PKGBUILD und .SRCINFO (via tools/rremind_upstream/remind) auf AUR ORDNER="/home/heiko/development/rust/rremind" AUR_ORDNER="/home/heiko/tools/rremind_upstream" DATUM=$(date '+%B %d, %Y') TMPFOLDER="/tmp/rremind" MANFILE="./rremind.1.gz" cd $ORDNER echo "Lade Release auf GitHub hoch" gh release create v"$PROGRAMMVERSION" "$ORDNER/target/cargo-aur/$PGV" check_test_outcome sleep 3