# rsbinder-aidl This is an AIDL compiler for **rsbinder**. ## How to use the AIDL Code Generator * Add the build-dependencies to Cargo.toml: ``` [build-dependencies] rsbinder-aidl = "0.1.1" ``` * Create a build.rs file in the root folder of the crate. * Add use std::path::PathBuf; to build.rs. * Add the following content: ``` rsbinder_aidl::Builder::new() .source(PathBuf::from("aidl/....") .source(PathBuf::from("aidl/....") .source(PathBuf::from("aidl/....") .output(PathBuf::from("aidl_name.rs") .generate().unwrap() ``` ## How to create AIDL file Please read Android AIDL documents. https://source.android.com/docs/core/architecture/aidl