""" small script to run after build, to check if there was a significant change on executable size, compared to the previous build. this aims to detect unwanted big differences before it's too late """ import os import pathlib curr_dir = pathlib.Path(os.getcwd()) sizefile_path = pathlib.Path(curr_dir.joinpath('.task')) def bad(txt): return '\033[91m' + txt + '\033[0m' def good(txt): return '\033[92m' + txt + '\033[0m' def head(txt): return '\033[94m' + txt + '\033[0m' files = { 'release': curr_dir.joinpath('target/release/coco.exe'), 'debug': curr_dir.joinpath('target/debug/coco.exe'), } print("\n🧉 » exe file sizes change\n") for key, exe in files.items(): if exe.is_file(): sizefile = sizefile_path.joinpath(key) new_size: float = os.stat(exe).st_size / 1024 old_size: float try: with open(sizefile, 'r') as f: old_size = float(f.read()) except FileNotFoundError: old_size = 0 # diff: str = f'{old_size:.0f}kb' diff = new_size - old_size diff_str = f"{'+' if diff > 0 else '=' if diff == 0 else ''}{diff:.0f}kb" fmt = bad if diff > 10 else good print(f'{key}: {fmt(diff_str)} (prev: {old_size}kb, now: {new_size}kb)') sizefile.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(sizefile, 'w') as f: f.write(f'{new_size}')