-- Easy way to print data structes -- From https://github.com/jagt/pprint.lua, file is license as pubic domain local pprint = { VERSION = '0.1' } pprint.defaults = { -- type display trigger, hide not useful datatypes by default -- custom types are treated as table show_nil = true, show_boolean = true, show_number = true, show_string = true, show_table = true, show_function = false, show_thread = false, show_userdata = false, -- additional display trigger show_metatable = false, -- show metatable show_all = false, -- override other show settings and show everything use_tostring = false, -- use __tostring to print table if available filter_function = nil, -- called like callback(value[,key, parent]), return truty value to hide object_cache = 'local', -- cache blob and table to give it a id, 'local' cache per print, 'global' cache -- per process, falsy value to disable (might cause infinite loop) -- format settings indent_size = 2, -- indent for each nested table level level_width = 80, -- max width per indent level wrap_string = true, -- wrap string when it's longer than level_width wrap_array = false, -- wrap every array elements sort_keys = true, -- sort table keys } local TYPES = { ['nil'] = 1, ['boolean'] = 2, ['number'] = 3, ['string'] = 4, ['table'] = 5, ['function'] = 6, ['thread'] = 7, ['userdata'] = 8 } -- seems this is the only way to escape these, as lua don't know how to map char '\a' to 'a' local ESCAPE_MAP = { ['\a'] = '\\a', ['\b'] = '\\b', ['\f'] = '\\f', ['\n'] = '\\n', ['\r'] = '\\r', ['\t'] = '\\t', ['\v'] = '\\v', ['\\'] = '\\\\', } -- generic utilities local function escape(s) s = s:gsub('([%c\\])', ESCAPE_MAP) local dq = s:find('"') local sq = s:find("'") if dq and sq then return s:gsub('"', '\\"'), '"' elseif sq then return s, '"' else return s, "'" end end local function is_plain_key(key) return type(key) == 'string' and key:match('^[%a_][%a%d_]*$') end local CACHE_TYPES = { ['table'] = true, ['function'] = true, ['thread'] = true, ['userdata'] = true } -- cache would be populated to be like: -- { -- function = { `fun1` = 1, _cnt = 1 }, -- object id -- table = { `table1` = 1, `table2` = 2, _cnt = 2 }, -- visited_tables = { `table1` = 7, `table2` = 8 }, -- visit count -- } -- use weakrefs to avoid accidentall adding refcount local function cache_apperance(obj, cache, option) if not cache.visited_tables then cache.visited_tables = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'k'}) end local t = type(obj) -- TODO can't test filter_function here as we don't have the ix and key, -- might cause different results? -- respect show_xxx and filter_function to be consistent with print results if (not TYPES[t] and not option.show_table) or (TYPES[t] and not option['show_'..t]) then return end if CACHE_TYPES[t] or TYPES[t] == nil then if not cache[t] then cache[t] = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'k'}) cache[t]._cnt = 0 end if not cache[t][obj] then cache[t]._cnt = cache[t]._cnt + 1 cache[t][obj] = cache[t]._cnt end end if t == 'table' or TYPES[t] == nil then if cache.visited_tables[obj] == false then -- already printed, no need to mark this and its children anymore return elseif cache.visited_tables[obj] == nil then cache.visited_tables[obj] = 1 else -- visited already, increment and continue cache.visited_tables[obj] = cache.visited_tables[obj] + 1 return end for k, v in pairs(obj) do cache_apperance(k, cache, option) cache_apperance(v, cache, option) end local mt = getmetatable(obj) if mt and option.show_metatable then cache_apperance(mt, cache, option) end end end -- makes 'foo2' < 'foo100000'. string.sub makes substring anyway, no need to use index based method local function str_natural_cmp(lhs, rhs) while #lhs > 0 and #rhs > 0 do local lmid, lend = lhs:find('%d+') local rmid, rend = rhs:find('%d+') if not (lmid and rmid) then return lhs < rhs end local lsub = lhs:sub(1, lmid-1) local rsub = rhs:sub(1, rmid-1) if lsub ~= rsub then return lsub < rsub end local lnum = tonumber(lhs:sub(lmid, lend)) local rnum = tonumber(rhs:sub(rmid, rend)) if lnum ~= rnum then return lnum < rnum end lhs = lhs:sub(lend+1) rhs = rhs:sub(rend+1) end return lhs < rhs end local function cmp(lhs, rhs) local tleft = type(lhs) local tright = type(rhs) if tleft == 'number' and tright == 'number' then return lhs < rhs end if tleft == 'string' and tright == 'string' then return str_natural_cmp(lhs, rhs) end if tleft == tright then return str_natural_cmp(tostring(lhs), tostring(rhs)) end -- allow custom types local oleft = TYPES[tleft] or 9 local oright = TYPES[tright] or 9 return oleft < oright end -- setup option with default local function make_option(option) if option == nil then option = {} end for k, v in pairs(pprint.defaults) do if option[k] == nil then option[k] = v end if option.show_all then for t, _ in pairs(TYPES) do option['show_'..t] = true end option.show_metatable = true end end return option end -- override defaults and take effects for all following calls function pprint.setup(option) pprint.defaults = make_option(option) end -- format lua object into a string function pprint.pformat(obj, option, printer) option = make_option(option) local buf = {} local function default_printer(s) table.insert(buf, s) end printer = printer or default_printer local cache if option.object_cache == 'global' then -- steal the cache into a local var so it's not visible from _G or anywhere -- still can't avoid user explicitly referentce pprint._cache but it shouldn't happen anyway cache = pprint._cache or {} pprint._cache = nil elseif option.object_cache == 'local' then cache = {} end local last = '' -- used for look back and remove trailing comma local status = { indent = '', -- current indent len = 0, -- current line length } local wrapped_printer = function(s) printer(last) last = s end local function _indent(d) status.indent = string.rep(' ', d + #(status.indent)) end local function _n(d) wrapped_printer('\n') wrapped_printer(status.indent) if d then _indent(d) end status.len = 0 return true -- used to close bracket correctly end local function _p(s, nowrap) status.len = status.len + #s if not nowrap and status.len > option.level_width then _n() wrapped_printer(s) status.len = #s else wrapped_printer(s) end end local formatter = {} local function format(v) local f = formatter[type(v)] f = f or formatter.table -- allow patched type() if option.filter_function and option.filter_function(v, nil, nil) then return '' else return f(v) end end local function tostring_formatter(v) return tostring(v) end local function number_formatter(n) return n == math.huge and '[[math.huge]]' or tostring(n) end local function nop_formatter(v) return '' end local function make_fixed_formatter(t, has_cache) if has_cache then return function (v) return string.format('[[%s %d]]', t, cache[t][v]) end else return function (v) return '[['..t..']]' end end end local function string_formatter(s, force_long_quote) local s, quote = escape(s) local quote_len = force_long_quote and 4 or 2 if quote_len + #s + status.len > option.level_width then _n() -- only wrap string when is longer than level_width if option.wrap_string and #s + quote_len > option.level_width then -- keep the quotes together _p('[[') while #s + status.len >= option.level_width do local seg = option.level_width - status.len _p(string.sub(s, 1, seg), true) _n() s = string.sub(s, seg+1) end _p(s) -- print the remaining parts return ']]' end end return force_long_quote and '[['..s..']]' or quote..s..quote end local function table_formatter(t) if option.use_tostring then local mt = getmetatable(t) if mt and mt.__tostring then return string_formatter(tostring(t), true) end end local print_header_ix = nil local ttype = type(t) if option.object_cache then local cache_state = cache.visited_tables[t] local tix = cache[ttype][t] -- FIXME should really handle `cache_state == nil` -- as user might add things through filter_function if cache_state == false then -- already printed, just print the the number return string_formatter(string.format('%s %d', ttype, tix), true) elseif cache_state > 1 then -- appeared more than once, print table header with number print_header_ix = tix cache.visited_tables[t] = false else -- appeared exactly once, print like a normal table end end local tlen = #t local wrapped = false _p('{') _indent(option.indent_size) _p(string.rep(' ', option.indent_size - 1)) if print_header_ix then _p(string.format('--[[%s %d]] ', ttype, print_header_ix)) end for ix = 1,tlen do local v = t[ix] if formatter[type(v)] == nop_formatter or (option.filter_function and option.filter_function(v, ix, t)) then -- pass else if option.wrap_array then wrapped = _n() end _p(format(v)..', ') end end -- hashmap part of the table, in contrast to array part local function is_hash_key(k) local numkey = tonumber(k) if numkey ~= k or numkey > tlen then return true end end local function print_kv(k, v, t) -- can't use option.show_x as obj may contain custom type if formatter[type(v)] == nop_formatter or formatter[type(k)] == nop_formatter or (option.filter_function and option.filter_function(v, k, t)) then return end wrapped = _n() if is_plain_key(k) then _p(k, true) else _p('[') -- [[]] type string in key is illegal, needs to add spaces inbetween local k = format(k) if string.match(k, '%[%[') then _p(' '..k..' ', true) else _p(k, true) end _p(']') end _p(' = ', true) _p(format(v), true) _p(',', true) end if option.sort_keys then local keys = {} for k, _ in pairs(t) do if is_hash_key(k) then table.insert(keys, k) end end table.sort(keys, cmp) for _, k in ipairs(keys) do print_kv(k, t[k], t) end else for k, v in pairs(t) do if is_hash_key(k) then print_kv(k, v, t) end end end if option.show_metatable then local mt = getmetatable(t) if mt then print_kv('__metatable', mt, t) end end _indent(-option.indent_size) -- make { } into {} last = string.gsub(last, '^ +$', '') -- peek last to remove trailing comma last = string.gsub(last, ',%s*$', ' ') if wrapped then _n() end _p('}') return '' end -- set formatters formatter['nil'] = option.show_nil and tostring_formatter or nop_formatter formatter['boolean'] = option.show_boolean and tostring_formatter or nop_formatter formatter['number'] = option.show_number and number_formatter or nop_formatter -- need to handle math.huge formatter['function'] = option.show_function and make_fixed_formatter('function', option.object_cache) or nop_formatter formatter['thread'] = option.show_thread and make_fixed_formatter('thread', option.object_cache) or nop_formatter formatter['userdata'] = option.show_userdata and make_fixed_formatter('userdata', option.object_cache) or nop_formatter formatter['string'] = option.show_string and string_formatter or nop_formatter formatter['table'] = option.show_table and table_formatter or nop_formatter if option.object_cache then -- needs to visit the table before start printing cache_apperance(obj, cache, option) end _p(format(obj)) printer(last) -- close the buffered one -- put cache back if global if option.object_cache == 'global' then pprint._cache = cache end return table.concat(buf) end -- pprint all the arguments function pprint.pprint( ... ) local args = {...} -- select will get an accurate count of array len, counting trailing nils local len = select('#', ...) for ix = 1,len do pprint.pformat(args[ix], nil, io.write) io.write('\n') end end setmetatable(pprint, { __call = function (_, ...) pprint.pprint(...) end }) return pprint