# rreplace rreplace is a rust library designed to streamline string replacements. It can handle multiple unique replacements and iterates the string only once. Repacements may eclipse one another, therefore rreplace follows this priority. 1. First match 2. Longest match ## In Action ``` {.rust} // Create HashMap to define replacements let replace: Hashmap<&str, &str> = Hashmap::new(); replace.insert("This", "xxxx"); replace.insert("foo", "foobar"); rreplace::run("This string is foo", r); // Returns: "xxxx string is foobar" ``` ## Examples ### Replace First ``` {.rust} replace.insert("This string", "xxx"); replace.insert("string", "yyy"); rreplace::run("This string is foo", r); // Returns: "xxx is foo" ``` `"This string"` begins matching before `"string"` and therefore takes replacement priority. ### Replace Longest ``` {.rust} replace.insert("This string", "yyy"); replace.insert("This", "xxx"); rreplace::run("This string is foo", replace); // Returns: "xxx is foo" ``` Both seqences begin matching on the same index, therefore the longer replacement takes priority. ### Eclipsing ``` {.rust} replace.insert("string is foo", "yyy"); replace.insert("i", "I"); rreplace::run("This string is foo", replace); // Returns: "ThIs xxx" ``` `"i"` cannot be replaced within `"string is foo"`. This is because `"string is foo"` begins matching earlier than the individual `"i"` within. ### Failing ``` {.rust} replace.insert("string is X", "yyy"); replace.insert("i", "I"); rreplace::run("This string is foo", replace); // Returns: "ThIs strIng Is foo" ``` `"string is X"` is unable to find a complete match and therefore `"i"` matches with every `i` within the string. **I new to Rust and would love feedback on my code! Send me an email or contact me through my repository page.**