const basic = require('./grammar/basic.js') const id = require('./grammar/id.js') const type = require('./grammar/type.js') const exp = require('./grammar/exp.js') const pat = require('./grammar/pat.js') const import_ = require('./grammar/import.js') const module_ = require('./grammar/module.js') const data = require('./grammar/data.js') const class_ = require('./grammar/class.js') const decl = require('./grammar/decl.js') const pattern = require('./grammar/pattern.js') const misc = require('./grammar/misc.js') module.exports = grammar({ name: 'haskell', /** * These rules may occur anywhere in the grammar and don't have to be specified. */ extras: $ => [ /\p{Zs}/, /\n/, /\r/, $.cpp, $.comment, $.pragma, ], /** * These rules are handled manually by the scanner. Whenever their identifiers are used in the rule tree, the parser * executes the scanner. * Since the newline character is present both here and in `extras`, the scanner will be called before every token. * This makes indentation/layout tracking simpler. */ externals: $ => [ $._layout_semicolon, $._layout_start, $._layout_end, $._dot, $._arith_dotdot, $.where, $._splice_dollar, $._varsym, $._consym, $._tyconsym, $.comment, $.cpp, $.comma, $.quasiquote_start, $.quasiquote_bar, $.quasiquote_body, $._strict, $._lazy, $._unboxed_close, '|', 'in', /\n/, $.empty_file, ], inline: $ => [ $._number, $._stringly, $._qvarid, $._operator_minus, $._qvarsym, $._qvarsym_nominus, $._var, $._qvar, $._tyvar, $._qconid, $._qconsym, $._con, $._conop, $._qconop, $._op, $._qop_nominus, $._gcon_literal, $._gcon, $._tyconid, $._qtyconid, $._qtyconsym, $._qtycon, $._gtycon, $._simple_tycon, $._simple_tyconop, $._simple_qtyconop, $._quantifiers, $._tyfam_pat_prefix, $._tyfam_pat_infix, $._qualifying_module, ], precedences: _ => [ [ 'context-empty', 'con_unit', ], [ 'infix-type', 'btype', ], [ 'function-type', 'type', ], ], conflicts: $ => [ /** * This could be done with the second named precedence further up, but it somehow overrides symbolic infix * constructors. * Needs more investigation. */ [$._type_infix, $.type_infix], /** * Optional context for a data/newtype decl with infix types: * * data a ~ b => A a b * data a + b */ [$.type_name, $._simpletype_infix], /** * Same as above, but with regular types: * * data A a b * data C a b => A a b * data C Int a => A a * data B Int ~ B a => A a */ [$.type_name, $._simpletype], [$._atype, $.constraint], /** * Constraints and parenthesized types. * * data (A a) => A * data (A a) %% A => A * * After the `a`, the closing paren is ambiguous. */ [$._type_infix, $.constraint], /** * Top-level expression splices fundamentally conflict with decls, and since decls start with either `var` or `pat`, * they cannot be disambiguated. * * function_variable: * func (A a) = a * * function_pattern: * Just 1 = Just 1 * a : as = [1, 2, 3] * * splice: * makeLenses ''A * * The disambiguation can clearly be made from the `=`, but my impression is that the conflict check only considers * immediate lookahead. */ [$._fun_name, $.exp_name], [$._fun_name, $.pat_name], [$._fun_name, $.pat_name, $.exp_name], [$.signature, $.pat_name], [$.exp_name, $._pat_constructor], [$.exp_name, $.pat_name], [$._aexp_projection, $._apat], [$.exp_type_application, $.pat_type_binder], /** * Ambiguity between symbolic and regular constructors: * * data A = Maybe Int :+ Int * data A = Name Int * * both start with two tycons. */ [$.type_name, $.data_constructor], /** * Ambiguity between symbolic and regular type family equations. */ [$.type_name, $.tyfam_pat], /** * For getting a node for function application, and no extra node if the expression only consists of one term. */ [$._exp_apply, $._fexp], [$._exp_apply], /** * Same as `exp_apply`, but for patterns. */ [$.pat_apply, $._apat], [$.pat_apply], /** * Same as `exp_apply`, but for types. */ [$.type_apply, $._btype], [$.type_apply], /** * Implicit parameters have slightly weird restrictions. */ [$._type_or_implicit, $._context_constraints], /** * `(# | | ...` can start both `pat` and `exp`. */ [$._pat_unboxed_sum, $._exp_unboxed_sum], /** * The nullary unboxed tuple `(# #)` is indistinguishable between exp and pat. */ [$.exp_unboxed_tuple, $.pat_unboxed_tuple], [$.exp_lambda_case], /** * General kind signatures cause `(a :: k)` to be ambiguous. * This problem might be solvable if `type.js` were to be refactored. */ [$.annotated_type_variable, $.type_name], /** * A multi-way `if` in a list conflicts with list comprehension: `[if | condition -> expr]` */ [$.exp_if_guard], ], word: $ => $._varid, rules: { haskell: $ => choice( $.empty_file, $._module, terminated($, $._topdecl), ), _topdecl: $ => choice( alias($.decl_type, $.type_alias), alias($.decl_tyfam, $.type_family), alias($.decl_tyinst, $.type_instance), alias($.decl_role, $.role_annotation), alias($.decl_adt, $.adt), alias($.decl_newtype, $.newtype), alias($.decl_datafam, $.data_family), alias($.decl_datainst, $.data_instance), alias($.decl_import, $.import), alias($.decl_class, $.class), alias($.decl_instance, $.instance), alias($.decl_default, $.default_declaration), $._decl_foreign, alias($.decl_deriving, $.deriving_declaration), $._decl, alias($.decl_pattern, $.pattern_synonym), $.top_splice, $.decl_special, ), ...basic,, ...type, ...exp, ...pat, ...import_, ...module_,, ...class_, ...decl, ...pattern, ...misc, } })