use rsciter::{bindings::*, *}; fn main() { if let Err(e) = try_main() { eprintln!("Error: {e}"); } else { println!("Ok!"); } } fn try_main() -> Result { app::init()?; let window = Window::builder() .with_host(Host) .with_file("./the/path/might/not/exist.html") .with_window_delegate(|_w: WindowHandle, _msg, _wp: WPARAM, _lp| { #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] { use windows::Win32::UI::WindowsAndMessaging::WM_KEYDOWN; const VK_SPACE: WPARAM = WPARAM(0x20); if WM_KEYDOWN == _msg && _wp == VK_SPACE { let _ = _w.notify_host(1, 2, 20); } } (false, Default::default()) }) .build_main()?; // we intercept file loading in the custom host, so no scripts to run // show the window manually; let exit_code = app::run()?; app::shutdown()?; Ok(exit_code) } struct Host; impl Host { const HTML: &'static [u8] = b"Press SPACE to post a notification to the host"; } impl HostNotifications for Host { fn on_load_data( &mut self, _data: &LoadData, ) -> (bindings::SC_LOAD_DATA_RETURN_CODES, Option<&[u8]>) { ( bindings::SC_LOAD_DATA_RETURN_CODES::LOAD_OK, Some(Self::HTML), ) } fn on_posted_notification( &mut self, hwnd: HWND, wparam: UINT_PTR, lparam: UINT_PTR, ) -> Option { let _ = hwnd; println!("Notification: {wparam}, {lparam}"); None } }