@routing @car @hov Feature: Car - Handle driving Background: Given the profile "car" And a grid size of 100 meters Scenario: Car - Avoid hov when not on hov Given the node map """ b=========c========================e====j ~ ~ ~ a ~ f----m | i | | | ----------------l | | / g_______________h______k_____n """ And the ways | nodes | highway | hov | | ab | motorway_link | | | bcej | motorway | designated | | ag | primary | | | ghkn | primary | | | ih | primary | | | kl | secondary | | | lf | secondary | | | ci | motorway_link | | | ef | motorway_link | | | fm | secondary | | When I route I should get | from | to | route | | a | m | ag,ghkn,kl,lf,fm,fm | | c | m | bcej,ef,fm,fm |