:: Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. :: :: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); :: you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. :: You may obtain a copy of the License at :: :: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 :: :: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software :: distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, :: WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. :: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and :: limitations under the License. set buildtype=Release if "%1"=="-b" set buildtype=%2 ..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --cpp --java --csharp --dart --go --binary --lobster --lua --python --js --ts --php --rust --grpc --gen-mutable --reflect-names --gen-object-api --gen-compare --no-includes --cpp-ptr-type flatbuffers::unique_ptr --no-fb-import -I include_test monster_test.fbs monsterdata_test.json || goto FAIL ..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --cpp --java --csharp --dart --go --binary --lobster --lua --python --js --ts --php --rust --gen-mutable --reflect-names --no-fb-import --cpp-ptr-type flatbuffers::unique_ptr -o namespace_test namespace_test/namespace_test1.fbs namespace_test/namespace_test2.fbs || goto FAIL ..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --cpp --java --csharp --js --ts --php --gen-mutable --reflect-names --gen-object-api --gen-compare --cpp-ptr-type flatbuffers::unique_ptr -o union_vector ./union_vector/union_vector.fbs || goto FAIL ..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe -b --schema --bfbs-comments --bfbs-builtins -I include_test monster_test.fbs || goto FAIL ..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe -b --schema --bfbs-comments --bfbs-builtins -I include_test arrays_test.fbs || goto FAIL ..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --jsonschema --schema -I include_test monster_test.fbs || goto FAIL ..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --cpp --java --csharp --python --gen-mutable --reflect-names --gen-object-api --gen-compare --no-includes --scoped-enums --jsonschema --cpp-ptr-type flatbuffers::unique_ptr arrays_test.fbs || goto FAIL ..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --cpp --gen-mutable --gen-object-api --reflect-names --cpp-ptr-type flatbuffers::unique_ptr native_type_test.fbs || goto FAIL IF NOT "%MONSTER_EXTRA%"=="skip" ( @echo Generate MosterExtra ..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --cpp --java --csharp --python --gen-mutable --reflect-names --gen-object-api --gen-compare --no-includes monster_extra.fbs monsterdata_extra.json || goto FAIL ) else ( @echo monster_extra.fbs skipped (the strtod function from MSVC2013 or older doesn't support NaN/Inf arguments) ) cd ../samples ..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --cpp --lobster --gen-mutable --reflect-names --gen-object-api --gen-compare --cpp-ptr-type flatbuffers::unique_ptr monster.fbs || goto FAIL ..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe -b --schema --bfbs-comments --bfbs-builtins monster.fbs || goto FAIL cd ../reflection call generate_code.bat %1 %2 || goto FAIL set EXITCODE=0 goto SUCCESS :FAIL set EXITCODE=1 :SUCCESS cd ../tests EXIT /B %EXITCODE%