#ifndef ENGINE_GUIDANCE_ASSEMBLE_GEOMETRY_HPP #define ENGINE_GUIDANCE_ASSEMBLE_GEOMETRY_HPP #include "extractor/travel_mode.hpp" #include "guidance/turn_instruction.hpp" #include "engine/datafacade/datafacade_base.hpp" #include "engine/guidance/leg_geometry.hpp" #include "engine/guidance/route_step.hpp" #include "engine/internal_route_result.hpp" #include "engine/phantom_node.hpp" #include "util/coordinate.hpp" #include "util/coordinate_calculation.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace osrm { namespace engine { namespace guidance { // Extracts the geometry for each segment and calculates the traveled distance // Combines the geometry form the phantom node with the PathData // to the full route geometry. // // turn 0 1 2 3 4 // s...x...y...z...t // |---|segment 0 // |---| segment 1 // |---| segment 2 // |---| segment 3 inline LegGeometry assembleGeometry(const datafacade::BaseDataFacade &facade, const std::vector &leg_data, const PhantomNode &source_node, const PhantomNode &target_node, const bool reversed_source, const bool reversed_target) { LegGeometry geometry; // segment 0 first and last geometry.segment_offsets.push_back(0); geometry.locations.push_back(source_node.location); // u * v // 0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 3 // fwd_segment_position: 1 // source node fwd: 1 1 -> 2 -> 3 // source node rev: 2 0 <- 1 <- 2 const auto source_segment_start_coordinate = source_node.fwd_segment_position + (reversed_source ? 1 : 0); const auto source_node_id = reversed_source ? source_node.reverse_segment_id.id : source_node.forward_segment_id.id; const auto source_geometry_id = facade.GetGeometryIndex(source_node_id).id; const auto source_geometry = facade.GetUncompressedForwardGeometry(source_geometry_id); geometry.osm_node_ids.push_back( facade.GetOSMNodeIDOfNode(source_geometry(source_segment_start_coordinate))); auto cumulative_distance = 0.; auto current_distance = 0.; auto prev_coordinate = geometry.locations.front(); for (const auto &path_point : leg_data) { auto coordinate = facade.GetCoordinateOfNode(path_point.turn_via_node); current_distance = util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(prev_coordinate, coordinate); cumulative_distance += current_distance; // all changes to this check have to be matched with assemble_steps if (path_point.turn_instruction.type != osrm::guidance::TurnType::NoTurn) { geometry.segment_distances.push_back(cumulative_distance); geometry.segment_offsets.push_back(geometry.locations.size()); cumulative_distance = 0.; } prev_coordinate = coordinate; const auto osm_node_id = facade.GetOSMNodeIDOfNode(path_point.turn_via_node); if (osm_node_id != geometry.osm_node_ids.back() || path_point.turn_instruction.type != osrm::guidance::TurnType::NoTurn) { geometry.annotations.emplace_back(LegGeometry::Annotation{ current_distance, // NOTE: we want annotations to include only the duration/weight // of the segment itself. For segments immediately before // a turn, the duration_until_turn/weight_until_turn values // include the turn cost. To counter this, we subtract // the duration_of_turn/weight_of_turn value, which is 0 for // non-preceeding-turn segments, but contains the turn value // for segments before a turn. (path_point.duration_until_turn - path_point.duration_of_turn) / 10., (path_point.weight_until_turn - path_point.weight_of_turn) / facade.GetWeightMultiplier(), path_point.datasource_id}); geometry.locations.push_back(std::move(coordinate)); geometry.osm_node_ids.push_back(osm_node_id); } } current_distance = util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(prev_coordinate, target_node.location); cumulative_distance += current_distance; // segment leading to the target node geometry.segment_distances.push_back(cumulative_distance); const auto target_node_id = reversed_target ? target_node.reverse_segment_id.id : target_node.forward_segment_id.id; const auto target_geometry_id = facade.GetGeometryIndex(target_node_id).id; const auto forward_datasources = facade.GetUncompressedForwardDatasources(target_geometry_id); // This happens when the source/target are on the same edge-based-node // There will be no entries in the unpacked path, thus no annotations. // We will need to calculate the lone annotation by looking at the position // of the source/target nodes, and calculating their differences. if (geometry.annotations.empty()) { auto duration = std::abs( (reversed_target ? target_node.reverse_duration : target_node.forward_duration) - (reversed_source ? source_node.reverse_duration : source_node.forward_duration)) / 10.; BOOST_ASSERT(duration >= 0); auto weight = std::abs((reversed_target ? target_node.reverse_weight : target_node.forward_weight) - (reversed_source ? source_node.reverse_weight : source_node.forward_weight)) / facade.GetWeightMultiplier(); BOOST_ASSERT(weight >= 0); geometry.annotations.emplace_back( LegGeometry::Annotation{current_distance, duration, weight, forward_datasources(target_node.fwd_segment_position)}); } else { geometry.annotations.emplace_back(LegGeometry::Annotation{ current_distance, (reversed_target ? target_node.reverse_duration : target_node.forward_duration) / 10., (reversed_target ? target_node.reverse_weight : target_node.forward_weight) / facade.GetWeightMultiplier(), forward_datasources(target_node.fwd_segment_position)}); } geometry.segment_offsets.push_back(geometry.locations.size()); geometry.locations.push_back(target_node.location); // u * v // 0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 3 // fwd_segment_position: 1 // target node fwd: 2 0 -> 1 -> 2 // target node rev: 1 1 <- 2 <- 3 const auto target_segment_end_coordinate = target_node.fwd_segment_position + (reversed_target ? 0 : 1); const auto target_geometry = facade.GetUncompressedForwardGeometry(target_geometry_id); geometry.osm_node_ids.push_back( facade.GetOSMNodeIDOfNode(target_geometry(target_segment_end_coordinate))); BOOST_ASSERT(geometry.segment_distances.size() == geometry.segment_offsets.size() - 1); BOOST_ASSERT(geometry.locations.size() > geometry.segment_distances.size()); BOOST_ASSERT(geometry.annotations.size() == geometry.locations.size() - 1); return geometry; } } } } #endif