# rs-youtube Command line YouTube/Twitch client that uses the web api so no login or API key is needed. - Requires `mpv` and `youtube-dl`, or another video player capable of loading videos from YouTube/Twitch links (e.g. `celluloid`, even a web browser would work) ## Installation 1. Make sure your video player is installed and is accessible by typing its name via command line (Typing `mpv` should print a help screen, for example) 2. [Install Rust (using `rustup`)](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) 3. Install using `cargo` ``` cargo install rs-youtube ``` ## Compilation 1. Make sure your video player is installed and is accessible by typing its name via command line (Typing `mpv` should print a help screen, for example) 2. [Install Rust (using `rustup`)](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) 3. Clone and run the project using `cargo` ``` git clone https://github.com/j0lol/rs-youtube cd rs-youtube cargo install --path . rs-youtube(.exe) ``` ## Configuration This program will create a config file the first time it reads config (checking subscriptions or checking video player) in one of these directories: - Linux: `/home/USER/.config/rs-youtube/config.toml` - Windows: `C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\j0lol\rs-youtube\config\config.toml` - macOS: `/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/com.j0lol.rs-youtube/config.toml` If you would like to edit the config, refer to the `config.toml.default` file. The config file defaults to loading mpv, and will have 0 subscriptions. You can subscribe to a channel by searching for its channel page, then picking the "sub" option. # Screenshots ## Main menu ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24716467/116722112-ec266700-a9d5-11eb-8b62-bd7c62d5b447.png) ## Youtube search ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24716467/116722194-052f1800-a9d6-11eb-8ae0-01d791c18dbf.png) ## Youtube channel ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24716467/116722652-943c3000-a9d6-11eb-8ca3-d232511105f5.png) ## Youtube subscription feed ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24716467/116722794-c2217480-a9d6-11eb-834e-920fc40ac60d.png) ## Twitch channel search ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24716467/116722894-e4b38d80-a9d6-11eb-876b-c2a05b8bdde4.png) ## Twitch channel view ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24716467/116722935-f006b900-a9d6-11eb-8487-91cc34b1f296.png) ## Twitch follow feed ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24716467/116723327-4b38ab80-a9d7-11eb-8580-d7c88d323337.png) ## Testing - `rs-youtube` has been thoroughly tested on linux, and somewhat tested on Windows and macOS