// // Created by tehkoza on 2020-02-10. // #ifndef C_OSRM_PARAMETERS_H #define C_OSRM_PARAMETERS_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include enum boolean { FALSE, TRUE }; enum Algorithm { CH, CoreCH, // Deprecated, will be removed in v6.0 MLD }; enum GeometriesType { Polyline, Polyline6, GeoJSON }; enum Gap { Split, ignore }; enum OverviewType { Simplified, Full, False }; enum AnnotationsType { None, Duration, Nodes, Distance, Weight, Datasources, Speed, All }; enum osrm_approaches { UNRESTRICTED = 0, CURB = 1, }; enum osrm_fallback_coordinate { INPUT = 0, SNAPPED = 1 }; enum osrm_annotations { NONE = 0, DURATION = 1, DISTANCE = 2, ALL = 3 }; enum continue_straight { CONTINUE_STRAIGHT_NONE = 0, CONTINUE_STRAIGHT_TRUE = 1, CONTINUE_STRAIGHT_FALSE = 2, }; enum trip_start { START_ANY = 0, FIRST = 1, }; enum trip_end { END_ANY = 0, LAST = 1, }; struct engine_config { char* storage_config; int max_locations_trip; int max_locations_viaroute; int max_locations_distance_table; int max_locations_map_matching; double max_radius_map_matching ; int max_results_nearest; int max_alternatives; // set an arbitrary upper bound; can be adjusted by user enum boolean use_shared_memory; char* memory_file; enum boolean use_mmap; enum Algorithm algorithm; char* verbosity; char* dataset_name; } const engine_config_default = {0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1.0, -1, 3, TRUE, 0, TRUE, CH, 0, 0}; typedef struct engine_config engine_config_t; struct coordinate{ double latitude; double longitude; }const coordinate_default = {0,0}; typedef struct coordinate coordinate_t; struct nearest_waypoint { long long nodes[2]; char* hint; double distance; char* name; double location[2]; } const nearest_waypoint_default = {{0,0}, 0, 0, 0, {0,0}}; typedef struct nearest_waypoint nearest_waypoint_t; struct waypoint { char* hint; double distance; char* name; double location[2]; } const waypoint_default = {0, 0, 0, {0,0}}; typedef struct waypoint waypoint_t; struct match_waypoint { char* hint; double distance; char* name; double location[2]; int matchings_index; int waypoint_index; int alternatives_count; } const match_waypoint_default = {0, 0, 0, {0,0}, 0, 0, 0}; typedef struct match_waypoint match_waypoint_t; struct trip_waypoint { char* hint; double distance; char* name; double location[2]; int trips_index; int waypoint_index; } const trip_waypoint_default = {0, 0, 0, {0,0}, 0, 0}; typedef struct trip_waypoint trip_waypoint_t; struct osrm_lane { char** indications; int number_of_indications; enum boolean valid; } const osrm_lane_default = {0, 0, FALSE}; typedef struct osrm_lane osrm_lane_t; struct osrm_intersections { coordinate_t location; int* bearings; int number_of_bearings; char** classes; int number_of_classes; enum boolean* entry; int number_of_entries; int in; int out; osrm_lane_t* lanes; int number_of_lanes; } const osrm_intersections_default = {coordinate_default, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; typedef struct osrm_intersections osrm_intersections_t; struct osrm_maneuver { int bearing_before; int bearing_after; coordinate_t location; char* type; char* modifer; } const osrm_maneuver_default = {0, 0, coordinate_default, 0, 0}; typedef struct osrm_maneuver osrm_maneuver_t; struct osrm_step { double distance; double duration; char* geometry; double weight; char* name; char* ref; char* pronunciation; //destinations? char* exits; char* mode; osrm_maneuver_t* maneuver; osrm_intersections_t* intersections; int number_of_intersections; char* rotary_name; char* rotary_pronunciation; char* driving_side; } const osrm_step_default = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; typedef struct osrm_step osrm_step_t; struct osrm_metadata { char** datasource_names; int number_of_datasource_names; } const osrm_metadata_default = {0, 0}; typedef struct osrm_metadata osrm_metadata_t; struct osrm_annotation { double* duration; double* distance; double* speed; double* weight; long* nodes; int* datasources; osrm_metadata_t* metadata; int number_of_coordinates; } const osrm_annotation_default = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; typedef struct osrm_annotation osrm_annotation_t; struct osrm_route_legs { osrm_annotation_t* annotation; double duration; char* summary; double weight; double distance; osrm_step_t* steps; int number_of_steps; } const osrm_route_legs_default = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; typedef struct osrm_route_legs osrm_route_legs_t; struct osrm_route { double duration; double distance; char* weight_name; double weight; char* geometry; osrm_route_legs_t* legs; int number_of_legs; } const osrm_route_default = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; typedef struct osrm_route osrm_route_t; struct match_osrm_route { double duration; double distance; char* weight_name; double weight; char* geometry; osrm_route_legs_t* legs; int number_of_legs; float confidence; } const match_osrm_route_default = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; typedef struct match_osrm_route match_osrm_route_t; struct osrm_bearing { short bearing; short range; } const osrm_bearing_default = {0, 0}; typedef struct osrm_bearing osrm_bearing_t; struct general_option { coordinate_t* coordinates; int number_of_coordinates; osrm_bearing_t** bearings; double** radiuses; enum boolean generate_hints; enum boolean skip_waypoints; char** hints; enum osrm_approaches** approaches; char** exclude; int number_of_excludes; } const general_options_default = {0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0}; typedef struct general_option general_options_t; struct nearest_request { general_options_t general_options; int number_of_results; } const nearest_request_default = {general_options_default, 1}; typedef struct nearest_request nearest_request_t; struct table_request { general_options_t general_options; int* sources; int number_of_sources; int* destinations; int number_of_destinations; enum osrm_annotations annotations; double fallback_speed; enum osrm_fallback_coordinate fallback_coordinate; double scale_factor; } const table_request_default = {general_options_default, 0, 0, 0, 0, DURATION, __DBL_MAX__, INPUT, 1}; typedef struct table_request table_request_t; struct route_request { general_options_t general_options; enum boolean steps; enum boolean alternatives; unsigned number_of_alternatives; enum boolean annotations; enum AnnotationsType annotations_type; enum GeometriesType geometries; enum OverviewType overview; enum continue_straight continue_straight; unsigned long long* waypoints; int number_of_waypoints; } const route_request_default = {general_options_default, FALSE, FALSE, 0, FALSE, None, Polyline, Simplified, CONTINUE_STRAIGHT_NONE, 0, 0}; typedef struct route_request route_request_t; struct match_request { general_options_t general_options; enum boolean steps; enum GeometriesType geometries; enum boolean annotations; enum AnnotationsType annotations_type; enum OverviewType overview; int* timestamps; enum Gap gaps; enum boolean tidy; int* waypoits; int number_of_waypoints; }const match_request_default = {general_options_default, FALSE, Polyline, FALSE, None, Simplified, 0, Split, FALSE, 0, 0}; typedef struct match_request match_request_t; struct trip_request { general_options_t general_options; enum boolean roundtrip; enum trip_start source; enum trip_end destination; enum boolean steps; enum boolean annotations; enum AnnotationsType annotations_type; enum GeometriesType geometries; enum OverviewType overview; }const trip_request_default = {general_options_default, FALSE, START_ANY, END_ANY, FALSE, FALSE, None, Polyline, Simplified}; typedef struct trip_request trip_request_t; struct tile_request { int x; int y; int z; }const tile_request_default = {0, 0, 0}; typedef struct tile_request tile_request_t; struct nearest_result { char* code; char* message; nearest_waypoint_t* waypoints; int number_of_waypoints; } const nearest_result_default = {0, 0, 0, 0}; typedef struct nearest_result nearest_result_t; struct table_result { char* code; char* message; double* durations; double* distances; waypoint_t* sources; waypoint_t* destinations; int number_of_sources; int number_of_destinations; } const table_result_default = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; typedef struct table_result table_result_t; struct route_result { char* code; char* message; waypoint_t* waypoints; int number_of_waypoints; osrm_route_t* routes; int number_of_routes; } const route_result_default = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; typedef struct route_result route_result_t; struct match_result { char* code; char* message; match_waypoint_t* tracepoints; int number_of_tracepoints; match_osrm_route_t* matchings; int number_of_matchings; } const match_result_default = {0, 0}; typedef struct match_result match_result_t; struct trip_result { char* code; char* message; trip_waypoint_t* waypoints; int number_of_waypoints; osrm_route_t* trips; int number_of_trips; } const trip_result_default = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; typedef struct trip_result trip_result_t; struct tile_result { char* result; int string_length; } const tile_result_default = {}; typedef struct tile_result tile_result_t; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif //C_OSRM_PARAMETERS_H